Admitting that you cheated vol. the right thing to do or selfishly ridding yourself of guilt

Jan 5, 2013
Heard something on the radio and I've been thinking about it since.

Apparently there are those that think confessing does nothing more than ridding yourself of you own guilt and forcing a loved one to have to deal with it; being selfish. And then there are those that believe the right thing to do is to tell them so that they can know the truth about you and have a firm understanding of the things you've done so as not to blind side them.

Which side of the matter do you fall on?
Not doing it period

But in the case of the thread, speaking up

Sucks to have cheated then go back to the other person like everything is all gravy. Be honest at least
If they ask don't lie.

Nothing wrong with not telling on yourself.

You don't know what you DON'T know...

I'm 85%-90% likely to lie myself.... 5% chance of me telling the truth after the lie. Still a possibility though depending on the evidence provided against me and an evaluation of how I can manipulate it to prove my innocence/reality of my innocence.
I fall on neither side:

A. Not cheating at all is the right thing to do

B. I don't believe in telling after it's done

If asked thought I'd be honest and just confess for both reasons. Doesn't need to just be one or the other.
Don't tell if she's not suspicous, don't lie if she asks questions.

I've been honest about my past transgressions. Don't feel any particular way about telling vs. not telling.

Do what you feel is right.
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My homeboy is going through this now.

Got caught up with his stripper friend.

Forgot his phone at home, the stripper called wife answered, stripper denied knowing him but he confessed.

Wife asked him to leave, he refused and they've had one kid since and another one due in the next couple weeks.

Wife is giving him the business.

I Had to tell him I'm not going to his house anymore cause I can't stand to see him walk a around as if his tail is tucked between his legs.

He brought it upon himself.
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I once cheated on my gf, never told her...we broke up and still never told her.


In my case I felt terrible only because I got caught. She broke up with me, she eventually took me back but she didn't trust me at all anymore. We lasted another 6 months.

Sadly, she only thinks it was one girl, but it was multiple chicks.
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Why tell on yourself? Y'all dudes crazy thank god I wasn't born with a conscious like that. Idc if u have phone records if I ain't on camera it wasn't me.
In the past, I haven't told.

I've also never been asked, never been caught. Nothing.

But in the unlikely event that she gets suspicious & asks, I would straight up deny everything & act insulted that she would ask me a question like that.

If you still want to be with this woman, you would be better off by cutting off the others and focusing on your main without saying/admitting to anything. No need to tell her what you did. Don't hang yourself, b.
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Cheating takes too much effort, I rather spend that energy to better my marriage If that's the problem, if all you want is to get your D wet by another woman, have a nice fap session and I bet that feeling goes away....then go on and be happy with yor girl without the guilt.
I havent cheated but I do understand why MEN cheat... long story short: why snitch on yourself if you've committed a perfect crime & GOT AWAY WITH IT?
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I cheated once during a ldr and felt bad about it ended up telling her months later. That next year I had the perfect opportunity to smash this bad yella chick that I was peeping for a while (she was feeling me plus I new she wanted to get back at her cheating fiance). I did the right thing tho, had to exercise that self control.
I told on myself and realized it was the worst decision ever, ruined the relationship.
If you love them, you'll tell the truth.

Even if you say nothing, it's even worse because you're living a lie. Not being who she thinks you are.

Don't cheat. Break up.
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