2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Damn...just woke up, surprised that this sh*****t still aint over yet....I'm about to cart jack someone on CCS, look out :lol:
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Damn... Almost a hour , and it won't let me pay.

somehow just added to cart on CCS... and then got cart jacked.

We are currently experiencing high traffic due to the newly released product you've placed in your cart. Because of this, we are only allowing a limited number of customers through checkout at a time. Your place in the checkout line is based upon how many other customers added this product to their cart before you. Your estimated checkout time is below. The time shown below may change based on site traffic and order volume. You will be informed if the product has been sold out. Thank you for your patience, and please be assured we are working to process your order as quickly as possible!

Please remain on this page until your checkout time arrives.
Ive been able to cop some wanted kicks on NDC including Yeezy's, but I havent won a battle since the purple gradient Kobes lol
They have been in my cart since 8:03. I'm pretty sure they are gone now but I keep getting these damn errors 
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