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Yeah, I went through at least 100 and I would say only 10-12 actually went through as correct. I just started skipping to the ones with numbers and even those weren't all registering as correct, even if you waited for the new ones without to sit after they loaded
Must be a new system to combat bots or something. 
Anyone notice how difficult the CAPTCHAS were? I had to do 3-4 CAPTCHAS before I succeeded and the one where you had to select all the pictures was loading SO SLOW.

Yes they also were making me draw boxes around street signs never had that happen
Anyone notice how difficult the CAPTCHAS were? I had to do 3-4 CAPTCHAS before I succeeded and the one where you had to select all the pictures was loading SO SLOW.

I didn't get any captchas at all on Saturday beyond the "I am not a robot" checkbox.
Yes they also were making me draw boxes around street signs never had that happen
Oh those were there before! You had to be more precise on those this time around.

I always get confused with the CAPTCHAS that ask to select the boxes with street signs: Do I include the pole? 
Must be a new system to combat bots or something. 
It backfired then, because some have bypass or auto. After about 30 minutes of solving for carts and checkout problems I just shut it down and moved on with my day. Good to see a lot of members get through
remember winning the kicksusa pirate black raffle (2015 pair)... It was great, but i knew then that'd be it for my luck on these raffles
Same here bro! Won an instagram raffle for the Breds from a store in Paris called StarCow. 85k entries, they only got 25ish pairs. I know that's my entire luck for raffles in that 1 win.
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