Alimony and Child Support... NT laymen's terms please.

Sugar Shane Mosley's alimony has a portion that goes towards jewelry for his ex-wife. I mean seriously? That's why he's over 40 and still fighting. :smh:

He be a full blown ****** by the time he's done.

Mosley was just ordered to pay his soon-to-be ex-wife Jin Mosley a whopping $20,000 per month in support starting this month ... plus he's got to shell out an extra $60,000 for the past three months.

According to the docs, filed in L.A. County Superior Court, Jin claims she needs the cash to pay for several monthly expenses like:

-- Clothes .................................................. ..............$5,073
-- Jewelry .................................................. .............. $1,666
-- Cosmetics, beauty ........................................... $2,000
-- Massage therapist ........................................... $360
-- Personal trainer ................................................ $720

The couple was also ordered to sell their Southern California mansion ASAP so they can divvy up the cash from that deal.

Mosley did get one minor victory -- the judge ruled he's allowed to keep his 2006 H3.
Bruh , another reason why I don't wana get married
I know its a beautiful thing and all but damn yo
No there aren't. There are men receiving it, but not at the percentages that women do. Its far less.

Yes, far fewer. I didn't mean compared to women, I meant objectively.

Roughly 5% of the people receiving alimony in the US are men.

That's still an incredible minority, but people act as if it doesn't happen and that's not true.

In fact, that figure itself is evidence that alimony is something that isn't antiquated. If women didn't suffer the brunt of child rearing, then they'd more often be the bread winners and you'd see more men receive alimony, or the settlements would dwindle or be negligible in kind.

I'm usually pro-regulation, but this isn't something that requires and intervention - it will be fixed itself, by the market, when the gender inequities in the workplace and the impacts of having child are gender neutral. ...Once the woman stops losing out, it won't be necessary.

Yes women make sacrifices to raise kids at home but let's be honest. Dudes is the ones who have it hard. Supporting the family making the money vs home taking care of a child

Then they divorce and the women needs alimony and all that stuff. It should be like 6 months so she can get a damb job

Like nas and kelis divorced. Why is this N paying 50 Gs every month?! This ***** has a singing career she has money

Don't even get me started on splitting up assets. Ish is crazy out here bros. I'm not marrying til I'm late in my thirties. Enjoy the life for a few years then have a kid. And it's gonna be wit a chick I've been with for a minute that holds me down

All that stuff is just scary

If raising the kid is such a piece of cake, then feel free to tell your woman that she can work and you'll raise the kid. ...Have fun feeling like a teenager again, asking your wife if she'll give you some money to buy the Jordans this month. But, you are missing the point anyway - being married is about being a unit. It's not about whose job is which, it's about a collection of responsibilities that need to be met and two people working together to conquer them in the means that makes the most sense. There is not my job and your job - there's just your job as a whole. If you aren't ready for that kind of shift in the way you think, then stay single. Nobody is forcing marriage upon you.

Second, it's not - 6 months and get a job. Hopefully, people have careers and not jobs. So, let's say I stay home and take care of a kid and my wife works. 6 years later we split up. Now, I have to go back to work. ...Well, I've lost 6 years in the work force. I've lost 6 years of accruing a retirement fund. I've lost years of income. I've lost years where I could be advancing myself - even if went back to my same job for the same pay, had I not been out for 6 years, I'd likely have been promoted several times and had several raises. You sacrifice OPPORTUNITY in this scenario, and that is why you get compensated. If I leave my job tomorrow and come back 6 years later, the cost of me missing that time is A LOT more than 6 x my current salary. It all compounds.

Finally, NT has a disease where they like to compare themselves to, or make personal extrapolations from celebrity lifestyles. If your opinion regarding the issue of child support or alimony is heavily colored by the anecdotes of Nas and Kelis - you need a reality check.

Is it silly that Kelis gets like $50K or whatever a month from Nas? Absolutely. It's hard to justify the "lifestyle" quotient of alimony when it comes to people who make millions every year. But, that is nowhere near the typical case, so it's essentially irrelevant to the concept at large.

As I said, it wouldn't bother me at all if there were exceptions - if each party comes into the marriage having made more than X the previous Y years consecutively, and each party manages to continue to earn above Z in the years they were married, then both parties are ineligible for alimony. I also don't have a problem with capping alimony at a certain price - being previously married to a rich man or woman does not entitled you to continue to live that lifestyle indefinitely. But, I'm trying to talk about this concept in a way that would relate to your life or mine. Those issues just don't manifest in 99% of situations, so why use them in a discussion about the phenomenon at large.
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Bruh , another reason why I don't wana get married
I know its a beautiful thing and all but damn yo

It's only beautiful for about half the people that decide to do it. Probably less than that if you factor in those that are unhappy but scared to shake things up.
I was a " I don't ever wanna get married" dude myself. I wasn't looking for a wife, but when I met my her, she was all around a really cool chick. She got prego before we got married and we found out early. We could have not had the baby ( at the time had no firm abortion stance). But realistically, I looked at the situation and who she was and felt that if we didn't work, she so respectful, loyal, honest, honorable and decent that I felt she could also be a good bm (which was something I lived in fear of cus of child support and for my future I wanted a nice family situation like I was raised in), and not bring me shame...... Most importantly you gotta be honest with yourself in knowing who your dealing with. Think steps ahead and different scenarios. There are some shocking situations, but for the most part, you know "this" chick is only good for one night, a few months, booty calls, wifey with ratchet tendencies, or a good girl. I don't believe in divorce ( too much money). Marriage is can be rough but it also can be great. Knowing you got always got Batgirl genuinely watching your back, and taking care of you is always :pimp:
Just keep your eyes open, don't follow your heart (emotions), follow your brain.
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Mosley was just ordered to pay his soon-to-be ex-wife Jin Mosley a whopping $20,000 per month in support starting this month ... plus he's got to shell out an extra $60,000 for the past three months.

According to the docs, filed in L.A. County Superior Court, Jin claims she needs the cash to pay for several monthly expenses like:

-- Clothes .................................................. ..............$5,073
-- Jewelry .................................................. .............. $1,666
-- Cosmetics, beauty ........................................... $2,000
-- Massage therapist ........................................... $360
-- Personal trainer ................................................ $720

The couple was also ordered to sell their Southern California mansion ASAP so they can divvy up the cash from that deal.

Mosley did get one minor victory -- the judge ruled he's allowed to keep his 2006 H3.
Id have this ***** killed. Srsly
I was a " I don't ever wanna get married" dude myself. I wasn't looking for a wife, but when I met my her, she was all around a really cool chick. She got prego before we got married and we found out early. We could have not had the baby ( at the time had no firm abortion stance). But realistically, I looked at the situation and who she was and felt that if we didn't work, she so respectful, loyal, honest, honorable and decent that I felt she could also be a good bm (which was something I lived in fear of cus of child support and for my future I wanted a nice family situation like I was raised in), and not bring me shame...... Most importantly you gotta be honest with yourself in knowing who your dealing with. Think steps ahead and different scenarios. There are some shocking situations, but for the most part, you know "this" chick is only good for one night, a few months, booty calls, wifey with ratchet tendencies, or a good girl. I don't believe in divorce ( too much money). Marriage is can be rough but it also can be great. Knowing you got always got Batgirl genuinely watching your back, and taking care of you is always :pimp:
Just keep your eyes open, don't follow your heart (emotions), follow your brain.
I had to rep you on than man
Glad your happy thanks for your outlook on that brodie
I need a shorty like that
Just reading about this bull has me heated
Yes, far fewer. I didn't mean compared to women, I meant objectively.

Roughly 5% of the people receiving alimony in the US are men.

That's still an incredible minority, but people act as if it doesn't happen and that's not true.

In fact, that figure itself is evidence that alimony is something that isn't antiquated. If women didn't suffer the brunt of child rearing, then they'd more often be the bread winners and you'd see more men receive alimony, or the settlements would dwindle or be negligible in kind.

I'm usually pro-regulation, but this isn't something that requires and intervention - it will be fixed itself, by the market, when the gender inequities in the workplace and the impacts of having child are gender neutral. ...Once the woman stops losing out, it won't be necessary.
If raising the kid is such a piece of cake, then feel free to tell your woman that she can work and you'll raise the kid. ...Have fun feeling like a teenager again, asking your wife if she'll give you some money to buy the Jordans this month. But, you are missing the point anyway - being married is about being a unit. It's not about whose job is which, it's about a collection of responsibilities that need to be met and two people working together to conquer them in the means that makes the most sense. There is not my job and your job - there's just your job as a whole. If you aren't ready for that kind of shift in the way you think, then stay single. Nobody is forcing marriage upon you.

Second, it's not - 6 months and get a job. Hopefully, people have careers and not jobs. So, let's say I stay home and take care of a kid and my wife works. 6 years later we split up. Now, I have to go back to work. ...Well, I've lost 6 years in the work force. I've lost 6 years of accruing a retirement fund. I've lost years of income. I've lost years where I could be advancing myself - even if went back to my same job for the same pay, had I not been out for 6 years, I'd likely have been promoted several times and had several raises. You sacrifice OPPORTUNITY in this scenario, and that is why you get compensated. If I leave my job tomorrow and come back 6 years later, the cost of me missing that time is A LOT more than 6 x my current salary. It all compounds.

Finally, NT has a disease where they like to compare themselves to, or make personal extrapolations from celebrity lifestyles. If your opinion regarding the issue of child support or alimony is heavily colored by the anecdotes of Nas and Kelis - you need a reality check.

Is it silly that Kelis gets like $50K or whatever a month from Nas? Absolutely. It's hard to justify the "lifestyle" quotient of alimony when it comes to people who make millions every year. But, that is nowhere near the typical case, so it's essentially irrelevant to the concept at large.

As I said, it wouldn't bother me at all if there were exceptions - if each party comes into the marriage having made more than X the previous Y years consecutively, and each party manages to continue to earn above Z in the years they were married, then both parties are ineligible for alimony. I also don't have a problem with capping alimony at a certain price - being previously married to a rich man or woman does not entitled you to continue to live that lifestyle indefinitely. But, I'm trying to talk about this concept in a way that would relate to your life or mine. Those issues just don't manifest in 99% of situations, so why use them in a discussion about the phenomenon at large.
In fact, that figure itself is evidence that alimony is something that isn't antiquated. If women didn't suffer the brunt of child rearing, then they'd more often be the bread winners and you'd see more men receive alimony, or the settlements would dwindle or be negligible in kind.

Thats a huge common misnomer. While there is a large difference in terms of college students etc... in terms of ratio women to the end of the day there is a HUGE difference in terms of ratio of men favoring women in terms of actually FINISHING school. So this whole stunting their growth "potential earning" is false cause lets face it...especially in todays time you having some sort of degree/skilled trade, certification, your most likely to earn or achieve more. So are you saying its much harder to have a great career with a few years of college versus, a few years of college but be a mother? Also the suffering issue...its not as if women are doing something that goes against their nature, or achieving/accomplishing the unthinkable... Despite all this newfound sex/gender role mumbo jumbo. Women were created to bare children. One could argue that they dont initially finish school due to having kids etc... but again with all these programs going on including a bill that actually pays mothers to finish/continue education. Really the whole having kids aspect is at best a mere crutch.

If raising the kid is such a piece of cake, then feel free to tell your woman that she can work and you'll raise the kid. ..

I am actually a father of two, and between when I first got off active duty military. And before I became self-employed.. Outside of maybe when i was a kid. As far as work etc... this was easily the easiest carefree time in my life. Between going on a tour, the various jobs I have held, hell even being a teenager, working going to school, being in the band and playing basketball. Trying to start a business and finishing college, the time i spent right after finishing doing a tour, where i was pretty much a part time online student and a stay at home dad, it was the easiest i have ever had it in my teen to adult life. So im not speaking on what i think, im speaking on first hand experience.

If i had to choose between dodging ieds, doing comtec work, and dealing with kosovo, or back laying mortar and bricks versus, changing diapers, cooking/cleaning and making dr. appts. Id, with no hesitation take staying at home. I mean even in its concept why do you think women choose or desire to be stay at home mothers... Because its easy. Its not even in human nature, to willingly take the hard road. If it was that daunting of a task, we wouldnt have so many women trying to do it. You dont see a huge surge in women wanting to be construction workers, lawn technicians etc...why because its hard work. Hell even if you look at the job market, and the jobs in which most women fill. most of them are desk jobs, relatively easy work that require little to no effort outside of mentally.

Second, it's not - 6 months and get a job. Hopefully, people have careers and not jobs. So, let's say I stay home and take care of a kid and my wife works. 6 years later we split up. Now, I have to go back to work. ...Well, I've lost 6 years in the work force. I've lost 6 years of accruing a retirement fund. I've lost years of income. I've lost years where I could be advancing myself - even if went back to my same job for the same pay, had I not been out for 6 years, I'd likely have been promoted several times and had several raises. You sacrifice OPPORTUNITY in this scenario, and that is why you get compensated. If I leave my job tomorrow and come back 6 years later, the cost of me missing that time is A LOT more than 6 x my current salary. It all compounds.

But just because you have kids and married doesnt mean you dont have the ability to go out and work. Ppl for some reason forget that, last i checked kids do infact have to go to school. So that 8-10hrs they are away you could work etc... The choice not to, whether it be mutual between the couples, one party or not, the ability to do so is still there. Also the whole notion of loosing 6 years in the workforce, would be a decision that women chose to make. Its a difference between not doing something, and not having the ability to do something.

Its almost like your saying a women chooses not to work, because her man makes a ton of money, they split, then she says oh well i coulda been making all that money you making, but since you had it, i simply just didnt feel the need to go out and get my own, plus im use to having you give me this money, so i should still get it. Its basically saying pay me based on what i couldve done possibly, if i actually tried and wanted to. Imagine if the world was based on paying ppl off of, what they possibly could do, but never proved it, or based on what they could do but chose not to do?

I mean there are exceptions such as if you had a special needs child etc... which prevented you and it was best that you focused stayed with them...things of that nature. But to say oh i have the ability to do something, I can do something, but i opt out of doing something, solely on the premise of well you doing for me whats wrong with alimony.

But to say oh i did 2 years of college, and was working a rink a dink job like walmart, and because i had a kid, that prevented me from finishing school,earning a degree, and being the a head director of sales for a large firm is ridiculous.  As if to say schools turn down married women with kids, or online courses arent available for them, or that jobs discriminate based on being a married women with kids. If single mothers can pull this off with twice the workload and half the help (in terms of another parent/body in the home) surely a women without any financial burdens, a extra body to help with the household, and plenty of time to kill can.
here is what none of you seem to understand about alimony. it is based on the lifestyle.

if sugar shane mosley didnt let his girl spend mad money each month, then she wouldn't be accustomed to the lifestyle and get that kind of dough after divorce. it's based on the principal that you can't show someone the good life and let them become dependent on you then rip the rug from under them when the marriage falls apart. you knew what that commitment meant and it's you that are now backing out that commitment so you can't just skate on some "on to the next one" steez.

also there are like 6 different types of alimony and all but one is temporary, even the "permanent" alimony ends if they get remarried. also say you get divorced and start making even more money, the amount cannot change on her end.
here is what none of you seem to understand about alimony. it is based on the lifestyle.

if sugar shane mosley didnt let his girl spend mad money each month, then she wouldn't be accustomed to the lifestyle and get that kind of dough after divorce. it's based on the principal that you can't show someone the good life and let them become dependent on you then rip the rug from under them when the marriage falls apart. you knew what that commitment meant and it's you that are now backing out that commitment so you can't just skate on some "on to the next one" steez.

also there are like 6 different types of alimony and all but one is temporary, even the "permanent" alimony ends if they get remarried. also say you get divorced and start making even more money, the amount cannot change on her end.
Its all a load of crap. Even if you weren't spending and she lived better than she did before, she be "accustomed" to that lifestyle. Who said they had to become dependent? They choose not to work and make their own money. They chose to become dependent like the leeches they are.
This. The whole point of a divorce is to no longer be involved in each other's lives. If there's children involved, then child support takes care of that. Nothing more.

im just telling you guys how it works. marriage is a commitment for better or worse till death do you part. if you're gonna treat her like a queen then be prepared to after things go bad.

you guys keep focusing on the kids and what not, but child support is based on the same principal.

if you had your kids in private school in a rich neighborhood, then you cant be like oh me and mommy dont love each other no more. all you need is an education and a roof over your head so public school and a two bedroom apartment in the hood it is.

YOU showed your kids a lifestyle of excess and money so now YOU gotta keep them in that lifestyle because they didnt do anything wrong. so whats the difference if i say the house note gets paid from the child support or if i say the house note gets paid from alimony, either way the kids live in the house they grew up in.

it's no different from the wife. if she was some podunk nobody happy with a double wide till you put her in a penthouse, you can't be mad she wants to stay with that ****. ****** in here like they would be happy to go back to ramen after tasting filet mignon.

if you make your girl work while you're married the judge will be like yo you got a good job and can easily take care of yourself. you don't need alimony. the **** aint automatic. it just happens to these cats who want to be alpha males on some "my girl don't have to work" steez.

moral of the story is don't marry someone unless you're sure and if you do dont try and ball out unless you are willing to let her continue to ball if things fall apart. simple really.
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im just telling you guys how it works. marriage is a commitment for better or worse till death do you part. if you're gonna treat her like a queen then be prepared to after things go bad.

you guys keep focusing on the kids and what not, but child support is based on the same principal.

if you had your kids in private school in a rich neighborhood, then you cant be like oh me and mommy dont love each other no more. all you need is an education and a roof over your head so public school and a two bedroom apartment in the hood it is.

YOU showed your kids a lifestyle of excess and money so now YOU gotta keep them in that lifestyle because they didnt do anything wrong. so whats the difference if i say the house note gets paid from the child support or if i say the house note gets paid from alimony, either way the kids live in the house they grew up in.

it's no different from the wife. if she was some podunk nobody happy with a double wide till you put her in a penthouse, you can't be mad she wants to stay with that ****. ****** in here like they would be happy to go back to ramen after tasting filet mignon.

if you make your girl work while you're married the judge will be like yo you got a good job and can easily take care of yourself. you don't need alimony. the **** aint automatic. it just happens to these cats who want to be alpha males on some "my girl don't have to work" steez.

moral of the story is don't marry someone unless you're sure and if you do dont try and ball out unless you are willing to let her continue to ball if things fall apart. simple really.
its real ****** up how that is
With just you and the wife part.
im just telling you guys how it works. marriage is a commitment for better or worse till death do you part. if you're gonna treat her like a queen then be prepared to after things go bad.

you guys keep focusing on the kids and what not, but child support is based on the same principal.

if you had your kids in private school in a rich neighborhood, then you cant be like oh me and mommy dont love each other no more. all you need is an education and a roof over your head so public school and a two bedroom apartment in the hood it is.

YOU showed your kids a lifestyle of excess and money so now YOU gotta keep them in that lifestyle because they didnt do anything wrong. so whats the difference if i say the house note gets paid from the child support or if i say the house note gets paid from alimony, either way the kids live in the house they grew up in.

it's no different from the wife. if she was some podunk nobody happy with a double wide till you put her in a penthouse, you can't be mad she wants to stay with that ****. ****** in here like they would be happy to go back to ramen after tasting filet mignon.

if you make your girl work while you're married the judge will be like yo you got a good job and can easily take care of yourself. you don't need alimony. the **** aint automatic. it just happens to these cats who want to be alpha males on some "my girl don't have to work" steez.

moral of the story is don't marry someone unless you're sure and if you do dont try and ball out unless you are willing to let her continue to ball if things fall apart. simple really.

In short.

Stop saving these good for nothin "garden tools" and you won't have to pay alimony when y'all split.
And don't get married, its a law binding contract that overwhelming favors women

Like seriously what does man really get out of marriage?
And don't get married, its a law binding contract that overwhelming favors women

Like seriously what does man really get out of marriage?

Being married gets you
- More Respect than single men: the world take you more seriously because your have responsibility and some level of accountability and maturity enough to make a lifelong commitment.
- Have more Sex
- more established Leadership qualities
- more income
- Wives do stuff you don't want to do: more of the cooking, cleaning, buying stuff that you would never buy but the house needs (hand soap, washcloths n towels, broccoli, etc)
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Married men are:

- More Respected than single men: the world take you more seriously because your have responsibility and some level of accountability and maturity enough to make a lifelong commitment.
- Have more Sex
- more established Leadership qualities
- more income
- Does stuff you don't want to do: Cooking, cleaning, buying stuff that you would never buy but the house needs (hand soap, washcloths n towels, broccoli, etc)

1. True
2. :lol: Not true.
3. Debatable
4. You also spend more
5. Half these new broads don't know how to cook, and rarely clean.

To each his own tho, do you homie.
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1. True
2. :lol: Not true.
3. Debatable
4. You also spend more
5. Half these new broads don't know how to cook, and rarely clean.

To each his own tho, do you homie.

The Benefits of Being Married

By: Anna Maltby

If you're susceptible to vice, find a wife. She'll save you from yourself—and improve your life—in a variety of ways. Notably, she'll . . .

1. Increase Your Pay
A Virginia Commonwealth University study found that married men earn 22 percent more than their similarly experienced but single colleagues.

2. Speed Up Your Next Promotion
Married men receive higher performance ratings and faster promotions than bachelors, a 2005 study of U.S. Navy officers reported.

3. Keep You Out of Trouble
According to a recent U.S. Department of Justice report, male victims of violent crime are nearly four times more likely to be single than married.

4. Satisfy You in Bed
In 2006, British researchers reviewed the sexual habits of men in 38 countries and found that in every country, married men have more sex.[
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