2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Ty so much guys may have to grab them tomorrow there was another pair from last year I can't remember what they were I feel they looked like the plus dunks but think I'm wrong I need that picture lol
Much respect to the curator and 313171-010 fan


@jcjay Great price man. Nice pickup.
Thanks, just waiting on a day to un-DS these.
I've heard Rif does decent aftermarket prices on SBs. I must check them out.
That's what I do when I go to most consignment shops. I usually head towards the air maxes and dunks section first because that's what I gravitate towards more nowadays. Despite what many may say about most shops being overpriced, you can find decent prices on anything that's not Jordans. Saw a pair of HUFs that I wanted also, but I have to cut back on buying shoes so I had to pass on that.
"Digging in the Garage"
So as some of you know, I'm always finding hidden jems in my garage.
Well, as I'm cleaning out some out bins, lo and behold what do I find?






Man do these bring out the Old Memories!
My daughter's first pair of SB/Nikes/Sneaks/Shoes!
I bought these in 2004, when my daughter was two years old, thinking that I would have her wear them.
Dumb me, I thought that 2y meant two years, not two youth; so she could not even wear these until she was at least in 2nd grade!
I remember ordering these from Nike.com and the excitement to get these in and have her wear them.
Got them in, and wife was so mad that I spent $35 on sneaks she couldn't even wear until she got older.
$35!!!! I can't believe these were only $35, and I regret not picking up two pairs at the time.
Once she was old enough to wear them, I didn't want her to because I knew she was going to probably trash them, kids at that age!
Well of course, she fell in love with them and literally wore them EVERYDAY; running, playing in the sandbox, taking them to the beach, etc...
I would clean them after every wear, well that did not last long, so they got used A LOT, as you can see, until they no longer fit them.
My daughter and wife just saw them and started remembering all the memories she had in them...Good times!
Sorry for the long story.
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"Digging in the Garage"
So as some of you know, I'm always finding hidden jems in my garage.
Well, as I'm cleaning out some old bins, lo and behold what do I find?






Man do these bring out the Old Memories!
My daughter's first pair of SB/Nikes/Sneaks/Shoes!
I bought these in 2004, when my daughter was two years old, thinking that I would have her wear them.
Dumb me, I thought that 2y meant two years, not two youth; so she could not even wear these until she was at least in 2nd grade!
I remember ordering these from Nike.com and the excitement to get these in and have her wear them.
Got them in, and wife was so mad that I spent $35 on sneaks she couldn't even wear until she got older.
$35!!!! I can't believe these were only $35, and I regret not picking up two pairs at the time.
Once she was old enough to wear them, I didn't want her to because I knew she was going to probably trash them, kids at that age!
Well of course, she fell in love with them and literally wore them EVERYDAY; running, playing in the sandbox, taking them to the beach, etc...
I would clean them after every wear, well that did not last long, so they got used A LOT, as you can see, until they no longer fit them.
My daughter and wife just saw them and started remembering all the memories she had in them...Good times!

Sorry for the long story.

These are Doerbecher's by the way.
Memories are more important than shoes

That being said I was delighted to see that my daughter, on her own, decided to wear her AM90's yesterday to camp
Her kicks game is strong (6 years old) but I feel like she wears some of them FOR me
Was nice she wore them for herself

I'm going to hate it when she reaches size 4..... Mainly because sb dunks aren't cheaper in that size
I wanted to get her the BTTFs but $100 for kid shoes? Can't do it
She does keep hers clean though, even asked me to clean up her converse when they got dirty
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