AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

:smh: :smh: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Don't make me regret this already brah.

View media item 1513401

Bruh you kiss and make up after every argument :rofl: ole MLK *** *****

You really not about that NT personal shots life

Blaster my dude, and Marcus my brah. So I won't burn dem type of bridges

I ain't kissing and making up with ole boy. This is more like a cease fire. :lol:

He feels I be slandering him on NT, which I disagree but anyways he feels that way, so if I'm negatively affecting dude's experience on the board, then I will chill

I doubt we will see eye to eye or find common ground on anything besides sneakers. But if he is truly willing to listen, then so can I.

Even if he says something that pisses me off, I'll just ignore it instead of arguing wit dude.

-- BTW I don't eem know if being called a ole MLK *** ***** is an insult or complement :lol: :lol:
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Black folks are gonna be terrorists soon. They gonna start shipping folks to gitmo. You think all those laws still aren't on the books?
But if someone suggested all bankers were insider traders or illegal crooks taking advantage of their clients, you would come to you and your legal banking peers defense, correct?

Cats want refer to white people as SWS or Yakubs or whatever the NT flavor of the month word is; cool. I'm gonna call BS. We all ain't from the backwards *** south like tons of y'all. Growing up in a household where racial equality is a priority and preached from day 1 is the norm for many of us.

Let some bigots tell it though, we're all just racist, white supremacist, devils.

Oh yeah, and the fact I responded to this probably means I'm racist.

GREAT post, prepare for the deflection, oh wait...


Plenty of folks in here are blinded by racial bias, I'm sure for many it's hard to overcome, not all saying it's a bad thing or even avoidable, but it's a bit alarming how opposing views are disparaged more or less universally. OH well

How is this a great post when it's flawed? As has already been mentioned, I've never seen anyone call ALL white people racists, bigots, SWS, etc. That's reserved for the people who show those tendencies through their posting habits on NT.

You cats are reaching.
Everything taking place in Baltimore has greatly upset me and I have to get this all off of my chest. I have family all through DC and Maryland. I was just in Baltimore 3 weeks ago. Besides the violence, I'm truly bothered by a lot of the commentary I am seeing; not only from the media, but by all of the "keyboard warriors" online that are spewing uninformed garbage. I feel that most people are entirely missing the point and the significance of what is occurring. If you're looking for the answers, then you've gotta ask the right questions. Therefore, let me start with the facts:

The city of Baltimore has paid more than $5 million in police brutality cases in the last 4 years. After the cases are settled, non-disparagement clauses are written into the settlements forcing the victims into silence. 25% of Baltimore live below the poverty line. Less than 60% of Baltimore students graduate. Black infants are 9x more likely to die before the age 1 than white infants. The infant mortality rate is on par with that of Moldova and Belize. Only 6 miles separate North Baltimore and West Baltimore, yet the average income for North Baltimore residents is $92,000 compared to $24,000 in West Baltimore, where the riots took place.

One look at the numbers and the most immediate question is, why the discrepancy? Why are there no new schools in Baltimore? Why are there bad jobs and no opportunities? Why are the health conditions so bad when one of the best health systems in the WORLD is John Hopkins, located IN Baltimore? Once you ask these questions, it becomes quite clear that this inequality is systematic, and this is being blatantly ignored.

We can move outside of Baltimore and see the very same happening in inner cities across the country. 35% of Cleveland lives below the poverty line. 39% of Detroit. We laud TV shows like "The Wire" for being one of the most brilliant shows of all time. Guess what though? That show wasn't "Breaking Bad" was REALITY. It was Baltimore!

Beyond these issues are the continued ignoring and justification of crimes committed against black people. Just in my short life time, there are countless incidents to which a blind eye was turned:

Amadou Diallo - A 22 yr old African immigrant shot 41 times by 4 NYPD officers while presenting them ID outside of his apartment. All 4 officers were acquitted.

Oscar Grant - A 22 yr old shot by BART police in San Francisco while laying face down and handcuffed. The officer served less than 6 months in jail for "involuntary manslaughter."

Kendrick Johnson - A 17 yr old Georgia student who was killed DURING school and rolled up in a wrestling mat. His body was left in the school gym. The local police ruled his death "accidental" despite the massive amount of blunt force trauma to his face, noted in the autopsy.

Lennon Lacy - A 17 yr old North Carolina teenage football player was lynched and found hanging from a swing set in late 2014. The local police department ruled his death a "suicide" and blamed "ants and other creatures" for the wounds and marks that covered his body as he hung from the swing set. He was dating a white woman at the time, and it was frowned upon.

Aiyana Jones - A 7 yr old girl in Detroit who was shot during the middle of the night in her sleep by Joseph Weekley, during a botched raid on the WRONG home. His charges were dismissed and he is back on duty.

These are just some of the countless incidents, many of which you will NEVER hear about on Fox News, CNN, etc. Why is this? Because the media controls the narrative, especially when it concerns racial relations in this country. There is an ongoing double-standard in the media that continues to go unchecked. I'll never forget the media coverage during Hurricane Katrina. The Associated Press captioned 2 identical pictures of survivors floating in the water. The black man was described as "looting a grocery store" while the white couple was described as "finding bread and soda from a local grocery". The media controls the rhetoric. As disgusted as I am by the violence taking place in Baltimore, why is a blind eye turned to all of the riots incited by white Americans?

After the riots sparked in New Hampshire at the "PumpkinFest", CNN and the Huffington Post described the youths who started fires, flipped cars, tore down street signs, and threw beer cans and bottles at police officers as being "a rowdy crowd" that "just got too drunk." Because you will be kids of course!" Yet, when violence or negative incidents occur in the black community, it becomes viewed symbolically as a representation of the black community as a whole. The Columbine shooters were called "troubled kids" by the media. James Holmes shot up the entire movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, and walked out with his life. The media described him as being "troubled and mentally ill." In other words...he was simply a "sick defect"...not the norm. To this day, Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown are still viewed as "thugs" (a.k.a. the new "N-word") for wearing a hoodie and for stealing a pack of cigarillos from the store. This is entirely INTENTIONAL and it is wrong.

The bottom line is, these riots in Baltimore all stem from these obvious problems that we all continue to ignore. Peaceful protests have gone on for weeks and not a single news camera was recording. Now, people have basically set the city ablaze and the news wants to become present for that. Control the narrative and shift the rhetoric. Media essentials!

If you're more upset about storefront properties, and CVS's being destroyed than police brutality (that broke the spinal of Freddie Gray and killed him) and institutionalized racism, then clearly your sense of morality and humanity needs recalibration. It is the mindset of racism that needs to be destroyed. The SOLE reason why situations like this occur is because we have never dealt with racism in our country. We refuse to have that discussion in America. We have continuously swept it under the rug because it's ugly and uncomfortable to talk about. It's much easier to act as though it doesn't exist and simply "carry on." But I ask every person who might read this to think about your daily interactions in your personal lives...with your family members, significant others, etc. Whenever you have a serious conflict, and you avoid it and try to act as though it didn't occur...what tends to happen? The situation becomes exacerbated and what once was a problem that could be solved now becomes a huge one. In other words all the incessant denial is THE major source for these incidents. We have to be honest about what is taking place and what has taken place in order to move forward and come together. Quite frankly, all of this denial is insulting and unfortunately, some of this outrage is manifesting itself in the violent actions taking place.

The real truth of the matter is, America was built from the genocide of Native Americans and the enslavement of Africans. This is a deeply criminal nation founded on corruption, and the "real thugs" are creating all of this dissension amongst us all. They control the media and how we view each other, they poison our food, and they kill us with prescription "drugs" passed off as medication to increase their wealth and power. America needs to look itself in the damn mirror. If we don't stop deflecting and start addressing the issues, then I can assure you ALL, this instance will not be the last. I pray that one day we can all do that, but I'm not so sure that everyone wants to.

The decision is yours to make. But I implore us to all pay attention and wake up before it's too late. We are entirely too reactive as a society, and it shouldn't have to take devastation to occur before we actually pay attention.

That's about all I have to say at this point. Peace and Love to everyone...
i dont think i've ever called someone in here a suspected white supremacists... that's not really my style...

but if that word makes you uncomfortable... ask yourself why?

if someone is calling out all insider traders and illegal bankers... would i get upset?

no.. because i'm not performing illegal activities..

if the shoe fits, fambs...


Sure, I can understand if you see it that way.

But how about looking at the constant accusers? THose that immediately paint folks as "supremacists"? What does that say about them? Just think about, no need to respond.

Swear dudes have tunnel vision sometimes, without even a glimmer of thought about any other viewpoint. Chalk it up to emotions, I suppose
SWS gets thrown a little too loosely around here.

Marcus could go and make such great arguments sometimes but then he goes on and labels anyone who disagrees with him a easy to discredit whatever intelligent thought he just said.

Also if everyone gets called a SWS how will we differentiate from the real WS on NT?
its about a group of 3-4 dudes on here that aint even suspected ..its no way to have them views and not be

we all know who they are
What do you guys think the answer is though? Like anyone who lives in baltimore knows the system is and has been broken. But what do you do?

Fire all the cops if they show any sign of racism/brutality and get new more tolerant people in?
Fire the heads of the departments because the racism is institutionalized and maybe a change of management could create a new culture?
Directly go to the police academies and try to fix training procedure that may tell cops to act too quickly using deadly force?

How do you actually make a difference. If Freddie Grey gets justice and the cops do get locked up...then what? Does that really change the system? Will cops now think twice before they shoot a suspect because they think they will get locked up?
Everything taking place in Baltimore has greatly upset me and I have to get this all off of my chest. I have family all through DC and Maryland. I was just in Baltimore 3 weeks ago. Besides the violence, I'm truly bothered by a lot of the commentary I am seeing; not only from the media, but by all of the "keyboard warriors" online that are spewing uninformed garbage. I feel that most people are entirely missing the point and the significance of what is occurring. If you're looking for the answers, then you've gotta ask the right questions. Therefore, let me start with the facts:

The city of Baltimore has paid more than $5 million in police brutality cases in the last 4 years. After the cases are settled, non-disparagement clauses are written into the settlements forcing the victims into silence. 25% of Baltimore live below the poverty line. Less than 60% of Baltimore students graduate. Black infants are 9x more likely to die before the age 1 than white infants. The infant mortality rate is on par with that of Moldova and Belize. Only 6 miles separate North Baltimore and West Baltimore, yet the average income for North Baltimore residents is $92,000 compared to $24,000 in West Baltimore, where the riots took place.

One look at the numbers and the most immediate question is, why the discrepancy? Why are there no new schools in Baltimore? Why are there bad jobs and no opportunities? Why are the health conditions so bad when one of the best health systems in the WORLD is John Hopkins, located IN Baltimore? Once you ask these questions, it becomes quite clear that this inequality is systematic, and this is being blatantly ignored.

We can move outside of Baltimore and see the very same happening in inner cities across the country. 35% of Cleveland lives below the poverty line. 39% of Detroit. We laud TV shows like "The Wire" for being one of the most brilliant shows of all time. Guess what though? That show wasn't "Breaking Bad" was REALITY. It was Baltimore!

Beyond these issues are the continued ignoring and justification of crimes committed against black people. Just in my short life time, there are countless incidents to which a blind eye was turned:

Amadou Diallo - A 22 yr old African immigrant shot 41 times by 4 NYPD officers while presenting them ID outside of his apartment. All 4 officers were acquitted.

Oscar Grant - A 22 yr old shot by BART police in San Francisco while laying face down and handcuffed. The officer served less than 6 months in jail for "involuntary manslaughter."

Kendrick Johnson - A 17 yr old Georgia student who was killed DURING school and rolled up in a wrestling mat. His body was left in the school gym. The local police ruled his death "accidental" despite the massive amount of blunt force trauma to his face, noted in the autopsy.

Lennon Lacy - A 17 yr old North Carolina teenage football player was lynched and found hanging from a swing set in late 2014. The local police department ruled his death a "suicide" and blamed "ants and other creatures" for the wounds and marks that covered his body as he hung from the swing set. He was dating a white woman at the time, and it was frowned upon.

Aiyana Jones - A 7 yr old girl in Detroit who was shot during the middle of the night in her sleep by Joseph Weekley, during a botched raid on the WRONG home. His charges were dismissed and he is back on duty.

These are just some of the countless incidents, many of which you will NEVER hear about on Fox News, CNN, etc. Why is this? Because the media controls the narrative, especially when it concerns racial relations in this country. There is an ongoing double-standard in the media that continues to go unchecked. I'll never forget the media coverage during Hurricane Katrina. The Associated Press captioned 2 identical pictures of survivors floating in the water. The black man was described as "looting a grocery store" while the white couple was described as "finding bread and soda from a local grocery". The media controls the rhetoric. As disgusted as I am by the violence taking place in Baltimore, why is a blind eye turned to all of the riots incited by white Americans?

After the riots sparked in New Hampshire at the "PumpkinFest", CNN and the Huffington Post described the youths who started fires, flipped cars, tore down street signs, and threw beer cans and bottles at police officers as being "a rowdy crowd" that "just got too drunk." Because you will be kids of course!" Yet, when violence or negative incidents occur in the black community, it becomes viewed symbolically as a representation of the black community as a whole. The Columbine shooters were called "troubled kids" by the media. James Holmes shot up the entire movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, and walked out with his life. The media described him as being "troubled and mentally ill." In other words...he was simply a "sick defect"...not the norm. To this day, Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown are still viewed as "thugs" (a.k.a. the new "N-word") for wearing a hoodie and for stealing a pack of cigarillos from the store. This is entirely INTENTIONAL and it is wrong.

The bottom line is, these riots in Baltimore all stem from these obvious problems that we all continue to ignore. Peaceful protests have gone on for weeks and not a single news camera was recording. Now, people have basically set the city ablaze and the news wants to become present for that. Control the narrative and shift the rhetoric. Media essentials!

If you're more upset about storefront properties, and CVS's being destroyed than police brutality (that broke the spinal of Freddie Gray and killed him) and institutionalized racism, then clearly your sense of morality and humanity needs recalibration. It is the mindset of racism that needs to be destroyed. The SOLE reason why situations like this occur is because we have never dealt with racism in our country. We refuse to have that discussion in America. We have continuously swept it under the rug because it's ugly and uncomfortable to talk about. It's much easier to act as though it doesn't exist and simply "carry on." But I ask every person who might read this to think about your daily interactions in your personal lives...with your family members, significant others, etc. Whenever you have a serious conflict, and you avoid it and try to act as though it didn't occur...what tends to happen? The situation becomes exacerbated and what once was a problem that could be solved now becomes a huge one. In other words all the incessant denial is THE major source for these incidents. We have to be honest about what is taking place and what has taken place in order to move forward and come together. Quite frankly, all of this denial is insulting and unfortunately, some of this outrage is manifesting itself in the violent actions taking place.

The real truth of the matter is, America was built from the genocide of Native Americans and the enslavement of Africans. This is a deeply criminal nation founded on corruption, and the "real thugs" are creating all of this dissension amongst us all. They control the media and how we view each other, they poison our food, and they kill us with prescription "drugs" passed off as medication to increase their wealth and power. America needs to look itself in the damn mirror. If we don't stop deflecting and start addressing the issues, then I can assure you ALL, this instance will not be the last. I pray that one day we can all do that, but I'm not so sure that everyone wants to.

The decision is yours to make. But I implore us to all pay attention and wake up before it's too late. We are entirely too reactive as a society, and it shouldn't have to take devastation to occur before we actually pay attention.

That's about all I have to say at this point. Peace and Love to everyone...

 We have reported that when van stopped to pick up 2nd prisoner,  sources say, Gray was unresponsive. No evidence banging head against van
Jayne Miller

BPD Commissioner Anthony Batts on 4/23 told us second prisoner in police van said Freddie Gray was "mostly quiet". 
I can't believe they are even trying to push this he was trying harm himself BS. My friends homegirl said that her students in high school told her to just call out Friday because round 2 is about to go down.
They've already implemented their alibi and now the white justice system will pretend its "blind" and absolve the cops of any wrong doing...

I'm personally of the belief that no black man should be on a police force in this country. Generalizing because of these events upsets me but the truth is even more sad. Black men are being persecuted and hunted by police. This is some sort of zero tolerance underground pact amongst these pigs to bring down any black suspect, dead or alive.
^^ u think all police should b white?

No. There are other ethnicities that can kill and li....I mean serve and protect as well. I just feel like the history that blacks in this country have had with police should be enough of a reason for blacks not to want anything to do with them or what they stand for.
As a kid growing up, that was one occupation I knew I would never get involved with. 

The position is that of a glorified oppressor. 

I've also lost whatever respect that was remaining for Obama. 

Why the **** would you want a job where you can't really do **** as a result of obstructionism? Then on top of that, his My Brother Initiative looks to be a complete farce. 

Too many black people are caught up in the illusion of religion; no disrespect to the preachers doing the ground work in Baltimore, but I read where they're serving as middlemen between the police and the community in getting the information out, and hopefully quelling some of the unrest. 

In other words, they're just pacifists in the face of oppression. 

You notice how the media will hardly ever interview anyone associated with the FOI, or New Black Panther Party, but they always seem to give black Christians (Preachers) a voice? 
Don't even get me started with Obama. I had this conversation with my girl a couple days back and she's usually on the "he can't solve all black people's problems" tip or "he has to be for everyone, he can't pick and choose who's battles to fight" but she even voiced her disappointment in him. That MF'er was all about the black youth when it was election and reelection time. Your people are dying and all you give us are sidelined comments of what your son could of looked like or sending sell out Eric Holden to deal with a situation dividing the country that needed your presence but you're on vacation. Now, like what is now a monthly routine for these pigs it seems another person of color has been killed under mysterious circumstances with law enforcement and where are you....
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Can the federal government actually step in and do anything about the police, or would it have to be handled on a state level??
SWS gets thrown a little too loosely around here.

Marcus could go and make such great arguments sometimes but then he goes on and labels anyone who disagrees with him a easy to discredit whatever intelligent thought he just said.

Also if everyone gets called a SWS how will we differentiate from the real WS on NT?

You started off with legit criticism and ended it just trolling :stoneface: I've never labeled every white person as a WS ...nice comprehension though

Everything taking place in Baltimore has greatly upset me and I have to get this all off of my chest. I have family all through DC and Maryland. I was just in Baltimore 3 weeks ago. Besides the violence, I'm truly bothered by a lot of the commentary I am seeing; not only from the media, but by all of the "keyboard warriors" online that are spewing uninformed garbage. I feel that most people are entirely missing the point and the significance of what is occurring. If you're looking for the answers, then you've gotta ask the right questions. Therefore, let me start with the facts:

The city of Baltimore has paid more than $5 million in police brutality cases in the last 4 years. After the cases are settled, non-disparagement clauses are written into the settlements forcing the victims into silence. 25% of Baltimore live below the poverty line. Less than 60% of Baltimore students graduate. Black infants are 9x more likely to die before the age 1 than white infants. The infant mortality rate is on par with that of Moldova and Belize. Only 6 miles separate North Baltimore and West Baltimore, yet the average income for North Baltimore residents is $92,000 compared to $24,000 in West Baltimore, where the riots took place.

One look at the numbers and the most immediate question is, why the discrepancy? Why are there no new schools in Baltimore? Why are there bad jobs and no opportunities? Why are the health conditions so bad when one of the best health systems in the WORLD is John Hopkins, located IN Baltimore? Once you ask these questions, it becomes quite clear that this inequality is systematic, and this is being blatantly ignored.

We can move outside of Baltimore and see the very same happening in inner cities across the country. 35% of Cleveland lives below the poverty line. 39% of Detroit. We laud TV shows like "The Wire" for being one of the most brilliant shows of all time. Guess what though? That show wasn't "Breaking Bad" was REALITY. It was Baltimore!

Beyond these issues are the continued ignoring and justification of crimes committed against black people. Just in my short life time, there are countless incidents to which a blind eye was turned:

Amadou Diallo - A 22 yr old African immigrant shot 41 times by 4 NYPD officers while presenting them ID outside of his apartment. All 4 officers were acquitted.

Oscar Grant - A 22 yr old shot by BART police in San Francisco while laying face down and handcuffed. The officer served less than 6 months in jail for "involuntary manslaughter."

Kendrick Johnson - A 17 yr old Georgia student who was killed DURING school and rolled up in a wrestling mat. His body was left in the school gym. The local police ruled his death "accidental" despite the massive amount of blunt force trauma to his face, noted in the autopsy.

Lennon Lacy - A 17 yr old North Carolina teenage football player was lynched and found hanging from a swing set in late 2014. The local police department ruled his death a "suicide" and blamed "ants and other creatures" for the wounds and marks that covered his body as he hung from the swing set. He was dating a white woman at the time, and it was frowned upon.

Aiyana Jones - A 7 yr old girl in Detroit who was shot during the middle of the night in her sleep by Joseph Weekley, during a botched raid on the WRONG home. His charges were dismissed and he is back on duty.

These are just some of the countless incidents, many of which you will NEVER hear about on Fox News, CNN, etc. Why is this? Because the media controls the narrative, especially when it concerns racial relations in this country. There is an ongoing double-standard in the media that continues to go unchecked. I'll never forget the media coverage during Hurricane Katrina. The Associated Press captioned 2 identical pictures of survivors floating in the water. The black man was described as "looting a grocery store" while the white couple was described as "finding bread and soda from a local grocery". The media controls the rhetoric. As disgusted as I am by the violence taking place in Baltimore, why is a blind eye turned to all of the riots incited by white Americans?

After the riots sparked in New Hampshire at the "PumpkinFest", CNN and the Huffington Post described the youths who started fires, flipped cars, tore down street signs, and threw beer cans and bottles at police officers as being "a rowdy crowd" that "just got too drunk." Because you will be kids of course!" Yet, when violence or negative incidents occur in the black community, it becomes viewed symbolically as a representation of the black community as a whole. The Columbine shooters were called "troubled kids" by the media. James Holmes shot up the entire movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, and walked out with his life. The media described him as being "troubled and mentally ill." In other words...he was simply a "sick defect"...not the norm. To this day, Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown are still viewed as "thugs" (a.k.a. the new "N-word") for wearing a hoodie and for stealing a pack of cigarillos from the store. This is entirely INTENTIONAL and it is wrong.

The bottom line is, these riots in Baltimore all stem from these obvious problems that we all continue to ignore. Peaceful protests have gone on for weeks and not a single news camera was recording. Now, people have basically set the city ablaze and the news wants to become present for that. Control the narrative and shift the rhetoric. Media essentials!

If you're more upset about storefront properties, and CVS's being destroyed than police brutality (that broke the spinal of Freddie Gray and killed him) and institutionalized racism, then clearly your sense of morality and humanity needs recalibration. It is the mindset of racism that needs to be destroyed. The SOLE reason why situations like this occur is because we have never dealt with racism in our country. We refuse to have that discussion in America. We have continuously swept it under the rug because it's ugly and uncomfortable to talk about. It's much easier to act as though it doesn't exist and simply "carry on." But I ask every person who might read this to think about your daily interactions in your personal lives...with your family members, significant others, etc. Whenever you have a serious conflict, and you avoid it and try to act as though it didn't occur...what tends to happen? The situation becomes exacerbated and what once was a problem that could be solved now becomes a huge one. In other words all the incessant denial is THE major source for these incidents. We have to be honest about what is taking place and what has taken place in order to move forward and come together. Quite frankly, all of this denial is insulting and unfortunately, some of this outrage is manifesting itself in the violent actions taking place.

The real truth of the matter is, America was built from the genocide of Native Americans and the enslavement of Africans. This is a deeply criminal nation founded on corruption, and the "real thugs" are creating all of this dissension amongst us all. They control the media and how we view each other, they poison our food, and they kill us with prescription "drugs" passed off as medication to increase their wealth and power. America needs to look itself in the damn mirror. If we don't stop deflecting and start addressing the issues, then I can assure you ALL, this instance will not be the last. I pray that one day we can all do that, but I'm not so sure that everyone wants to.

The decision is yours to make. But I implore us to all pay attention and wake up before it's too late. We are entirely too reactive as a society, and it shouldn't have to take devastation to occur before we actually pay attention.

That's about all I have to say at this point. Peace and Love to everyone...

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