Alleged Killer Kayla Mendoza Tweets "2 Drunk 2 Care" Before Causing Horrific Accident

From looking at her Twitter, shorty seems like a loser/loner.

Like, no pics of hanging out with friends. No pics of friends. Lots of comments about hanging out by herself and being drunk/high. Plus there's a strong focus on being high/drunk as the central hobby in her life.

Seems like she was on some loser/weirdo **** but since she's mad pretty all of the signs kind of fell through the cracks.

Like, if she were a dude her twitter feed would just be sad.
Question to my smokers... I'm pro weed because I don't think the effects are as harmful as drinking.

What does marijuana do to your driving skills? ...

Probably use too it already, doesn't have any effect at this point. A Lot more focused on cloud 9 :pimp:
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:smh: Drunk drivers. If you're gonna take that risk and you crash and die then that's your fault but often times with this stuff, they hit another car and cause their death too
The guilt she's going to feel...

Would drive done people to suicidal thoughts..

Also, folks are RECKLESS on these social media sites... Smh...

Question to my smokers... I'm pro weed because I don't think the effects are as harmful as drinking.

What does marijuana do to your driving skills? B/c I seriously think this has more tondo with her being drunk than high...
When I'm high driving I get hella attentive making sure I obey all the rules of the road, follow the speed limit, put on every signal,  etc. 

**** this ***** tho 

I just read this in a Huff Post article
Catronio's father, Gary, told the Sun Sentinel he grew concerned Sunday after his daughter didn't check in before her 2 a.m. curfew. Using a cell phone app, he saw his daughter's location -- an unmoving spot on the expressway -- and drove to the scene, only to find police and heartbreak.
**** like this is why I refuse to drink and drive anymore.  I'm not sure I could live with myself knowing I murked innocent people all in the name of me having a good time.  Like yo, think about the number of lives these 2 deaths will affect.  Sad stuff.  
I think ima a better driver after I smoked. Way more cautious and paranoid. Don't speed like a fool most of the time. I don't even think it's cuts down on my reaction time. Just my 2 cents.
5000 tweets and not even 3 hunna followers?  

while posting things like " 2 drunk 2 care"

This girl has to be a long back, there is just no other explanation 
I'm glad she posted that, might make it more likely that she'll get locked up for as long as possible. ***** was just being reckless and cares more about being high than anything else.
Social media is killing the world.

Well, has been.
How is social media to blame for this? People didn't drink and drive and abuse drugs before social media?
Social media didn't cause the accident........but Social media is still one of the biggest detriments to our age group, guaranteed.

What really has come out of FB, Twitter, etc that has contributed to the progression of youth??? Aint sh***

It's an outlet for people to act and behave even more recklessly on a virtual platform than they would in real life.....

FB = diminishing of typical social etiquete/communication

Twitter = enhanced obsession of pop culture & celebrity know it all

Instagram = promotes self glorification and slutty behavior

Tumblr = waste of f***** time

Google+ = nice try


LinkedIN = networks, job searches, profile building, showcase events, etc.

Indicting yourself for a crime you have yet to commit is actually somewhat impressive in the level of stupidity that one must posses, but also the determination to make your premonition come true!
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Social media didn't cause the accident........but Social media is still one of the biggest detriments to our age group, guaranteed.

What really has come out of FB, Twitter, etc that has contributed to the progression of youth??? Aint sh***

It's an outlet for people to act and behave even more recklessly on a virtual platform than they would in real life.....

FB = diminishing of typical social etiquete/communication
Twitter = enhanced obsession of pop culture & celebrity know it all
Instagram = promotes self glorification and slutty behavior
Tumblr = waste of f***** time
Google+ = nice try


LinkedIN = networks, job searches, profile building, showcase events, etc.

Of all the statistics and articles about social media that I've read I have never seen anything saying that social media made people act worse than they would in real life. Honestly, I think you just made that up.
Social media is only a detriment if stupid people are using it for stupid things. This forum is a type of internet social interaction and it's fun visiting nt 95% of the time.

I talk to my friends way more in real life than I do online. And none of them are bragging about being high all the time like a fool.
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