2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

What dose the email look like just curious
LeBron has millions and millions of followers and all it takes is a few thousand Lebron stans to like the Humidity dunks when he posted them to make it that much harder for the normal crowd to get them. Plus the resellers see that as opportunity since someone with LeBrons stature and influence vouching for a pair of sneakers will boost the market for them.
LeBron has millions and millions of followers and all it takes is a few thousand Lebron stans to like the Humidity dunks when he posted them to make it that much harder for the normal crowd to get them. Plus the resellers see that as opportunity since someone with LeBrons stature and influence vouching for a pair of sneakers will boost the market for them.
LBJ has absolutely no connection to the SB world - let it go man... just let it go
it's happened before with Lebron. I do think he's helped a bit, but either way they were going to sell out no matter what imo.
it's happened before with Lebron. I do think he's helped a bit, but either way they were going to sell out no matter what.
This is facts. People been loving these joints since the first teaser photos, for good reason. But I'm just tired of hearing these parrots chirping that celebrities "all of a sudden" wearing SBs are "making prices go up." For the record, Travis Scott has been wearing (SB) dunks for years. Haven't really seen his influence on SB prices yet.
I'm not blaming Lebron for the difficulty that people have had obtaining them this morning, but they're more popular now, than they were before. It's literally that simple.
This is facts. People been loving these joints since the first teaser photos, for good reason. But I'm just tired of hearing these parrots chirping that celebrities "all of a sudden" wearing SBs are "making prices go up." For the record, Travis Scott has been wearing (SB) dunks for years. Haven't really seen his influence on SB prices yet.

actually I'm pretty sure Travis Scott had a significant impact on the price of the WTD lately.. check out negmanetism instagram he's been talking about it a lot lately.
actually I'm pretty sure Travis Scott had a significant impact on the price of the WTD lately.. check out negmanetism instagram he's been talking about it a lot lately.
Netmagnetism is simultaneously a genius and a crock. He's got fools paying him for "his methods" on how to cop stuff cheap, and it's essentially just telling you how to use proxies for YJP. I've read some of his blog posts and he chirps out the same BS as the rest of the internet, but he's great at getting his money doing something as easy as selling sneakers so more power to him. He kind of sounds like one of those "be your own boss and make millions" kinds of people.
What the's have been wild expensive for a couple of years now, I've seen clean, worn pairs selling for over $1000 routinely. 6-7 years ago that was not the case. But for a shoe as rare as what the's, coupled with how difficult they are to find in larger sizes and/or brand new, it's pretty fitting that they're selling for as high as they are at the moment.
Those jus don Lakers shorts LeBron wore sold out immediately and resell went through the roof. And they retail for $550 :lol:
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