

Weak. Tell your sister to quit being a baby. She probably cried too..

You're mom is livid over a pen? Comedy. My mom would have said "good. Next time hopefully it's a book, then maybe you would learn to listen"..

In highscool we had a teacher that threw erasers and kept a water gun on deck...

Never forget 7th grade math..kids wouldn't be quite and the teacher SCREAMED "shut up!!" and slammed her hand down on the overhead projecter, smashing the glass top. Everyone immediately went silent lol..
If your sister was physically injured then I can see being upset. But if the teacher jokingly tossed a pen in her general direction, I wouldn't be that upset.

I've had teachers throw dry ease markers at students all the time, it was hilarious.
in JHS (8th grade), our spanish teacher threw the spanish text book across the room to one of the students for talking during class. The book missed him, but he started to cry anyway.
The teacher never got in trouble for it. It turns out he was later fired for being a Pedo.
Wrong on both accounts. She shouldn't have been talking after being told to be quiet. Teacher should definitely not have thrown the eraser. This is a no call.
a 18 year old crying about a pen being thrown?

if it was a 5 year old then id understand but your pretty much an adult. unless it poked her in the eye, then this isnt a big deal at all.
My 11th grade history teacher had a wooden bat he'd slam peoples desk with plus he threw tennis balls at sleeping kids heads on the regular.

It was hilarious.
Originally Posted by ElCatfisho

11th grade and still doesn't get the idea to keep her mouth shut when told.

there are plenty of kids in HS who talk all class long
even some in college, pretty annoying
sounds like your sister needs to shut the hell up and listen in class.

and your mom needs to handle her daughter.
Originally Posted by Cole World

11th grade...............................



OP your sister sounds real mature for her age bro. The hell is your mom meeting with the principle for? She needs to have a meeting/+$! whooping with lil sis and explain she needs to keep her mouth shut when the teacher is running the class. This isn't lil sis story hour, she is there for an education.
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