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was gonna give you my pair and kept pming you????

My bad. I didn't check NT until this morning, so I was confused af about your messages, then realized they were from hours ago (last night?).

I did it all on my phone, at the ATM to get $ out for the :smokin store.

Hopefully I didn't use all my good luck on these, as I really want those greens/tans.
Everyone bashing resell ask yourself this - "how many times can i afford to make $30,$40,$100) ? 

Copped 2x, one is going up fs no dambs given ..
So what happened to all the people hating these when they surfaced and now everybody riding the bandwagon? SMH
Copped 17 pairs. #TeamManual

Am I doing this right? What happens now? Am I cool on the internet yet? not srs
You need to say that it was easy also and that everyone else should follow your strategies lol 
Bruh is this legit resell for double the price I can officially say a company can literally make a piece of **** and it will sell as long as it has Kanyes name attached on it ... But of course I'm hating .. Smh
Bruh is this legit resell for double the price I can officially say a company can literally make a piece of **** and it will sell as long as it has Kanyes name attached on it ... But of course I'm hating .. Smh

Very true. Nike are idiots to let him leave. Although they are still making tons of money.
 Not waiting in line, in this sun for $20 flip

I bought enough online!!
I've heard you get dinged if you hit on confirmed and don't pick up, so chances of hitting on other releases in the future are lower, could be BS tho.
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