Amsterdam to Ban Tourists from Coffeshops by End of Year

Anywhere in the west (Cali, Oregon, Washington etc) they have phenominal trees. Other than the west, Colorado and Canada are the places to go for great quality.
Been to Amsterdam a few times. Loved it. Not sure how long any ban would last. There's things in Amsterdam to do other than smoke. Hahah
Been to Amsterdam a few times. Loved it. Not sure how long any ban would last. There's things in Amsterdam to do other than smoke. Hahah
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Made my trip in November....



Name of this coffee shop please?

I did AMS before I got married. My wife actually insisted that I go because I am a looooong time smoker and hadn't been.

I was going again this summer anyway.

Whoever said you aren't getting potent strains if you aren't in Cali etc. is out of their mind. NY and Miami got it good. And I've smoked everything AMS, South Cal and North Cal have to offer.

Where y'all come up with this madness?
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Made my trip in November....



Name of this coffee shop please?

I did AMS before I got married. My wife actually insisted that I go because I am a looooong time smoker and hadn't been.

I was going again this summer anyway.

Whoever said you aren't getting potent strains if you aren't in Cali etc. is out of their mind. NY and Miami got it good. And I've smoked everything AMS, South Cal and North Cal have to offer.

Where y'all come up with this madness?
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