a girl who can cook/clean or one whose affectionate?

I don't care how good the food is, how you gonna live with a cold chick? That's crazy to me, affection all day.
i have an affectionate girl and she doesnt know how to clean but she can semi cook..i take that back she can semi clean too but not to my likings i have to go behind her...

lets just say i would be happier if i came home to a clean house and didnt have to pickup or clean **** and came home to a home cooked meal everyday instead of takeout and fastfood majority of the time..but i would be a mad black man if i couldnt get a nut when i wanted one or two....soo...

affectionate wins this battle
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And to dudes saying "I wanna come home to a clean house" What if y'all both getting off work bro? :lol: Y'all requiring stay at home moms? :lol:
And to dudes saying "I wanna come home to a clean house" What if y'all both getting off work bro? :lol: Y'all requiring stay at home moms? :lol:

Not saying I want a mom but I grew up with a single parent, she worked, cleaned the house and had food ready. It wouldn't be fair the girl but its what I saw growing up.
I'll take the one I can teach affection. I want it givin how I want it givin to me when and where I want her to give it to me. Hell yea. No arguments would ever happen. And she can cook n clean that's just a perk.
I'll take the one I can teach affection. I want it givin how I want it givin to me when and where I want her to give it to me. Hell yea. No arguments would ever happen. And she can cook n clean that's just a perk.

How old are you Bruh? :lol: .
You think you can teach affection?
If you gonna gimmie a good woman and she's missing affection, well...then Damnt Imma teach her!!
I'm trying to figure how yall are gonna teach a grown woman affection. Way harder than teaching them to cook
Noooobody said nuthin bout being hard or not. I like to take road less journeyed. I imagine she would just be like some mail order bride ****. I'll take like ill an al skratch said.
I ain't never been with a chic that had no affection. Even a hood rat or thot. If she feeling you then its a females nature to be affectionate unless she been thru some hard times. In that case, I can understand. But a trifling chic I can't understand. Unless they are grinding with school or work so hard that they don't have time to clean and cook and mostly just go home to sleep. If you a normal chic you better know how to prepare some food and clean up.

I dealt with this before with a chic, she irritated the hell out of me she didn't know how to do nothing. Though she was very affectionate, it did not substitute for keeping the crib clean. Not even talking about cleaning up after me but herself
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I need me a clean one with skills in the kitchen. She gotta be absolutly soulless to not be affectionate...
need to come home to hugs and kisses to make the booboos of the day go away so.....


need that affection b.
I don't know fellas, cooking and cleaning to me are very important. Call me old fashioned but if your significant other doesn't cook or clean, you don't have a wife/gf you have a legal partner. Then again you can't teach affection to a bitter girl so I'm gonna have to go with affection. :lol:
Noooobody said nuthin bout being hard or not. I like to take road less journeyed. I imagine she would just be like some mail order bride ****. I'll take like ill an al skratch said.

You're so far off base, there's no saying that mail order won't be affectionate, just may take some time for her to get used to you. We're talking about the ones who's affection is gone the moment the honeymoon period is over, ie daddy issues. They have no reference of a healthy relationship. It's doable, but difficult and she has to be a certain level of maturity and acceptance which honestly based on the way you type and look in your Avy ain't the types you're pulling. Good luck on that, it's almost easier to just walk away,
women can use affection to manipulate situations in their advantage like getting their man to cook and clean...
You're so far off base, there's no saying that mail order won't be affectionate, just may take some time for her to get used to you. We're talking about the ones who's affection is gone the moment the honeymoon period is over, ie daddy issues. They have no reference of a healthy relationship. It's doable, but difficult and she has to be a certain level of maturity and acceptance which honestly based on the way you type and look in your Avy ain't the types you're pulling. Good luck on that, it's almost easier to just walk away,
All I'm sayin is yes it's doable, and it's the choice I would make. Don't get lost looking at my avy n judging my typing b. I can assure you those things don't correlate to my choice in woman in anyway.
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