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Cyber security is not easy work. Got a couple buddies thats in that field and they get burnt out reading code for 18 hours. Hence that's why they get paid the big bucks.
has anyone compared the 1st zebra drop to the 2nd? any differences? Do they both pass the black light test

Black light test was RIP when the fakes caught on...main difference is the pulltab being set a little further back on the new model, thus allowing for more finger space to pull on the tab. Some say that the yellowing is more minimal on the new pairs but I haven't found that to be concrete. Obviously the production dates are different.
maybe this is the ultimate pump fake...make everyone tired of waiting
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Still paused

We are humbled by your dedication, we got a lot more traffic than we expected to our raffle sign up and needless to say, it crashed.

We're working on a fix and we'll get back with new information as soon as possible.

Thanks for understanding.

Still paused

We are humbled by your dedication, we got a lot more traffic than we expected to our raffle sign up and needless to say, it crashed.

We're working on a fix and we'll get back with new information as soon as possible.

Thanks for understanding.

time to go shower 
Honestly, after the solelinks post, this is probably for the better. Shave off some lurkers not patient enough to stick it out.
I get it, they have a lot of followers. It doesn't mean all of them actively follow/pay attention to SnS like we do. It took me a few minutes to find the link this morning, and I've been doing this online stuff for a while. It would have been nice to save what little odds we had, that's it.
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