A healthy discussion about Pornography and Masculinity. vol. "GUYLAND" by M. Kimmel

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Pornography does not affirm or reaffirm my masculinity in any way. That sounds like it's grooming a future rapist. It's strictly for pleasure and the aforementioned. Also, this idea of yours fails/does not apply when it comes to men who watch lesbian porn, POV porn (i.e. glory hole), or just a girl getting off on webcam by herself, etc.

Yeah...when I read that part I thought dude was wilding out...Like is OP trying to tell us something? 
I don't know where all the mentioning of other types of porn came from but from that aspect I'd watch for the amazement and then never watch again. There's porn where a girl is just farting on cakes or getting golden showers. I don't see how fisting or bukkae scenes are violent. However, they do objectify women and that could lead to dudes who frequently view them treating women like shhh.

The only porn I'd think that tries to encourage or normalize violence is the one's where the chick is getting choked out at climax in them, snuff films, the ones where the guy beats up the girl before smashing, and the racist ones. Plus I guess bestiality.

But deranged porn where the ppl are pretending to be related or actual incest porn, or the one's where dudes are letting off in the chick's pupil doesn't come off as violent to me. Just mad nasty.
Originally Posted by SgtPeppers12

my roomate has 300gb of porn
Everybody has a passion
I got that much in music.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Pornography does not affirm or reaffirm my masculinity in any way. That sounds like it's grooming a future rapist. It's strictly for pleasure and the aforementioned. Also, this idea of yours fails/does not apply when it comes to men who watch lesbian porn, POV porn (i.e. glory hole), or just a girl getting off on webcam by herself, etc.

Yeah...when I read that part I thought dude was wilding out...Like is OP trying to tell us something? 
I don't know where all the mentioning of other types of porn came from but from that aspect I'd watch for the amazement and then never watch again. There's porn where a girl is just farting on cakes or getting golden showers. I don't see how fisting or bukkae scenes are violent. However, they do objectify women and that could lead to dudes who frequently view them treating women like shhh.

The only porn I'd think that tries to encourage or normalize violence is the one's where the chick is getting choked out at climax in them, snuff films, the ones where the guy beats up the girl before smashing, and the racist ones. Plus I guess bestiality.

But deranged porn where the ppl are pretending to be related or actual incest porn, or the one's where dudes are letting off in the chick's pupil doesn't come off as violent to me. Just mad nasty.
Originally Posted by SgtPeppers12

my roomate has 300gb of porn
Everybody has a passion
I got that much in music.
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

In other words, most men watch porn because they implicitly connect and find arousing, the image of a man being masculine--being "powerful" and/or "in-charge". If you are willing to accept or even entertain this assumption/conclusion, then the next step is to admit the presence of a certain level of homosexual gratification (being thrilled at watching a man be powerful...to the point where you live vicariously through said man). Let's make no mistake about it, porn is largely a "guy" thing and it overtly and covertly normalizes some level of violence and/or antagonism against women.
Uh... i'll admit that I see a penis as more or less as just something thats there and is needed to have sex with the chick cause i'm mature enough to know what happens. BUT...don't get this twisted... I HAVE NOT been turned on by that %+%@.
I'm not gay. like AT ALL. Furthermore porn has ALWAYS been about the girls to me. Even before I had really started chasing chicks like that and I used to watch a few flicks I never had even considered anything homosexual. I don't think I could think about anything gay unless someone told me to visualize it. 

I see where you're coming from but I think its kinda false. Dudes being "masculine" haven't really influenced my additional viewing of porn. I think thats a pretty wild assumption. Plus even with the anonymity of the internet, you'd think I'd have something to hide with a position like this but not at all. 

Porn really does not conjure homosexual thoughts in my mind. Its always about the chick for me. If thats how it connected to you, by all means go ahead and see it that way, just know that I disagree with you. 

BTW, i should note that I fully support any gay agenda. I think they are just as much of citizens as we all are...however, I just couldn't ever bring myself to consider doing a gay act. 

It's a confusing point that I am trying to sort out.

It's not that you're gay, it more or less has to do with the idea that porn is a purely masculine venue. It's made for men, and consumed by men because porn reaffirms ones masculinity.

A Guyland, and all across patriarchal society, a part of ones masculinity is tied to how many women "you can put down," and/or how many inferior males you can subjugate. The latter point brings to mind the whole "alpha" male "beta" male dynamic. But that is a conversation for another day. The former point emphasizes the idea that one way an individual's masculinity is assessed and measured is via how many women he can dominate. And in GUYLAND, the domination of women is the ideal. It's what you're supposed to do.

But GUYLAND and reality are not remotely close entities. In reality, consensual sex is a mutual act. You have to take into consideration the emotional state and feelings of the woman in involved. And even when you do that, there is still the possibility that YOU DON'T RECIEVE sex. This is a blow to ones masculinity, this is a severe blow in a man raised in culture that has led men to believe that they are entitled to sex.

This is where porn comes in. In porn, there is no denial or refusal. The woman is there to please YOU and only YOU. She is not there to challenge or strike down at your masculinity, She is there to comply. Instant gratification. She is there to re-affirm your masculinity, your power, your domination.

And she does that. But the thing is, IT IS NOT ABOUT HER and NEVER WAS ABOUT HER. It was all bout you ad a man and the catering to your masculinity. In this sense, the sexual act is deviod of feminine presence. As I am sure you've heard before, porn objectifies women, she is not there as a person. It's strictly You living vicariously through that male performer. That's where the homosexual element comes in. The sexual arousal is partly due to seeing a man "give that ___ what's coming to her". It's about watching a man, YOU, live up to masculinity of GUYLAND.

Like I said, my conclusions are harldly set in stone. It's just stuff that I am musing over. Still, much of GUYLAND is homosocial and women are only let into the clubhouse to throw away suspicion of homosexual tensions.

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

In other words, most men watch porn because they implicitly connect and find arousing, the image of a man being masculine--being "powerful" and/or "in-charge". If you are willing to accept or even entertain this assumption/conclusion, then the next step is to admit the presence of a certain level of homosexual gratification (being thrilled at watching a man be powerful...to the point where you live vicariously through said man). Let's make no mistake about it, porn is largely a "guy" thing and it overtly and covertly normalizes some level of violence and/or antagonism against women.
Uh... i'll admit that I see a penis as more or less as just something thats there and is needed to have sex with the chick cause i'm mature enough to know what happens. BUT...don't get this twisted... I HAVE NOT been turned on by that %+%@.
I'm not gay. like AT ALL. Furthermore porn has ALWAYS been about the girls to me. Even before I had really started chasing chicks like that and I used to watch a few flicks I never had even considered anything homosexual. I don't think I could think about anything gay unless someone told me to visualize it. 

I see where you're coming from but I think its kinda false. Dudes being "masculine" haven't really influenced my additional viewing of porn. I think thats a pretty wild assumption. Plus even with the anonymity of the internet, you'd think I'd have something to hide with a position like this but not at all. 

Porn really does not conjure homosexual thoughts in my mind. Its always about the chick for me. If thats how it connected to you, by all means go ahead and see it that way, just know that I disagree with you. 

BTW, i should note that I fully support any gay agenda. I think they are just as much of citizens as we all are...however, I just couldn't ever bring myself to consider doing a gay act. 

It's a confusing point that I am trying to sort out.

It's not that you're gay, it more or less has to do with the idea that porn is a purely masculine venue. It's made for men, and consumed by men because porn reaffirms ones masculinity.

A Guyland, and all across patriarchal society, a part of ones masculinity is tied to how many women "you can put down," and/or how many inferior males you can subjugate. The latter point brings to mind the whole "alpha" male "beta" male dynamic. But that is a conversation for another day. The former point emphasizes the idea that one way an individual's masculinity is assessed and measured is via how many women he can dominate. And in GUYLAND, the domination of women is the ideal. It's what you're supposed to do.

But GUYLAND and reality are not remotely close entities. In reality, consensual sex is a mutual act. You have to take into consideration the emotional state and feelings of the woman in involved. And even when you do that, there is still the possibility that YOU DON'T RECIEVE sex. This is a blow to ones masculinity, this is a severe blow in a man raised in culture that has led men to believe that they are entitled to sex.

This is where porn comes in. In porn, there is no denial or refusal. The woman is there to please YOU and only YOU. She is not there to challenge or strike down at your masculinity, She is there to comply. Instant gratification. She is there to re-affirm your masculinity, your power, your domination.

And she does that. But the thing is, IT IS NOT ABOUT HER and NEVER WAS ABOUT HER. It was all bout you ad a man and the catering to your masculinity. In this sense, the sexual act is deviod of feminine presence. As I am sure you've heard before, porn objectifies women, she is not there as a person. It's strictly You living vicariously through that male performer. That's where the homosexual element comes in. The sexual arousal is partly due to seeing a man "give that ___ what's coming to her". It's about watching a man, YOU, live up to masculinity of GUYLAND.

Like I said, my conclusions are harldly set in stone. It's just stuff that I am musing over. Still, much of GUYLAND is homosocial and women are only let into the clubhouse to throw away suspicion of homosexual tensions.

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Pornography does not affirm or reaffirm my masculinity in any way. That sounds like it's grooming a future rapist. It's strictly for pleasure and the aforementioned. Also, this idea of yours fails/does not apply when it comes to men who watch lesbian porn, POV porn (i.e. glory hole), or just a girl getting off on webcam by herself, etc.
Yeah...when I read that part I thought dude was wilding out...Like is OP trying to tell us something? 
When I read the homosexual gratification part I had to pause like
Nah, I can't relate or acknowledge that. I be opening up folders just to block a dude out the scene some times. Maybe if a person is a lame, weak willed/weak physically, insecure about their penis size it'd make sense that they live vicariously through a male porn star but accounting for myself I'm not the guy getting mad hype watching a Justin Slayer flick.

I wasn't one of those guys that routinely watched porn with my male friends.
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Pornography does not affirm or reaffirm my masculinity in any way. That sounds like it's grooming a future rapist. It's strictly for pleasure and the aforementioned. Also, this idea of yours fails/does not apply when it comes to men who watch lesbian porn, POV porn (i.e. glory hole), or just a girl getting off on webcam by herself, etc.
Yeah...when I read that part I thought dude was wilding out...Like is OP trying to tell us something? 
When I read the homosexual gratification part I had to pause like
Nah, I can't relate or acknowledge that. I be opening up folders just to block a dude out the scene some times. Maybe if a person is a lame, weak willed/weak physically, insecure about their penis size it'd make sense that they live vicariously through a male porn star but accounting for myself I'm not the guy getting mad hype watching a Justin Slayer flick.

I wasn't one of those guys that routinely watched porn with my male friends.
1. Its our own fantasy when we see a girl that usually wouldn't do those things.
2. If you are with a chick and you watch Porno on the regular...this relationship will be over within 2 or 3 years
3. If I broad wanna do all that filthy $!## that's on Her. If I chick i'm dating shows those %%!% ambitions guranteed your in for some bs.
As far as the ohh my girl dont do that filthy $!## or when my girl ain't around I look at porn fellas your just fooling yourselves. And that's game for you $$$$ %*%$*%
1. Its our own fantasy when we see a girl that usually wouldn't do those things.
2. If you are with a chick and you watch Porno on the regular...this relationship will be over within 2 or 3 years
3. If I broad wanna do all that filthy $!## that's on Her. If I chick i'm dating shows those %%!% ambitions guranteed your in for some bs.
As far as the ohh my girl dont do that filthy $!## or when my girl ain't around I look at porn fellas your just fooling yourselves. And that's game for you $$$$ %*%$*%
Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

In other words, most men watch porn because they implicitly connect and find arousing, the image of a man being masculine--being "powerful" and/or "in-charge". If you are willing to accept or even entertain this assumption/conclusion, then the next step is to admit the presence of a certain level of homosexual gratification (being thrilled at watching a man be powerful...to the point where you live vicariously through said man). Let's make no mistake about it, porn is largely a "guy" thing and it overtly and covertly normalizes some level of violence and/or antagonism against women.
Uh... i'll admit that I see a penis as more or less as just something thats there and is needed to have sex with the chick cause i'm mature enough to know what happens. BUT...don't get this twisted... I HAVE NOT been turned on by that %+%@.
I'm not gay. like AT ALL. Furthermore porn has ALWAYS been about the girls to me. Even before I had really started chasing chicks like that and I used to watch a few flicks I never had even considered anything homosexual. I don't think I could think about anything gay unless someone told me to visualize it. 

I see where you're coming from but I think its kinda false. Dudes being "masculine" haven't really influenced my additional viewing of porn. I think thats a pretty wild assumption. Plus even with the anonymity of the internet, you'd think I'd have something to hide with a position like this but not at all. 

Porn really does not conjure homosexual thoughts in my mind. Its always about the chick for me. If thats how it connected to you, by all means go ahead and see it that way, just know that I disagree with you. 

BTW, i should note that I fully support any gay agenda. I think they are just as much of citizens as we all are...however, I just couldn't ever bring myself to consider doing a gay act. 

It's a confusing point that I am trying to sort out.

It's not that you're gay, it more or less has to do with the idea that porn is a purely masculine venue. It's made for men, and consumed by men because porn reaffirms ones masculinity.

A Guyland, and all across patriarchal society, a part of ones masculinity is tied to how many women "you can put down," and/or how many inferior males you can subjugate. The latter point brings to mind the whole "alpha" male "beta" male dynamic. But that is a conversation for another day. The former point emphasizes the idea that one way an individual's masculinity is assessed and measured is via how many women he can dominate. And in GUYLAND, the domination of women is the ideal. It's what you're supposed to do.

But GUYLAND and reality are not remotely close entities. In reality, consensual sex is a mutual act. You have to take into consideration the emotional state and feelings of the woman in involved. And even when you do that, there is still the possibility that YOU DON'T RECIEVE sex. This is a blow to ones masculinity, this is a severe blow in a man raised in culture that has led men to believe that they are entitled to sex.

This is where porn comes in. In porn, there is no denial or refusal. The woman is there to please YOU and only YOU. She is not there to challenge or strike down at your masculinity, She is there to comply. Instant gratification. She is there to re-affirm your masculinity, your power, your domination.

And she does that. But the thing is, IT IS NOT ABOUT HER and NEVER WAS ABOUT HER. It was all bout you ad a man and the catering to your masculinity. In this sense, the sexual act is deviod of feminine presence. As I am sure you've heard before, porn objectifies women, she is not there as a person. It's strictly You living vicariously through that male performer. That's where the homosexual element comes in. The sexual arousal is partly due to seeing a man "give that ___ what's coming to her". It's about watching a man, YOU, live up to masculinity of GUYLAND.

Like I said, my conclusions are harldly set in stone. It's just stuff that I am musing over. Still, much of GUYLAND is homosocial and women are only let into the clubhouse to throw away suspicion of homosexual tensions.

I understand its your "theory" but its wrong IMO. You're not hanging with the right girls if you think porn is only made for dudes. I know plenty of chicks that watch porn. 
I'm honestly seeing a lot more liberation, even in porn, of women. Women taking charge and are nastier and more into it than the dudes sometimes. 

I think you're referring to a sub genre of porn like S&M or something out of the ordinary... your run of the mill smash session is pretty equal among the sexes IMO. 
Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

In other words, most men watch porn because they implicitly connect and find arousing, the image of a man being masculine--being "powerful" and/or "in-charge". If you are willing to accept or even entertain this assumption/conclusion, then the next step is to admit the presence of a certain level of homosexual gratification (being thrilled at watching a man be powerful...to the point where you live vicariously through said man). Let's make no mistake about it, porn is largely a "guy" thing and it overtly and covertly normalizes some level of violence and/or antagonism against women.
Uh... i'll admit that I see a penis as more or less as just something thats there and is needed to have sex with the chick cause i'm mature enough to know what happens. BUT...don't get this twisted... I HAVE NOT been turned on by that %+%@.
I'm not gay. like AT ALL. Furthermore porn has ALWAYS been about the girls to me. Even before I had really started chasing chicks like that and I used to watch a few flicks I never had even considered anything homosexual. I don't think I could think about anything gay unless someone told me to visualize it. 

I see where you're coming from but I think its kinda false. Dudes being "masculine" haven't really influenced my additional viewing of porn. I think thats a pretty wild assumption. Plus even with the anonymity of the internet, you'd think I'd have something to hide with a position like this but not at all. 

Porn really does not conjure homosexual thoughts in my mind. Its always about the chick for me. If thats how it connected to you, by all means go ahead and see it that way, just know that I disagree with you. 

BTW, i should note that I fully support any gay agenda. I think they are just as much of citizens as we all are...however, I just couldn't ever bring myself to consider doing a gay act. 

It's a confusing point that I am trying to sort out.

It's not that you're gay, it more or less has to do with the idea that porn is a purely masculine venue. It's made for men, and consumed by men because porn reaffirms ones masculinity.

A Guyland, and all across patriarchal society, a part of ones masculinity is tied to how many women "you can put down," and/or how many inferior males you can subjugate. The latter point brings to mind the whole "alpha" male "beta" male dynamic. But that is a conversation for another day. The former point emphasizes the idea that one way an individual's masculinity is assessed and measured is via how many women he can dominate. And in GUYLAND, the domination of women is the ideal. It's what you're supposed to do.

But GUYLAND and reality are not remotely close entities. In reality, consensual sex is a mutual act. You have to take into consideration the emotional state and feelings of the woman in involved. And even when you do that, there is still the possibility that YOU DON'T RECIEVE sex. This is a blow to ones masculinity, this is a severe blow in a man raised in culture that has led men to believe that they are entitled to sex.

This is where porn comes in. In porn, there is no denial or refusal. The woman is there to please YOU and only YOU. She is not there to challenge or strike down at your masculinity, She is there to comply. Instant gratification. She is there to re-affirm your masculinity, your power, your domination.

And she does that. But the thing is, IT IS NOT ABOUT HER and NEVER WAS ABOUT HER. It was all bout you ad a man and the catering to your masculinity. In this sense, the sexual act is deviod of feminine presence. As I am sure you've heard before, porn objectifies women, she is not there as a person. It's strictly You living vicariously through that male performer. That's where the homosexual element comes in. The sexual arousal is partly due to seeing a man "give that ___ what's coming to her". It's about watching a man, YOU, live up to masculinity of GUYLAND.

Like I said, my conclusions are harldly set in stone. It's just stuff that I am musing over. Still, much of GUYLAND is homosocial and women are only let into the clubhouse to throw away suspicion of homosexual tensions.

I understand its your "theory" but its wrong IMO. You're not hanging with the right girls if you think porn is only made for dudes. I know plenty of chicks that watch porn. 
I'm honestly seeing a lot more liberation, even in porn, of women. Women taking charge and are nastier and more into it than the dudes sometimes. 

I think you're referring to a sub genre of porn like S&M or something out of the ordinary... your run of the mill smash session is pretty equal among the sexes IMO. 
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

I don't know where all the mentioning of other types of porn came from but from that aspect I'd watch for the amazement and then never watch again. There's porn where a girl is just farting on cakes or getting golden showers. I don't see how fisting or bukkae scenes are violent. However, they do objectify women and that could lead to dudes who frequently view them treating women like shhh.

The only porn I'd think that tries to encourage or normalize violence is the one's where the chick is getting choked out at climax in them, snuff films, the ones where the guy beats up the girl before smashing, and the racist ones. Plus I guess bestiality.

But deranged porn where the ppl are pretending to be related or actual incest porn, or the one's where dudes are letting off in the chick's pupil doesn't come off as violent to me. Just mad nasty.

You don't see how "FISTING" is violent?


See this is exactly what is meant by porn normalizing violence against women. It's become so common place and accepted that people don't see how wrong it could be. I mean think about it, what is remotely normal about thrusting ones fist into a woman? You don't find that to be violent?

If you think that's ok, then I'm sure you see no problem with brooms or baseball bats then, correct? These instruments have actually been used in cases of sexual assault. But I guess it's a fist so it's cool...right?

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

I don't know where all the mentioning of other types of porn came from but from that aspect I'd watch for the amazement and then never watch again. There's porn where a girl is just farting on cakes or getting golden showers. I don't see how fisting or bukkae scenes are violent. However, they do objectify women and that could lead to dudes who frequently view them treating women like shhh.

The only porn I'd think that tries to encourage or normalize violence is the one's where the chick is getting choked out at climax in them, snuff films, the ones where the guy beats up the girl before smashing, and the racist ones. Plus I guess bestiality.

But deranged porn where the ppl are pretending to be related or actual incest porn, or the one's where dudes are letting off in the chick's pupil doesn't come off as violent to me. Just mad nasty.

You don't see how "FISTING" is violent?


See this is exactly what is meant by porn normalizing violence against women. It's become so common place and accepted that people don't see how wrong it could be. I mean think about it, what is remotely normal about thrusting ones fist into a woman? You don't find that to be violent?

If you think that's ok, then I'm sure you see no problem with brooms or baseball bats then, correct? These instruments have actually been used in cases of sexual assault. But I guess it's a fist so it's cool...right?

If he's just working with that idea he could gather enough of ppl and data to make that hypothesis in to a valid theory. Of course the conclusion would not apply to all men.

If you went out and tested you end up realizing only "some men consume porn because porn reaffirms ones masculinity."

I also can see you not being able to confirm your first premise that porn is made for men and only men. Then the connection to the medium of porn reaffirms ones masculinity would lead you in to problems accounting for females who view porn. Are they trying to affirm their masculinity? What about the women who are partly or mainly sexually aroused by the guy who is giving that _____ what's coming to her? could they objectifying themselves?

Female NTers, talk about how you like to watch pron
If he's just working with that idea he could gather enough of ppl and data to make that hypothesis in to a valid theory. Of course the conclusion would not apply to all men.

If you went out and tested you end up realizing only "some men consume porn because porn reaffirms ones masculinity."

I also can see you not being able to confirm your first premise that porn is made for men and only men. Then the connection to the medium of porn reaffirms ones masculinity would lead you in to problems accounting for females who view porn. Are they trying to affirm their masculinity? What about the women who are partly or mainly sexually aroused by the guy who is giving that _____ what's coming to her? could they objectifying themselves?

Female NTers, talk about how you like to watch pron
Ghetto gaggers, Latina abuse violent.

Belladonna shoving a bat up her own butt, mad nasty.
Ghetto gaggers, Latina abuse violent.

Belladonna shoving a bat up her own butt, mad nasty.
300 Gigs?

Thats more than music I have and thats 31k songs
at about 165+ gigs. 

Thats a LOT of porn dude... introduce him to STREAMING and BOOKMARKS.
300 Gigs?

Thats more than music I have and thats 31k songs
at about 165+ gigs. 

Thats a LOT of porn dude... introduce him to STREAMING and BOOKMARKS.
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