3rd Annual SB Secret Santa/Exchange/GIF 2016 Thread (SOON TO BE 4TH ANNUAL)

Cool if I get in this year?

Sorry for the lack of activity (even by my standards). Grad school is hard
I'll be on the east coast til thanksgiving with one trip back to cali for a few days (stupid work) so I'll try and grab something out that way of time doesn't permit me to come home
it's November, about that time right?!?

If you aren't sending a shoe out of your collection there's a ton of this year's releases that can be found for low prices. I'm still deciding myself....
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Found a deal I couldn't pass up. Hopefully my person doesn't have them, but if they do, I got your double-up coming.
Alright guys. Here's the deal: I was waiting to get more entries because of a low turnout. I don't want to wait too long because you guys need time to stalk your prey and pick out a gift. However, unfortunately, because of the low number of participants (23), there are poor matchups with smaller sizes (or no matchups at all for a few) which brings us down to 21. I'll contact the unlucky couple who will not be able to participate since there is literally no one else signed up in their size to match them with. The good news for you 12-13 gang is that most of the SS consists of you guys. Something like 14 out of 21 participants are in that size range. TWO THIRDS! Anyways, I'll announce matchups later with individual PM's like last year. If ANYONE is missing or if you guys know of someone who'd like to join, please urge them to PM me ASAP with the answers to the 5 questions. I want to get this going NAO.
Alright guys. Here's the deal: I was waiting to get more entries because of a low turnout. I don't want to wait too long because you guys need time to stalk your prey and pick out a gift. However, unfortunately, because of the low number of participants (23), there are poor matchups with smaller sizes (or no matchups at all for a few) which brings us down to 21. I'll contact the unlucky couple who will not be able to participate since there is literally no one else signed up in their size to match them with. The good news for you 12-13 gang is that most of the SS consists of you guys. Something like 14 out of 21 participants are in that size range. TWO THIRDS! Anyways, I'll announce matchups later with individual PM's like last year. If ANYONE is missing or if you guys know of someone who'd like to join, please urge them to PM me ASAP with the answers to the 5 questions. I want to get this going NAO.

Thanks again for doing this Dan!
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