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He did you dirty, ask him what happened with pairs for his fam? Or why he didn't explain his true motives if he was the homie? Money over homies? I guess it was "homies", SMH.
Guessing he needs to eat that bad, his loans, his bs, Idk , that really pissed me off, but oh well, I'll tell his brother that he meant to have a pair from my side. At least they'll fight about it, and I'll let the drama for this thread haha 
I got my yeezy 350 v2 but one of the shoes has several tiny black specs in the sole. I assume these are imperfections that got into rubber? Is this common? I tried wiping of and it is in the rubber. I bought directly through confirmed from adidas store.
You're seriously worried about specs on the sole of a sneaker? 
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I got my yeezy 350 v2 but one of the shoes has several tiny black specs in the sole. I assume these are imperfections that got into rubber? Is this common? I tried wiping of and it is in the rubber. I bought directly through confirmed from adidas store. 
MAN THOSE Joints are useless throw them in the garbage, give them to the homeless, ain't worth your feet
you got people dying for 1 pair while someones over here complaining about specks on the SOLE of a sneaker....
Straw poll - which feeling is worse:

Sitting on ADC for HOURS, striking out, then finding out you needed the BD to cop


Getting an order confirmation from ANY site, then getting hit with that CANCELSZN


got cancelled from barneys this release and have struck out every other release on adc.

the cancelled pair is worse for me .That W just became the longest L ever :smh:
I would disappear too.

He helped commit and committed several federal offenses:

1. accesses a computer system without authorization;

2. accesses or uses a computer system to obtain unauthorized computer services (including computer access, data processing, and data storage);

3. intentionally or recklessly disrupts, degrades, or causes disruption or degradation of computer services or denies or causes denial of computer services to an authorized user; or

4. intentionally or recklessly tampers with, takes, transfers, conceals, alters, or damages any equipment used in a computer system.
It is also a computer crime to misuse computer system data. A person commits this crime by:

1. accessing a computer system to use, disclose, or copy data residing in, communicated by, or produced by a computer system;

2. intentionally or recklessly and without authorization (a) tampering with, damaging, or taking data intended for use by a computer system or (b) intercepting or adding to data residing within a computer system;

3. knowingly receiving or retaining data obtained through misuse of computer system information; or

4. using or disclosing data he or she knows or believes was obtained through misuse of computer system information (CGS § 53a-251).

Each one is a federal offense.

In case you guys ask:  No Adidas does not have to press charges, the feds would charge him.
LOL, yea the feds will be knocking at his door anytime now. You can't be serious with this - actually got a laugh out of me. Anyways, he always deactivates and reactivates, nothing new.
How else is are people going to sell them for 5x MSRP + tax AND justify $15.45 shipping?!?!!

#protectthereseller :pimp:
if you dont make it past the splish splash

the script dont matter do it?

The wcript would get you past it, that's why majority of people couldn't even get past splash for 2 hours

All other releases I've gotten past splash easily but the release that's 2-3x bigger and stock lasted longer I couldn't

Quite obvious why and it was explained because influx of people easily getting through with the site key/script crap
BRUH. He made a thread about the specs on the sole!!! I'm dying 
I got my yeezy 350 v2 but one of the shoes has several tiny black specs in the sole. I assume these are imperfections that got into rubber? Is this common? I tried wiping of and it is in the rubber. I bought directly through confirmed from adidas store.
if its only on the sole of the shoe...then i wouldn't put much effort in removing it as you will be wearing them ... and the soles will have way more than specs after a day on the streets. 
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