3 girls found in Cleveland after 10 year investigation


people da daughter...SPITTING image of da rapist.
damn man  
How does this dude even get a bond that just a disgrace i mean i doubt he got the 8mill but still 
I think some of you dudes need to stop watching TV so much.  As a person who worked inside of a prison for almost 4 years, not ONCE did a rapist/child molester get it from another inmate.  And I worked very closely with a dorm that held a lot of those types of guys.  

Does it happen?  Yep.  Do inmates talk a lot of **** like they're gonna do something to a rapist?  Yep.  Does it happen often?  No.  Most of the assaults are either gang or race related, or scorned lovers (yes, the man-on-man **** is VERY real).  

Trust me---I've lived it and seen it first hand.  Those dudes walk around prison pretty freely and without much fear of retaliation.  Remember that most inmates in a prison are going home.  Most of them aren't going to risk a longer bid or new charge just to assault or murk some stranger because he's a rapist/kidnapper/molester.  Hell, half the time inmates have no clue what the inmate next to them is in for (although obviously Castro's situation will be different due to the public nature of his case).  But that's also why every prison has a Protective Custody unit.

And to dude that said inmates run most prisons, uhh.......no they don't.  :lol:   Please turn off the TV.  
It's not always shown on tv though... I respect you worked in that profession but jefferey darhmer was a prime example of a dude getting murked within a week of him being in prison... Maybe not all prisons or detention centers but I am pretty sure say for instance if he went into a California institution( hypothetically) really don't think he would make it and also this being so highly televised and sickening you can't be for certain that a lifer wouldn't say uck it, I have nothing to lose...
I think some of you dudes need to stop watching TV so much.  As a person who worked inside of a prison for almost 4 years, not ONCE did a rapist/child molester get it from another inmate.  And I worked very closely with a dorm that held a lot of those types of guys.  

Does it happen?  Yep.  Do inmates talk a lot of **** like they're gonna do something to a rapist?  Yep.  Does it happen often?  No.  Most of the assaults are either gang or race related, or scorned lovers (yes, the man-on-man **** is VERY real).  

Trust me---I've lived it and seen it first hand.  Those dudes walk around prison pretty freely and without much fear of retaliation.  Remember that most inmates in a prison are going home.  Most of them aren't going to risk a longer bid or new charge just to assault or murk some stranger because he's a rapist/kidnapper/molester.  Hell, half the time inmates have no clue what the inmate next to them is in for (although obviously Castro's situation will be different due to the public nature of his case).  But that's also why every prison has a Protective Custody unit.

And to dude that said inmates run most prisons, uhh.......no they don't.  
  Please turn off the TV.  
It's not always shown on tv though... I respect you worked in that profession but jefferey darhmer was a prime example of a dude getting murked within a week of him being in prison... Maybe not all prisons or detention centers but I am pretty sure say for instance if he went into a California institution( hypothetically) really don't think he would make it and also this being so highly televised and sickening you can't be for certain that a lifer wouldn't say uck it, I have nothing to lose...
But Dahmer is 1 out of how many high profile cases over the years?  The percentages just don't add up for anyone to automatically say that Castro will get handled in prison.  The numbers don't lie.  That's all I'm saying.  

I wouldn't be mad if it did happen.  But the odds say that it won't.  

And btw, Dahmer wasn't killed within 1 week of being in prison.  Not sure where you got that from.  
Side note I believe Dahmer's prison murder didn't happen that first week, it was like a couple years into his sentence but I could be wrong and I know he got jumped multiple times before they finally killed him.

More details on Cleveland:

According to an initial incident report obtained by CNN, (Michelle) Knight said she became pregnant at least five times during her captivity in Castro's 1,400-square-foot home.

In conversations with police immediately after she was freed, she said that when Castro learned she was pregnant, he would "make her abort the baby," according to the document.

Knight "stated that he starved her for at least 2 weeks, then he repeatedly punched her in the stomach until she miscarried," the initial police report states.

But Castro ordered Knight to deliver Amanda Berry's child when she became pregnant, according to a police source familiar with the investigation.

The baby was delivered in a plastic tub or pool in order to contain the afterbirth and amniotic fluid, the source said.

But soon after Berry's baby was born, panic ensued. The child stopped breathing, and everyone started screaming, the source said, citing accounts by the young women.

Knight said Castro threatened to kill her if the baby did not survive, the initial police report states.

The report then tells of the next few harrowing minutes as Knight fought for her own life and for the life of Berry's child, Jocelyn.

Knight, the report said, put her mouth to the Jocelyn's mouth and "breathed for her" to keep them both alive.

"What's most incredible here is that this girl who knows nothing about childbirth was able to deliver a baby that is now a healthy 6-year-old," the source said.

Berry, Knight and DeJesus went outside Castro's home only twice -- and just "briefly" at that, Cleveland Public Safety Director Martin Flask said.

According to the initial incident report, the women said that Castro first chained them in the basement, but later freed them from the chains and allowed them to live upstairs on the second floor.

Most of the time the three would be in different rooms, though they interacted occasionally and came to "rely on each other for survival," said a law enforcement source with direct knowledge of the investigation.

One thing they could count on was that their alleged captor would never let them out.

Castro would often test the young women by pretending to leave, the law enforcement source said. Then he'd suddenly return; if there were indications any of the women had moved, they'd be disciplined.

Years went by.

In that time, the women saw their parents on television at vigils held for them, according to the law enforcement source. They got emotional, knowing their loved ones were looking for them.

And in time, Knight and DeJesus "succumbed" to "their reality," the law enforcement source said.

But "something must have clicked" for Berry on Monday evening, and the 27-year-old staged a daring escape, Cleveland Deputy Police Chief Ed Tomba said.

Amanda told the law enforcement source that a big inside door was left unlocked when Castro left (for McDonald's) but the storm door remained latched. Amanda tried to get it open but told the source she was afraid to break it open because she thought Castro was trying to "test her."

Amanda then saw neighbors on a porch and began frantically screaming until Charles Ramsey and another man came to her rescue. They helped her break out of the house and call 911.

Knight and DeJesus didn't run out of the house with Berry, even though they could have, said the law enforcement source with direct knowledge of the case. The source described the Knight and DeJesus as brainwashed and fearful.

Once police arrived, the officers checked the basement and then walked to the second floor.

"As we neared the top of the steps, Officer Espada hollered out, 'Cleveland Police,' at which time ... Knight ran and threw herself into (Officer) Espada's arms," the officer writing the report noted. "We then asked if there was anyone else upstairs with her, when (DeJesus) came out of the bedroom. "

Espada then put Knight down and DeJesus jumped into the officer's arms.

CLEVELAND — Law enforcement sources say they are investigating allegations that three missing women found alive Monday in a Seymour Avenue home may have been pregnant multiple times. It is unclear if more than one child had been born.

The sources also say that the victims, Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight, all appear to be malnourished, and that Knight may have suffered hearing loss. She has reportedly told police she was hit in the head. She may also have structural damage to her face.

A source further noted that Knight told police that there was another woman in the home when she got there, but one day she woke up and the woman was gone. There is writing on the wall in the basement which includes the name of a female and says, “Rest In Peace,” but police do not know if that is related to the case at this time.

Law enforcement personnel have been sifting through Castro's Seymour Avenue home -- which Tomba said was in "disarray" -- and removed more than 200 items that they hope will let them piece together what happened.

Additionally, FBI agents searched a boarded-up home two doors down after obtaining information over the past few days tying that building to the case, the deputy police chief said.

Ohio abductions: 'Ariel Castro locked my sister in a box and beat her'
The Telegraph

Ariel Castro locked his wife in a wooden box, repeatedly imprisoned her in their home and viciously beat her as part of a two-decade campaign of violence and death threats, her family has alleged.

Relations of Grimilda Figueroa said Castro, who is accused of holding three women captive in his house in Ohio, made visitors wait 40 minutes before answering his door, and confined them to a single room while a radio played at high volume.

"He is a man with two faces," Elida Caraballo, his former sister-in-law, told The Daily Telegraph in an interview at her home in Cleveland. "Were we shocked by the news? The way Ariel was? No."

Mrs Caraballo and her husband described the basement of Castro's house as an old-fashioned "dungeon" with a heavy trapdoor and thick brickwork that might have muffled noises from within.

They also disclosed that Castro's daughter Angie had dinner at his house hours before his three captives emerged, and was disturbed to learn that she had been just a few yards away from them.

"She thought he was the perfect dad," said Mrs Caraballo, who telephoned Angie at work to inform her that her father had been arrested. "The next thing, she's saying to me, 'Wow, what a monster'."

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But Dahmer is 1 out of how many high profile cases over the years?  The percentages just don't add up for anyone to automatically say that Castro will get handled in prison.  The numbers don't lie.  That's all I'm saying.  

I wouldn't be mad if it did happen.  But the odds say that it won't.  

And btw, Dahmer wasn't killed within 1 week of being in prison.  Not sure where you got that from.  
Yeah I misquoted the " within a week" but to not think he would not get handled even if its in the low percentile and this day and age is different especially with today's social media
Plus besides Trayvon Martin or the Jodi Arias case, I can't really remember a trial that has garnerd attention like this in a while( Oklahoma bombings and Boston bombings)
For someone not to get killed off in the pen
But i do agree most stuff is race related/mate related, (have a uncle that has been in and out of the system for two decades straight and the stories this dude tells)
All of this is to say I just don't see him making it if convicted, just like I don't see George Zimmerman making it but only time will tell
But I do respect your knowledge being you worked in the system, no shots fired
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I wonder if Ariel left something unlocked when he left the house after he got his mail from Charles and that is how Amanda got out.... From everything that I have read it seems he kept everything locked up consistently. But, this must have been one time he got "sloppy" and the young girl got out the house. Glad all are safe.....
I agree with you Trife, but he point is that it does happen, I don't think anyone said it was a daily occurrence or anything like that, just pointing out the way these guys think. But yeah, a lot of it is mostly just "talk"

-Usually the logistics alone (being separated from the general population) means that even if someone was going to get to one of these guys the chances to do so are few and far between.

Like you, I say this from first hand experience.
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Thanks for posting those articles, Ry.

This stood out to me:

According to the initial incident report, the women said that Castro first chained them in the basement, but later freed them from the chains and allowed them to live upstairs on the second floor.

I'm curious as to what Castro had on the windows on the 2nd floor of the house? Were there bars? What was stopping Berry from trying to jump out of the window? THe latter is an answer we'll probably never get, but it's so hard trying to put all the pieces together.
from what was said so far, he was raising her like a father, charles even said "da lil girl was crying i want my daddy i want

my daddy"

OT: he probably won't get touch by other prisons cause he could be locked in Solitary Confinement 
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Not surprised someone dug up dirt on this guy. He made mistakes, nobody is perfect, we all have a past, but what this guy did to help those girls who were held captive for 10 years to me overshadows that. Its not about him being the person who he was then, its about the person he is now. 

He did a good deed. He did the right thing. 

same **** I was saying in my post, I don't understand why this is significant especially after what he did. This how they do, thats why society is the way it is. You save someone, they laud you then they tear you down and bring back to reality. The man said he was no hero and did not want that title. :smh: at this world, and the scum who occupy it.
I agree with you Trife, but he point is that it does happen, I don't think anyone said it was a daily occurrence or anything like that, just pointing out the way these guys think. But yeah, a lot of it is mostly just "talk"

-Usually the logistics alone (being separated from the general population) means that even if someone was going to get to one of these guys the chances to do so are few and far between.

Like you, I say this from first hand experience.
No doubt.  I feel you, sir.  It most definitely does happen, that's for sure.  I'm not a big advocate of dudes getting murked regardless of their crime, but there are those few inmates that you really wouldn't feel bad for if it did happen.  In reading some of the new info coming out about this case, Ariel Castro falls into that category.  Sheesh......what a sick bastard.  
A source further noted that Knight told police that there was another woman in the home when she got there, but one day she woke up and the woman was gone. There is writing on the wall in the basement which includes the name of a female and says, “Rest In Peace,” but police do not know if that is related to the case at this time.
Wow.  I'm very interested to see if something comes of this.  If dude had 3 girls, why not 4?  Maybe one of them was a replacement.  Crazy.  

people da daughter...SPITTING image of da rapist.

How is she going to explain to the daughter what happened? Crazy B.

No disrespect but how is Amanda able to love that child considering how she was conceived? I think it's amazing that she loves her, maybe it has something to do with the circumstances of being alone and held captive with no family to turn to, someone who loves you.
No disrespect but how is Amanda able to love that child considering how she was conceived? I think it's amazing that she loves her, maybe it has something to do with the circumstances of being alone and held captive with no family to turn to, someone who loves you.

the child is innocent in all of this.
why wouldn't she love her like a mother should?
I feel awful for the kid...she's gonna need countless hours of therapy. I'll NEVER question Berry's love for her daughter, but it's one of the worst situations to be born in to. :smh:

Actually, I think it's a miracle that she was deemed "healthy" after all she has endured over those 6 years. No vaccinations, immunizations, etc...jeez :smh:
No disrespect but how is Amanda able to love that child considering how she was conceived? I think it's amazing that she loves her, maybe it has something to do with the circumstances of being alone and held captive with no family to turn to, someone who loves you.
i always thought this with children that were the product of rape. like when the kid gets older and finds out the truth how will they feel and how would the mom feel if she had a son and her boy is the spitting image of the rapist.
Just started on the cnn article...this pos man.


How could you live with yourself for 10 years after subjecting someone to that type of abuse? 

Knight pregnant at least 5 times during her captivity...
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the child is innocent in all of this.
why wouldn't she love her like a mother should?

I know she is innocent, and I'm not saying she should harm the child I'm just curious how she is still able to be a mother to a child, and love her when she was the product of rape, kidnapping, and torture. Yes motherly instincts are present and kick in because that is natural, but being forced to care for the child because of circumstances is entirely different.

I don't think the question is illogical.
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CLEVELAND — Law enforcement sources say they are investigating allegations that three missing women found alive Monday in a Seymour Avenue home may have been pregnant multiple times. It is unclear if more than one child had been born.

The sources also say that the victims, Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight, all appear to be malnourished, and that Knight may have suffered hearing loss. She has reportedly told police she was hit in the head. She may also have structural damage to her face.

A source further noted that Knight told police that there was another woman in the home when she got there, but one day she woke up and the woman was gone. There is writing on the wall in the basement which includes the name of a female and says, “Rest In Peace,” but police do not know if that is related to the case at this time.

-wow.. Someone earlier in the thread, said dude may be responsible for another body as well.. this might've been it..
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