American Psycho..... REEEEEEEE-MAKE

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Why are they doing this?

Doesn't make a lick of sense.
I doubt this is going to make any significant money.  It said it's low budget.  The original didn't even make that much.
Why are they hiring Scott?  He looks just like Bale.  I don't see the point of a remake if you're just going to hire a lookalike and make an inferior project.
It doesn't even make sense to remake this at all from a financial standpoint. The original was a box office disaster.
I may be in the minority, but if you really think about it, considering the times we live in today, American Psycho is even more relevant.
With that said, I don't really know the reason for financially re-releasing this film. I mean, it did make it's ROI (when the original came out), but it doesn't have a very big audience. In contrast, a film that has been mentioned lately for a sequel, Top Gun, makes a lot of sense. Not only would the original fan base be interested, but with all the showings they have on AMC, there's a different generation of people who like it.

If a remake is made, I would probably see it again, just to see how it's adapted in the present time.

Then again, they can always do a faithful adaptation and just release it on DVD/Blu-Ray. I don't even think I could watch something like that though. 
Originally Posted by gllahone84

Say it ain't so Hollywood...another remake?
Hollywood has officially fallen off.  So tired of all these lame remakes and comic book movies.  Why am I going to pay to go watch a movie when I have already seen it before and know what is going to happen?  Plus I am not sure anyone can play that role Bale played, dude is a borderline psycho in real life, so that role was perfect for him.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Scott my dude and all (II) but I can't rock with this

did anyone see Part 2 with Mila Kunis it was hoooorrrrible
Rules of Attraction with James Vanderbeek is the real sequel (based on the book about Bateman's younger brother) and way better.

If only for:

Sean Bateman had em' Shannyn and Kate too
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