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Most act like if they snitch Adidas is going to personally give them one of the pairs.
yeah but if you snitch to adidas and expose these shady stores, then the next release Adidas might not allocate any stock for them or less stock. Which in return, means more stock gets allocated to a non-shady (or at least a less shady) store, or even more stock gets withheld for ADC inventory to sell. And all this, increases (ever so slightly) the chance of the smaller fish guys trying to grab one pair manually and legitimately. 
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yeah but if you snitch to adidas and expose these shady stores, then the next release Adidas might not allocate any stock for them or less stock. Which in return, means more stock gets allocated to a non-shady (or at least a less shady) store, or even more stock gets withheld for ADC inventory to sell. And all this, increases (ever so slightly) the chance of the smaller fish guys trying to grab one pair manually and legitimately. 
And you're STILL gonna catch the L
yeah but if you snitch to adidas and expose these shady stores, then the next release Adidas might not allocate any stock for them or less stock. Which in return, means more stock gets allocated to a non-shady (or at least a less shady) store, or even more stock gets withheld for ADC inventory to sell. 

Snitches weren't the reason I didn't manage to cop from ADC. It was their fcked up, looping checkout bs.
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And you're STILL gonna catch the L
thats why it's called chance. 
Snitches weren't the reason I didn't manage to cop from ADC. It was their fcked up, looping checkout bs.
yeah but if snitches got these store's Adidas account removed, then theres a chance that store's stock gets withheld for ADC inventory to sell, which in return allows more pairs and more (loopining) time to checkout. You gotta look at the big picture. You weren't the only one experiencing looping checkout issues, we all did, but some of us got past it by luck. 
About those tweets earlier, I know that Wex doesn't care because it doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell that Jeremy is a reseller.
And I paid to be in their raffle. I am demanding a refund.
damn you had to pay...thats some ********. 

did you have to line up for the raffle too?

i hope people are ripping them apart on social media right now. 
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He didn't delivered it to the wrong

He was gonna keep it

But the Route Master or whatever they call them can call the Drivers on the route n asked them where they left the box

He prolly got shook and went back to your pad like 

Here it is!!!

I've Caught a couple drivers tryin to pull this move!

Glad I know my UPS driver personally and unless someone pulled something at the hub, anything in his truck is getting to my hands safely.

Idk my fedex driver because majority of the time it's someone different and lately it's been women so doubt they pull something
Glad I know my UPS driver personally and unless someone pulled something at the hub, anything in his truck is getting to my hands safely.

Idk my fedex driver because majority of the time it's someone different and lately it's been women so doubt they pull something
IDK man... history has shown women to be more sneaky than men haha jk
Hoping for a YS restock soon 
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