Alleged Killer Kayla Mendoza Tweets "2 Drunk 2 Care" Before Causing Horrific Accident

Social media is only a detriment if stupid people are using it for stupid things. This forum is a type of internet social interaction and it's fun visiting nt 95% of the time.

I talk to my friends way more in real life than I do online. And none of them are bragging about being high all the time like a fool.
great point. it's really about the user.....unfortunately, I'd say 90% of people who are the most adament users of social media are idiots, real talk.

primarily, because people with a higher intelligence/focus have more important **** to do that waste their time tweeting.

Then again, generalizing is never the way to go.......NT is a good example of what I consider valuable social media. But, also since we're all in a similar NT culture, we have a lot more in common and conversations "typically" can be fruitful with the right content
Social media exposes our generation. Past generations were just as dumb, I make the argument they were worse. Our flaws (I really hate saying OUR b/c I don't do dumb **** like this chick) are on display for the world.
i have tons of sloots like this on my friends list...

its usually the chicks that are 19-23 typing about taking the morning after pill and chasing it down with a 40..swag.

i dont know any of em but they profile pictures got me, i usually troll their statuses when they post about not having cars or jobs.

they will post about them and their homegirls wanting to party but dont have a ride or anyone to buy em beer so i tell em to meet me somewhere and never show up 

its sad but most of these lil broads have kids too, i guess this nonsense has always been rampant but now its all out in the open.
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RIP to the victims

I can't drive drunk or even tipsy, it's too much. My vision and judgement be cloudy. Never was a drinker anyways

I can drive high. I'm focused, and paranoid. Constantly check the rear mirror and think every car behind me is 5-0. Only thing I'd do is auto pilot and forget where I'm going.

I got homies who are drinkers, and they all have a limit to how much alcohol they can consume before they can no longer operate a vehicle

Now my smokers, they smoke till they gotta go....and still fine.
I have no social media, besides NT. why? Because the temptation to say what you want to someone through a keyboard knowing they'll only rarely bring it up in real life was to much. The idea that the 'whole world,' at least my whole world, was paying attention to me was to tempting.

To say the Internet shouldn't be taken so seriously is unfair. People find love on the Internet. **** you post can get you locked up,, hell **** you look at may get you locked up. People post suicide letters on there, watch for the right scenes **** can be prevented. People killing themselves over something they saw on fb, or twitter. People can get kidnapped cuz of what they post online. Etc.

Social media is terrible for society IMO. In the Information Age most time is spent watching people ****. And reading things that make you angry.

I found myself getting mad over things I read/saw on the interwebz, so I quit. It's not that easy for everyone.
some of her *****:

"Can't deal with people that don't have their **** together"

"Didn't realize how ****faced I was last night til I woke up sober this morning."

"5 o'clock traffic makes me want to crash into a ditch and die"

"My car permanently smells like weed"

"Aren't you a little too old to be broke?"

and for the beasts:




I'll wait for her to be paroled 

RIP to the victims, sucks there's stupid people out there taking innocent lives.
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sad situation :smh: :frown:

i have tons of sloots like this on my friends list...

its usually the chicks that are 19-23 typing about taking the morning after pill and chasing it down with a 40..swag.

i dont know any of em but they profile pictures got me, i usually troll their statuses when they post about not having cars or jobs.

they will post about them and their homegirls wanting to party but dont have a ride or anyone to buy em beer so i tell em to meet me somewhere and never show up :lol:

its sad but most of these lil broads have kids too, i guess this nonsense has always been rampant but now its all out in the open.

reminds me of a chick that i know who just smokes and drinks all day. no yob, and "taking some classes"
might have to meat up with her...
scary that so much of my TL looks like this

not just talking about the "2 drunk 2 care" tweet, but the overall image
I always tweet when Im drunk. Its a habit. I never drive once I start drinking tho... Won't ever do that.
but, do you tweet while you're drunk?

or that you're drunk?

While I'm drunk. I don't have to say I'm drunk for you to know it. I take lots of pictures. Safe to say that If I take a picture of a couple of 12 packs and I've been drinking for 2/3 hours I'll be drunk.

People that follow me on twitter know when I'm drunk

OP will tell
Her TL is nothing out of the usual, don't even know why it's mentioned. It's really just another drinking and driving story.
It was bad enough that she was drinking and driving but people really need to think before tweeting certain things. I KNOW they're going to be using them against her.
As they should.  Hope they crucify this lame ******
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some of her *****:

"Can't deal with people that don't have their **** together"
"Didn't realize how ****faced I was last night til I woke up sober this morning."
"5 o'clock traffic makes me want to crash into a ditch and die"
"My car permanently smells like weed"
"Aren't you a little too old to be broke?"

and for the beasts:

I'll wait for her to be paroled :wow: :evil:  

RIP to the victims, sucks there's stupid people out there taking innocent lives.

Well zang!!! What a shame bro, she has potential, broad will be doing some serious time :smh
some of her *****:

"Can't deal with people that don't have their **** together"
"Didn't realize how ****faced I was last night til I woke up sober this morning."
"5 o'clock traffic makes me want to crash into a ditch and die"
"My car permanently smells like weed"
"Aren't you a little too old to be broke?"

and for the beasts:

I'll wait for her to be paroled :wow: :evil:  

RIP to the victims, sucks there's stupid people out there taking innocent lives.

Well zang!!! What a shame bro, she has potential, broad will be doing some serious time :smh
I woulda driven to her so she doesn't drive. :smh:
Here's some much as I try not to, sometimes i drive drunk. It's not my best quality, but I do. I'm working on it.

I'm not justifying her acts, if I kill someone I pray that the full force if the law lays vengeance upon my dumbass discussion.

Trust, I've cut down on my drinking And driving a **** ton since undergrad. I walk a lot more, catch way more cabs. But every once in a while I find myself being incredibly irresponsible, in more ways than drunk driving.

I pray for myself.

I'm just tired of people not being honest. I can dig most of you never having drunk driving, most of you are lames, but for everyone in here to act like she's scum because of a mistake is beyond my comprehension. Idk what happened to use to be so cool.

#teamraw #teamalcholic #teamhonest
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