copping tomorrow. I wear a 7.5 are these extra padded? should I go with an 8?
They're a little snugger than standard ones, but nothing that made me want to half up. The recent cool greys and breds fit almost the same.
Anybody putting in red or gray laces 🤔
Closest ones I have.. Bit skinnier than the original but that's fine to me.
They look far better on feet than on their own..
Will get some on foot shots tomorrow cos its chucking it down at the moment..

I actually like em like this.. Adds a bit more visual impact.
Wanted to see these in person so went to footlocker. I'm a 11.5 and they had a 12 so I took it. feels good with thicker socks. Wore them to Canada's Wonderland yesterday, they got a bit messy but cleaned up ok. Wearing them to work today. Love them.
Day after Christmas I may treat myself to these. Done for 2019. Got $20 off at foot locker.

Then will start 2020 with the DMP VI.
Anyone know where to pick up "Loyal blue" laces? I dont want no royal blue now. For that matter, when the Loyal Blue AJ1s come? That Royal old news now! >Sarcasm?!<
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