ADIDAS x YEEZY COLLAB OFFICIAL THREAD *2016 thread link 1st page*

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Did anyone their 750s from ADC yet? Just wondering because my tracking says expected to be shipped by December 22nd by 8PM, but when tracked it still says "in transit". (This is a family friend's house I`m shipping to so I`m just curious if it has arrived yet)

Mine were scheduled for today by 4:30. Didn't get them. Going to be tomorrow.
yu have to realize this is the most hectic week when it comes to parcel delivery. My girls dad is a mailman. He is working 12 hour days to delivery packages, something he never does. I asked about something from toys r us, and he said if you get text or email about tracking chances are they are going to be backed up.
If i do raffles i bring a friend and i always do my size and make my friend do a half size up. I figure chances are in your favor that way rather then both entering in the same bucket. I could be wrong but thats my theory.
yu have to realize this is the most hectic week when it comes to parcel delivery. My girls dad is a mailman. He is working 12 hour days to delivery packages, something he never does. I asked about something from toys r us, and he said if you get text or email about tracking chances are they are going to be backed up.

I am well aware of that..
If i do raffles i bring a friend and i always do my size and make my friend do a half size up. I figure chances are in your favor that way rather then both entering in the same bucket. I could be wrong but thats my theory.

Sounds like a good idea. Might try that
yu have to realize this is the most hectic week when it comes to parcel delivery. My girls dad is a mailman. He is working 12 hour days to delivery packages, something he never does. I asked about something from toys r us, and he said if you get text or email about tracking chances are they are going to be backed up.

I am well aware of that..
haha i wasn't saying it like you are a dope and have to realize that. I was jus saying that i wouldn't worry or sweat it. But nothing is worse rthan waiting for something that you want so bad..
haha i wasn't saying it like you are a dope and have to realize that. I was jus saying that i wouldn't worry or sweat it. But nothing is worse rthan waiting for something that you want so bad..

Although the tracking had today I was fully expecting them to come tomorrow based on where they were this morning. Not worried about it. Was just responding to the other guy that he wasn't the only one.

But yes, in general waiting for something is always hard. We live in a world of instant gratification.
If I had 2K spending money instead of getting yeezys I would get 1.a new phone 2. A top of the line TV 3. A new laptop
bet it's just as hectic. im from the philippines and the hype's just as bad i guess. only 1 or 2 stores here that carry like 20-30 pairs of yeezys every release. everything's always out to be raffled upon purchase of anything in store i believe. the stores differ and there's no one solid store who always carries it.

except for this one store who managed to be listed by adidas as the retailer for 350s (td, pb, and mr). when they released td they raffled but never announced winners. then for PB and MR they claimed not carrying the shoes and just the apparel DESPITE being listed by adidas. smh. good thing the latest 750s and the upcoming 350s aren't theirs to carry otherwise it'll be another hopeless cause for the local beasts

for some reason adidas ph never ever carried these yeezys. i don't know why boutiques have it and they don't.

Univers gets the yeezy's and does a silent raffle my friend gets texts about it cause he buys regularly from them.My other friend got a pair from them thru connections so they definitely aren't fair about it but I understand wanting to patronize frequent buyers
Univers gets the yeezy's and does a silent raffle my friend gets texts about it cause he buys regularly from them.My other friend got a pair from them thru connections so they definitely aren't fair about it but I understand wanting to patronize frequent buyers
good to know they aren't keeping it for themselves.

sucks and seems unfair though for those outside the circle but i guess that's their right.
Although the tracking had today I was fully expecting them to come tomorrow based on where they were this morning. Not worried about it. Was just responding to the other guy that he wasn't the only one.

But yes, in general waiting for something is always hard. We live in a world of instant gratification.

Something was messed up with FedEx's online tracking. I phoned cs and they said it's scheduled for the 23rd not the 22nd. He really didn't know why their online tracking was saying the 22nd by 4:30.

Now I'm just hoping the blizzard we're suppose to get hit with is delayed long enough for me to make the 2hr trip to my parcel service.
Take 20% off and there you go...
so $1,600?

where can find them for that price? literally all TD's on ebay are fake, and can't find size 8 or 9 on grailed
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