Amazon Prime: "Vikings" S6 *The Final 10 Episodes*...Premieres on Wednesday, December 30, 2020...

Roots is being classified as a mini series spanning 4 nights. I guess if ratings are good HC orders more.
Y'all have my attention. Just got the first 3 seasons. A lot of catching up to do.

Edit: First episode got me hooked. Practically everybody scheming on Ragnar's girl. Gonna have to fade his own brother.

LFG, Rollo! You do have an ounce of morality & dignity.
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This show spells the end of my productivity for the week. Got your boy ready to storm the gates of Valhalla.

Only 5 episodes in. Hope it continues to get better.
Gets heaps better.
S2 is super lit
S3 improves on even that perfection
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Almost all caught up, through the fifth episode of Season 4. This show is beyond addicting and incredibly enjoyable from a historical/mythological standpoint. I posted this in the movie thread and strongly feel Manu Bennett, Crixus from 'Spartacus,' would have been perfect for the role of Rollo. The internal strife and turmoil, competition with Ragnar, and physical prowess in battle.

Gustaf Skarsgard, who plays Floki, is by far the best actor on the show. Fiercely loyal to the Viking gods, uncompromisingly so. The love/hate relationship he has with Ragner and his own wife, Helga. Fits of selfishness but creativity with buildings ships and apparatuses to breach the Parisian walls. That snicker/almost maniacal laugh Skarsgard does is ridiculously believable and authentic. It was interesting how Floki could not be content with a regular, happy life. Supportive woman and baby girl, yet he complains things are "too perfect." Perhaps he's a character that prefers and thrives on chaos.

My favorite character is Bjorn Ironside. As a child, frowning upon Ragnar's infidelity with Queen Aslaug and directly voicing his displeasure. Being torn between Lagertha and Ragnar, forced to make a very difficult decision at a young age. As he ages, Bjorn defends and attempts to protect his mother against the abusive earl in Hedeby. His infatuation with Porunn, even though she was "just" a slave. Relentlessly pursuing her until she lowers her guard. Most sons can relate to Bjorn's desire to prove himself to his father. Show himself worthy as a warrior and man. Which explains his constant obsession to enter the wilderness alone to test his survival skills and mental toughness.

Bjorn Ironside does show weaknesses too though, as any human does. Turns out to be a bit green, youthful, and inexperience. Allowing Rollo to stay in Paris instead of Floki, who is more loyal and stable. Publicly airing out the bad business between Ragnar and Floki, which diminishes Floki's credibility as an adviser to Ragnar in the community.
Nice post :pimp:

I took Floki was getting to the point where he's trying to embody the Norse GOD Loki. After killing Athlestan he was brought down to Earth and was lost. Thought they abandoned him. He was expecting the Ragnar punishment but those Ls in Paris and having nothing to do with how they end up succeeding humbled him a bit.

Then we see he's sort of rewarded with gifts by the end of this recent season.
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Master Zik Master Zik :
I LOVE what Michael Hirst did with Athelstan's character. Pure genius. Phase One: Deeply religious monk captured by "savage" Vikings. I believe it's intended for the viewer to be introduced to Viking society through Athelstan's eyes. The unique culture, some may say borderline savagery. Not many would be used to the human sacrifice ritual every 9 years. Or the stark contrast between free men/women and slaves. The shock factor is evident through Athelstan's character. Phase Two: He gravitates towards Ragnar and Viking society. The pagan gods. Athelstan becomes intrigued by the mythology: Odin, Thor, Ragnarok. Transitions into a trusted adviser for Ragnar on strategy and conquests, much to the chagrin of Floki. Phase Three: Journeys to Wessex have Athelstan torn. Which god(s) is the proper one to serve? His old ideologies versus the new Viking beliefs. It's almost natural for any human to flip-flop with the powers of persuasion through Ragnar on one side, and King Egbert. The viewer feels the tug and pull, how tortured Athelstan is internally.
Yeah I loved Athelstan's story arc. I wish it didn't end but I see in a way it had to for Ragnar. That whole seasons with him really gave the introduction to Viking culture more appeal. His struggle and journey was well written :smokin

If only Floki wasn't so salty.
Fun fact: Did you know Helga and Torvi are actually Michael Hirst's daughters?

I don't know what it is but something about Torvi (Georgia Hirst) gets me.
I knew they were clearly sisters but didn't know the dad :lol:

It was hard to ignore when she came on the scene. Whole time I'm like how does Floki or Bjorn not see the resemblance.
I would wife Helga. I really like the way she looks for some reason.
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Just got through season 1

Like this show, a lot.
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It gets better after the first ep. IIRC it's only like 6 or 8 eps anyway.

Characters like the king or would be king Alfred, Brida, Odda, Ragnar the younger and his brothers, Ubba, and of course Uhtred :smokin are all real good or grow on you over time.

Its not Vikings story wise so keep that in mind but it has similar themes, just a different tone. It is it's own thing in regards to the main plot(s).

S2 is gonna be on netflix, so it'll be easier to binge.
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