2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

I haven't bought a pair of shoes in a month
Hopefully there are some exciting things on the horizon

I need to stop by the Nike Clearance store to see what's there....
Clean size 10 Tiff Highs - $150 shipped - Reddit u/hazelarc

[FS] DUNK HIGH STEALS! Sz. 9.5-10 (DS Homegrown, DS Gasparilla, VNDS Tiffany)

how to the recent digi florals fit? or janoskis in general? safe to go up half a size?

Janoskis fit true to size, but they're fit is meant to break in to the shape of your foot but if you like a little more toe space go half a size up.
Anyone else notice the flood of the de la highs on ebay? Everyone trying to flip their Marshall's $30 finds [emoji]128517[/emoji]
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