Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

theres this huge confederate flag flying over one of our most busiest interstates.

In Va? Not far from where I live. It's on private property but people are trying to get something done about it.

Current idea is trying to get a large billboard or sign put up denouncing the beliefs associated and assuring people they are welcomed in the county, and our state.

White people calling for the take down of Martin Luther King statue in response to the Confederate statues being taken down.

They really LOVE false equivalences huh. Comparing a general that killed and led others to death....and was a traitor in the name of preserving "the right" to own black people


A man that was murdered by white people for peacefully demanding equality for all.

McAuliffe and the Commonwealth wanna remove and/or relocate every confederate monument in Va.

Tombout $750k-ish per location though got damn
It's like this world/country is some type of social experient. Like we're being studied by aliens. Issues as simple as money and skin color cause so much strife and injustice. It's not like we can choose our race.
They already said anyone who comes with a bag/backpack is subject to search.

Also no flag poles, umbrellas or anything that can be used as clubbing weapon.
They took stuff down in Hollywood and Montreal too

After all the killings of blacks, protests, riots, it took only 1 white person to die to make it all happen overnight.

Maybe I'm reaching tho.

Word. I dont think you are. When the nation saw their own killing their own, it was too much.
Give Boston some credit today. The Red Sox ownership is spearheading a movement to denounce and rename Yawkey Way, the street Fenway Park is on. Tom Yawkey was a well-known racist owner. Jimmies are about to be rustled because the street and Fenway are iconic.

The Red Sox had multiple black players in their farm system during the 1950s, with the team failing to promote them despite the successes other teams realized after integrating black players. During this period, the Red Sox went from perennial contender to failing to finish within ten games of first place for 17 years (1950–1966).cAs owner of the Boston Red Sox, the team's policy on integration ultimately was Yawkey's responsibility. In 1959, the Red Sox became the last major league team to field a black player, Pumpsie Green, twelve years after Jackie Robinson's rookie season with the Brooklyn Dodgers and two-and-a-half years after Robinson's retirement. Robinson would later call Yawkey "one of the most bigoted guys in baseball".
What I can't understand is all these republicans coming out "against" Drumpf's comments. This dude is EXACTLY who we thought he was. This was his whole MO on the campaign trail.

They can talk all the **** they want about equality, but they constantly vote to suppress racial progress. Now you even have Steve Bannon calling white supremacists are group of clowns and the fringe. Huh?
Give Boston some credit today. The Red Sox ownership is spearheading a movement to denounce and rename Yawkey Way, the street Fenway Park is on. Tom Yawkey was a well-known racist owner. Jimmies are about to be rustled because the street and Fenway are iconic.

I don't really care about minor things like street names, but the reactions of angry white dudes is worth it :lol: :pimp:

Rob Carey ·
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Enough already with this erase history nonsense.
There is a group in the Middle East that is also desperate to remove any references to history that they dont agree with

John Jordan
Stop it, just stop it. You're looking stupid.
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Mary Selig ·
Mt. Ida College, Newton, MA
this is getting crazy maybe we shoud rename John Henry by getting a new owner . Do something positive donate money to Haiti or some other third world country .

Richard Elwell
Enough of this BS. This has gone long past absurd.

Frank Moran ·
Quincy, Massachusetts
Good ad for Henry's alt-left Globe. Might generate a few bucks to keep the overpriced alt-left Democrat PR pamphlet from being written out of a transgender toilet.
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