Amazon FBA, Merch By Amazon..

I have only a few total sales. Still T1, can’t lie I haven’t put in the effort needed. I kinda got discouraged by the small margins but when I see people doing $2500 in a day I get remotivated.
Been slacking, so I tried to catch up. Still have 8 uploads left for the day!

Got 15 shirts live so far. Hitting my 2 uploads a day currently.

Still struggling with finding the right niches but I've had my first couple sales.

Looking to hit Tier 500 by the years end (100 sales)
I've been in quite the slump.

10 straight days with 0 sales, then 4 in a single day, then 7 more days of 0, then 2 in a single day and now on my 3rd straight 0 day
I've been in quite the slump.

10 straight days with 0 sales, then 4 in a single day, then 7 more days of 0, then 2 in a single day and now on my 3rd straight 0 day

Are you accustomed to having more consistent sales?

How many shirts do you have live if you don't mind me asking?
Are you accustomed to having more consistent sales?

How many shirts do you have live if you don't mind me asking?

Yes, I don't think I've had a single 7 day period with 0 sales, prior to having 2 in the past 3 weeks.

Tier 500, 160ish designs up. Had some that sold at least a couple per week every single week since Nov that haven't sold in weeks now
Yes, I don't think I've had a single 7 day period with 0 sales, prior to having 2 in the past 3 weeks.

Tier 500, 160ish designs up. Had some that sold at least a couple per week every single week since Nov that haven't sold in weeks now

That must be rough given the work you've put in.

You doing all the design work yourself??

The prospect of designing 500 shirts myself is terrifying. Even if i made them trash which would defeat the purpose :lol:
That must be rough given the work you've put in.

You doing all the design work yourself??

The prospect of designing 500 shirts myself is terrifying. Even if i made them trash which would defeat the purpose :lol:

Ehh I mean... I have a desk job, so I just create designs when I'm bored. Not much to lose. Designs I create are fairly basic, mostly text designs.

I need to start uploading more designs though. I kind of gave up after sales really started sucking, but might as well just throw up whatever and hope it hits.
Sales are still really down across the board. Something to do with the algorithm and searchability, Amazons working on it on the back end according to my guy that is on calls with them weekly.

I'm barely at 28 for the past 7 days.

I was at 40 this time last week.

Tier 1,000, havent had a zero day since January, things are slowly but surely trending up.

Did about $500 last month. Should do around $700 minimum this month, but we'll see.

I just hired an illustrator for 100 custom designs so looking to really step up the quality of of my stuff as, thus far, its been simple text designs done on my phone.

I have been slowly learning Illustrator and stacking fonts so moving over to doing much better quality text designs, and with my outsourced illustrations hoping I can improve my sales volume, strictly to be eligible to tier up (and have more slots available)

My profits are irrelevant to me right now though, my focus is getting to having thousands of designs up.

First 2,000, hoping to hit that by July, then 5,000 designs by year-end.

It's a numbers game and, while one shirt can be a runaway success, consistent daily sales comes from having a balanced catalogue with thousands of designs up.

I have a couple guys in my group that sell between 75-150 shirts daily. Thats my ultimate goal.
btw, they have been tiering up folks WAY early.

Some folks reporting only have 2 or 3 sales and tiering up to 25 and the lowest I've seen for tiering up to 500 was around 50 sales lol

So keep grinding, you guys should be tiering up to 25, 100, and 500 wayyy sooner than what was previously necessary.

tier 1000 is still requiring 500 sales.
btw, they have been tiering up folks WAY early.

Some folks reporting only have 2 or 3 sales and tiering up to 25 and the lowest I've seen for tiering up to 500 was around 50 sales lol

So keep grinding, you guys should be tiering up to 25, 100, and 500 wayyy sooner than what was previously necessary.

tier 1000 is still requiring 500 sales.

Yeah i got tier 25 after 2 sales.

Got 25 listed now. Going to go back over the all the designs and either improve or replace them.

By the time i get to 25 sales I want to have 75 more shirts ready to list.
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I just hired an illustrator for 100 custom designs so looking to really step up the quality of of my stuff as, thus far, its been simple text designs done on my phone.

I have been slowly learning Illustrator and stacking fonts so moving over to doing much better quality text designs, and with my outsourced illustrations hoping I can improve my sales volume, strictly to be eligible to tier up (and have more slots available)

My profits are irrelevant to me right now though, my focus is getting to having thousands of designs up.

First 2,000, hoping to hit that by July, then 5,000 designs by year-end.

Props if you can hit those numbers by years end dude.

You providing the illustrator with all the details for niches/concepts??
Due to the rising cost of processing returns, Merch will deduct royalties for returned products starting May 1st. You will be able to view your returned products in a new Returns column on the Analyze page and CSV file. Monthly earnings will be based on the difference between royalties for products shipped and refunded that month. Negative monthly balances will not be debited from your bank account but will be carried over to the following month.

Game changer.

Design work has to hold up beyond the thumbnail image now. I'm pretty slow with working up designs anyhow so now i've gotta consider whether the juice is worth the squeeze.

Hopefully sales are holding up well for you guys.
Hopefully sales are holding up well for you guys.

Sales blow for me. The clusters of sales just seem way too weird for it to be completely coincidental but maybe not?

3/12 to 3/18: 6 sales (6 sales in 6 days)
3/19 to 3/28: 0 sales (9 days without a sale)
3/29 to 3/30: 4 sales (4 sales in 2 days)
3/31 to 4/7: 0 sales (8 days without a sale)
4/8: 2 sales (in 1 day)
4/9 to 4/19: 0 sales (10 days without a sale)
4/20 to 4/23: 3 sales (3 sales in 3 days)
4/24 to 4/30: 0 sales (6 days without a sale)

Seems weird that the sales would be clustered together in 1-3 day periods, and then week+ periods of no sales, then couple sellers, then week+ with no sales, then couple sellers, then week+ with no sales, etc.
Sales blow for me. The clusters of sales just seem way too weird for it to be completely coincidental but maybe not?

3/12 to 3/18: 6 sales (6 sales in 6 days)
3/19 to 3/28: 0 sales (9 days without a sale)
3/29 to 3/30: 4 sales (4 sales in 2 days)
3/31 to 4/7: 0 sales (8 days without a sale)
4/8: 2 sales (in 1 day)
4/9 to 4/19: 0 sales (10 days without a sale)
4/20 to 4/23: 3 sales (3 sales in 3 days)
4/24 to 4/30: 0 sales (6 days without a sale)

Seems weird that the sales would be clustered together in 1-3 day periods, and then week+ periods of no sales, then couple sellers, then week+ with no sales, then couple sellers, then week+ with no sales, etc.

Thats bizarre dude. Was there some kind of search algorithm change?

And do you think the refund deductions will have a big impact for merch sellers?
Thats bizarre dude. Was there some kind of search algorithm change?

And do you think the refund deductions will have a big impact for merch sellers?

I don't know... its weird. I had shirts that were selling at least every couple of days, that haven't sold in a month. Check for copycats - nothing, I'm still near the top of the first page.

I quit uploading designs a few weeks ago. I need to get back on it and just keep crunching **** out, since I still have 350 open design slots. Upload and see what works, I guess.

Definitely not as excited as I was at first, though. Went from $80-100 in royalties for 4 straight months... and now my April will be $25.75
Lol man there’s just a boatload of people uploading a boatload of ish. Saturated isn’t good enough to describe it. Just be happy whatever you’re getting, and look at it like a bonus :lol:
Lol man there’s just a boatload of people uploading a boatload of ish. Saturated isn’t good enough to describe it. Just be happy whatever you’re getting, and look at it like a bonus :lol:

To your point i've sold 3 shirts and have just been upgraded to tier 100 :lol:

I guess if they're not paying out on refunds now they dont have to worry too much about people making the tier requirements.
Again, its a numbers game ya'll.

You could get lucky every now and then in the lower tiers but the goal is to get a couple thousand designs up, over time.

I have about 600 designs up currently and, while its NOTHING, I did 45 for the past week (roughly $200).


Guy in my group sold almost 1800 the last week. Thats the level Im trying to get to.

I hired an illustrator a few weeks ago and those designs have started moving. A slow grind but overall, Im trending up month after month this year.

It does take a lot of work though. No doubt about it.

While some niches are saturated, overall the platform is nowhere near saturated.
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