AIR PIPPEN 1s for the LOW LOW.... Check out Footaction ----->

Mar 8, 2008
Check out what i scooped up in Sharpstown Footaction (Houston, TX) for $50 !!

this is a steal... especially since its friends and family for non-employees.... that brings your Pippens to a grand total of $37!!!
Im going to hit up my foot action tomorrow
nice but what sale was 26% off 50--->37 13.00 off=26% unless it was 37 with tax meaning 50--->35.00 (30% off)+tax
%+*? Either way, purchased my pair yesterday at footaction. Store located them and whaddya know, they're coming from Texas as well.
.....there is a thread for this stickied at the top of the page wit the same info.....guess what I wrote in the pearl thread is fact
Ya hear Obama got elected.

j/p yea we caught on to this last week it's in the outlet thread. But good find though I had to get a pair myself.
For < $40, I'd do it. Isn't there a dedicated thread (or 3 - Pippen 1, store reports, sneaker showcase) for this though?
their website has em on sale @ 79.99. im gonna have to stop by the store tonight n see if they got em at 50. if so imma cop!
i'm not worried about "placement of topic" and all that stuff... i just copped them for the low and wanted to get it out to as many people as ican as fast as i can, ya know? this IS the nike retro thread... and these ARE nike retros, right?... but do yall cats really think they are gonna be worth somemoney later on ?... cuz i double copped me some...

and to the guy that was goin thru all the percentages and stuff... come on, bro... i'm ESTIMATING how much they cost... i aint look at the receipt ornothin... i was too excited when the cashier told me $75 and some change that i went into a haze.... lmao...

and they arent tagged or anything... so i believe that its at all the footaction (not sure. just guessing)... i cant hook anybody up cuz i'm off to collegetonight... but check out footaction and see what they say...
Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

F&F....there is none going on right must mean back to school savings?

naw, family... they did a friends and family here in Texas b/c they backed up our Tax Free Weekend... so i dont know if its nationwide as far as F&F...

i work for footaction, so i could have used my discount. but since its friends and family, everybody can have the same savings as i do.

i dont think they will be on sale for employee appreciation.. or even if they will still be around.

Originally Posted by SylvesterMcGrizzly

.....there is a thread for this stickied at the top of the page wit the same info.....guess what I wrote in the pearl thread is fact

wow, family... are you following me? fall back... its not really a problem... just kinda sad, in my own opinion.

Originally Posted by AirJordanXVIII

It was just on sale like the Flightposites. Footaction has a bunch of deals going on. No F&F here.

how much are the Flighposites goin for? some aren't tagged, but i dont feel like callin and goin thru all that stuff..
Originally Posted by daffy 016

smh... theyre still 90 in nyc... ima get these in the next f&f

are they ringing up or tagged?... cuz in my mall, they werent even tagged w/ a "SALE" sign or anything. That's just how they are in the computer.that's why i say, go back, ask them to ring it up or double check the price.

i'm tellin you family... just check and see cuz you never know.
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