African-American over reliance upon public assistance, section 8, foodstamps and medicaid? doesn't matter the race...whoever abuses it gives govt programs a bad rap...i love me some food stamps...goes by fast when i buy heatlhy foods....
You guys have to realize that African American's are still a minortiy in the population compared to whites. So in California if 20% of welfare recepients are white and 17% are black you have to look at the percentage of the population represented. I don't know about in Cali, but I think a majority of states African American's are still a minority of the population, meaning more whites than blacks.

Doesn't mean only AA's use food stamps, cause tons of white people use them.

As for the conversation about getting social assistance and having nice things like LV clothes, iPhones,cars, etc. I see it like this, if you have money to afford these "luxary" items yet need assistance to afford the "neccessary" items in life then you have your priorities backwards. You can claim all you want that well they will have the Jordans for life and it will be the only nice thing they have, that is there fault and no one elses. You put food on the table and a roof over your head over Jordans and iPhones. The money going towards Jordans and iPhones can be saved so eventually you can get out the circumstances one is in. And I know people will come back with the well the price of Jordan's is minimal and not buying those shoes will not allow someone to get of the hood, this is somewhat true, but its the pricipal. If you don't buy the Jordans and save the $200 and then you say screw it won't but the iPhone either thats another $200 plus the money saved not having the data plan, I mean it all adds up. doesn't matter the race...whoever abuses it gives govt programs a bad rap...i love me some food stamps...goes by fast when i buy heatlhy foods....
Why do people make generalizations about public assistance recipients and use the behavior of a few to try and justify doing away with it. I think it is just to spite the poor. I know so many whites who come from good families and have the means to pay their tuition and anything else they need, yet they are on food stamps but all anyone wants to talk about is how the poor (insert ethnic group here) abuses the system.
edit:  I'd recommend that everyone in here read Nickled and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich if you have a chance.  It makes you realize how hard it is for the poor to get by and how difficult those that are less fortunate have it.
Why do people make generalizations about public assistance recipients and use the behavior of a few to try and justify doing away with it. I think it is just to spite the poor. I know so many whites who come from good families and have the means to pay their tuition and anything else they need, yet they are on food stamps but all anyone wants to talk about is how the poor (insert ethnic group here) abuses the system.
edit:  I'd recommend that everyone in here read Nickled and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich if you have a chance.  It makes you realize how hard it is for the poor to get by and how difficult those that are less fortunate have it.
Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Exactly, and this is just California... Let's not even get into the states where the black population is less than 5%.  
what kind of statement is that?

As i've said before, the only true way to analyze the use is as a % of total population ... saying that any race has a low assistance % as compared to other races without taking into account the population is absolutely useless ...
My point was, people tend to say that AA have the highest % of people on welfare. But in reality, the AA population in the U.S, is extremely low compared to other races.
Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Exactly, and this is just California... Let's not even get into the states where the black population is less than 5%.  
what kind of statement is that?

As i've said before, the only true way to analyze the use is as a % of total population ... saying that any race has a low assistance % as compared to other races without taking into account the population is absolutely useless ...
My point was, people tend to say that AA have the highest % of people on welfare. But in reality, the AA population in the U.S, is extremely low compared to other races.
When you go to your hoods you don't see any black people working behind the register at the convenience store, nor do you hear them answering the phone at the generic asian american take out restaurants . These people live in communities where they being preyed not only by crooked cops, crooked politicians ,city officials and thugs but by the people that provide them goods. Poor Black people are forced to live off of this assistance because the city and there community turned there back on them along time ago. Little Jamal who saved up all his money sweeping the barbershop floor to buy his jordans earned that right to have one luxury to himself. Dude runs the risk of getting robbed and physically harmed for his kicks. The shoes give him a peace of mind that takes him away from the crappy conditions he lives. In his community may not give him pride but his shoes do. For that small amount of time he can fit those shoes and wear them . HE feels like a king when society is trying to call him all kinds of things and label him such and such.

I think our poor brothers and sisters who we perceive as lazy and unmotivated are like that and will continue to be like that because the world has given up on them and written them off . That clinging to food stamps and assistance they receive is the only thing that is stopping them from slipping completely into the abyss.
When you go to your hoods you don't see any black people working behind the register at the convenience store, nor do you hear them answering the phone at the generic asian american take out restaurants . These people live in communities where they being preyed not only by crooked cops, crooked politicians ,city officials and thugs but by the people that provide them goods. Poor Black people are forced to live off of this assistance because the city and there community turned there back on them along time ago. Little Jamal who saved up all his money sweeping the barbershop floor to buy his jordans earned that right to have one luxury to himself. Dude runs the risk of getting robbed and physically harmed for his kicks. The shoes give him a peace of mind that takes him away from the crappy conditions he lives. In his community may not give him pride but his shoes do. For that small amount of time he can fit those shoes and wear them . HE feels like a king when society is trying to call him all kinds of things and label him such and such.

I think our poor brothers and sisters who we perceive as lazy and unmotivated are like that and will continue to be like that because the world has given up on them and written them off . That clinging to food stamps and assistance they receive is the only thing that is stopping them from slipping completely into the abyss.
Earned the right to have Jordans? 

You're right, he did earn it. But it doesn't matter. Little Jamal needs to realize that Jordan's won't do anything for him when he IS IN FACT getting robbed for them. Little Jamal needs to understand that he works hard to earn an item that most can't have (Which is why people would rob him for them) and don't need. The Jordan's won't fight back for him. Saving the money from the barbershop he works at over years will allow him to one day get out of that enviroment.

As a teen he wants the Jordan's, then he gets older he wants to the phone, then the Benz, etc. If his society has indeed forgotten about him then at one point he will not be able to obtain the pricier items he wants when he gets older because he won't have the funds to afford them. That leads to illegal activity, crimes, etc. It's a circle, and it's not just African American's in the hood, it's everyone. It's about saving money, not getting the luxary items that everyone else has. Money will always be pissed away.

The wealthiest people I know sometimes have the shabbiest clothes, have *%*+ cars and don't look like then have ten cents to their name. They have money because they don't buy into the material wants that everyone else has.
Earned the right to have Jordans? 

You're right, he did earn it. But it doesn't matter. Little Jamal needs to realize that Jordan's won't do anything for him when he IS IN FACT getting robbed for them. Little Jamal needs to understand that he works hard to earn an item that most can't have (Which is why people would rob him for them) and don't need. The Jordan's won't fight back for him. Saving the money from the barbershop he works at over years will allow him to one day get out of that enviroment.

As a teen he wants the Jordan's, then he gets older he wants to the phone, then the Benz, etc. If his society has indeed forgotten about him then at one point he will not be able to obtain the pricier items he wants when he gets older because he won't have the funds to afford them. That leads to illegal activity, crimes, etc. It's a circle, and it's not just African American's in the hood, it's everyone. It's about saving money, not getting the luxary items that everyone else has. Money will always be pissed away.

The wealthiest people I know sometimes have the shabbiest clothes, have *%*+ cars and don't look like then have ten cents to their name. They have money because they don't buy into the material wants that everyone else has.
Originally Posted by PoloLax

Earned the right to have Jordans? 

You're right, he did earn it. But it doesn't matter. Little Jamal needs to realize that Jordan's won't do anything for him when he IS IN FACT getting robbed for them. Little Jamal needs to understand that he works hard to earn an item that most can't have (Which is why people would rob him for them) and don't need. The Jordan's won't fight back for him. Saving the money from the barbershop he works at over years will allow him to one day get out of that enviroment.

As a teen he wants the Jordan's, then he gets older he wants to the phone, then the Benz, etc. If his society has indeed forgotten about him then at one point he will not be able to obtain the pricier items he wants when he gets older because he won't have the funds to afford them. That leads to illegal activity, crimes, etc. It's a circle, and it's not just African American's in the hood, it's everyone. It's about saving money, not getting the luxary items that everyone else has. Money will always be pissed away.

The wealthiest people I know sometimes have the shabbiest clothes, have *%*+ cars and don't look like then have ten cents to their name. They have money because they don't buy into the material wants that everyone else has.
I think the amount of money that is spent on social services is negligible compared to all the money we're spending on these adults who applied for mortgages to finance homes outside of their means that ended up in foreclosure, greedy bankers who securitized those mortgages in order to profit from it, and crooked CEO's who take risks knowing the government will bail them out if things go wrong.  Don't expect young Jamal to manage his money well when their is college educated Ari doing the same thing on a larger scale.
Originally Posted by PoloLax

Earned the right to have Jordans? 

You're right, he did earn it. But it doesn't matter. Little Jamal needs to realize that Jordan's won't do anything for him when he IS IN FACT getting robbed for them. Little Jamal needs to understand that he works hard to earn an item that most can't have (Which is why people would rob him for them) and don't need. The Jordan's won't fight back for him. Saving the money from the barbershop he works at over years will allow him to one day get out of that enviroment.

As a teen he wants the Jordan's, then he gets older he wants to the phone, then the Benz, etc. If his society has indeed forgotten about him then at one point he will not be able to obtain the pricier items he wants when he gets older because he won't have the funds to afford them. That leads to illegal activity, crimes, etc. It's a circle, and it's not just African American's in the hood, it's everyone. It's about saving money, not getting the luxary items that everyone else has. Money will always be pissed away.

The wealthiest people I know sometimes have the shabbiest clothes, have *%*+ cars and don't look like then have ten cents to their name. They have money because they don't buy into the material wants that everyone else has.
I think the amount of money that is spent on social services is negligible compared to all the money we're spending on these adults who applied for mortgages to finance homes outside of their means that ended up in foreclosure, greedy bankers who securitized those mortgages in order to profit from it, and crooked CEO's who take risks knowing the government will bail them out if things go wrong.  Don't expect young Jamal to manage his money well when their is college educated Ari doing the same thing on a larger scale.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

EBT and food stamps are the same thing right?

Anyway, when I worked with Walgreens, majority of EBT users were Whites and Blacks...Whites more than blacks.

look what this guy just said.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

EBT and food stamps are the same thing right?

Anyway, when I worked with Walgreens, majority of EBT users were Whites and Blacks...Whites more than blacks.

look what this guy just said.
I'm just disappointed at the people that go to McDonalds on the 1st of every month, not a good use of money at all
I'm just disappointed at the people that go to McDonalds on the 1st of every month, not a good use of money at all
Originally Posted by ninjahood

let's put it like this.....

do really want da return of da 70's poverty? if we don't support da poor (who gonna find ways to floss regardless) da streets gonna look like mad max and FAST...

i can remember time square when it looked like a smutt summit and grindhouse films ALL over, and porn and drugs ALLLL over da place.....

ill tell you this, you start messing with entitlements and social programs, ya betta let cats hold hammers, cuz there's NO WAY im steppin out my house lookin

icy without a burner....wolves would be would be out here starving.

ill put it like this.  i know a ton of people who abuse the system.  my take is this if their content with whatever handouts their getting and not trying to do better then let them have that and stay where they are.   i'd rather people go after corporate crooks and the people doing the big fraud rather then the people milking the government off of foodstamps and section 8.   i'm way more pissed off about companies screwing up getting tons of bailout money then spending that bailout money to go on corporate vacations and to throw big partys then i am about little jamal deciding to sell his food stamps to get some cool grey xi's
Originally Posted by ninjahood

let's put it like this.....

do really want da return of da 70's poverty? if we don't support da poor (who gonna find ways to floss regardless) da streets gonna look like mad max and FAST...

i can remember time square when it looked like a smutt summit and grindhouse films ALL over, and porn and drugs ALLLL over da place.....

ill tell you this, you start messing with entitlements and social programs, ya betta let cats hold hammers, cuz there's NO WAY im steppin out my house lookin

icy without a burner....wolves would be would be out here starving.

ill put it like this.  i know a ton of people who abuse the system.  my take is this if their content with whatever handouts their getting and not trying to do better then let them have that and stay where they are.   i'd rather people go after corporate crooks and the people doing the big fraud rather then the people milking the government off of foodstamps and section 8.   i'm way more pissed off about companies screwing up getting tons of bailout money then spending that bailout money to go on corporate vacations and to throw big partys then i am about little jamal deciding to sell his food stamps to get some cool grey xi's
Originally Posted by DB WEST

Originally Posted by PoloLax

Earned the right to have Jordans? 

You're right, he did earn it. But it doesn't matter. Little Jamal needs to realize that Jordan's won't do anything for him when he IS IN FACT getting robbed for them. Little Jamal needs to understand that he works hard to earn an item that most can't have (Which is why people would rob him for them) and don't need. The Jordan's won't fight back for him. Saving the money from the barbershop he works at over years will allow him to one day get out of that enviroment.

As a teen he wants the Jordan's, then he gets older he wants to the phone, then the Benz, etc. If his society has indeed forgotten about him then at one point he will not be able to obtain the pricier items he wants when he gets older because he won't have the funds to afford them. That leads to illegal activity, crimes, etc. It's a circle, and it's not just African American's in the hood, it's everyone. It's about saving money, not getting the luxary items that everyone else has. Money will always be pissed away.

The wealthiest people I know sometimes have the shabbiest clothes, have *%*+ cars and don't look like then have ten cents to their name. They have money because they don't buy into the material wants that everyone else has.
I think the amount of money that is spent on social services is negligible compared to all the money we're spending on these adults who applied for mortgages to finance homes outside of their means that ended up in foreclosure, greedy bankers who collateralized those mortgages in order to profit from it, and crooked CEO's who take risks knowing the government will bail them out if things go wrong.  Don't expect young Jamal to manage his money well when their is college educated Ari doing the same thing on a larger scale.


Originally Posted by DB WEST

Originally Posted by PoloLax

Earned the right to have Jordans? 

You're right, he did earn it. But it doesn't matter. Little Jamal needs to realize that Jordan's won't do anything for him when he IS IN FACT getting robbed for them. Little Jamal needs to understand that he works hard to earn an item that most can't have (Which is why people would rob him for them) and don't need. The Jordan's won't fight back for him. Saving the money from the barbershop he works at over years will allow him to one day get out of that enviroment.

As a teen he wants the Jordan's, then he gets older he wants to the phone, then the Benz, etc. If his society has indeed forgotten about him then at one point he will not be able to obtain the pricier items he wants when he gets older because he won't have the funds to afford them. That leads to illegal activity, crimes, etc. It's a circle, and it's not just African American's in the hood, it's everyone. It's about saving money, not getting the luxary items that everyone else has. Money will always be pissed away.

The wealthiest people I know sometimes have the shabbiest clothes, have *%*+ cars and don't look like then have ten cents to their name. They have money because they don't buy into the material wants that everyone else has.
I think the amount of money that is spent on social services is negligible compared to all the money we're spending on these adults who applied for mortgages to finance homes outside of their means that ended up in foreclosure, greedy bankers who collateralized those mortgages in order to profit from it, and crooked CEO's who take risks knowing the government will bail them out if things go wrong.  Don't expect young Jamal to manage his money well when their is college educated Ari doing the same thing on a larger scale.


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