And this is why people get shot by the police....

They both said they didn't deserve to be killed. Stop reaching :lol:

It's not a reach at all. It's exactly what they're saying - just in a "PC" way.

Anyone that says you won't be killed by the police if you don't jaywalk or sell looseys - is justifying why they were killed. Instead of blaming the cop, they're blaming the victim. Deflecting it by bringing up minor laws being broken is a pretty common tactic. It's this nonsense idea that if you don't do anything wrong - you'll be fine. It's just not true. There are a ton of examples that prove otherwise.

Exactly :lol:

I was alone dealing with these trolls last night lol still had em looking foolish! :pimp:
Seems like @WhatCanISay really struck a nerve in here. It's because what he's saying has a lot of truth to it.
yes but no. what he said is that our clothes create a justifiable reason to be approached by police officer which, as one of my homies said on fb, is a double standard when you compare it to when women are sexually assaulted or raped people call it "victim blaming" when you talk about the way she dressed in justifying why she was raped instead of dealing with the fact that somebody took it upon themselves to make a decision for her to involve her in a sexual situation.

Yes a certain level of dress MAY have an impact but you cannot justify those police officers ("those" being any cop who messes with a person because of their attire) actions
Why don't people march and protest when people kill each other EVERY DAY in the hood?
People do. There are plenty of schools in Chicago that march to stop the violence but peaceful marches don't sell papers or get views on the news. There are good people in a lot of these bad neighborhoods that are standing up and making a stand against it but there won't be news coverage.

I hate when people complain about people not marching for others who have died or been assaulted and cry out why did we not march for this or that person because they neglect to say why they never got up and talked about it until somebody started listening. Instead they sat on it and said nothing but now they want front page news coverage. I heard about Mike Brown the day after it happened, via IG. Before him I never heard of Ferguson, and if it had not been for the people in that city and the people who they could reach on social networks nobody would have known who he was. You have to be ready to make a stink about something to get some things done
They didnt give them a reason to KILL them but YES they gave the police a reason to **** with them.
Stop actin like you dont know what happened.

Mike Brown was stopped because he was walkin down the middle of the street blocking traffic.
Eric Garner was approched for sellin loose cigarettes which he had been warned previously by the cops not to do.
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the prosecutor say that Darren Wilson stopped him because he matched the description of the person who strong armed robbed the convience store? If I recall correctly Darren say Mike with a handful of cigarillos and stopped him
the good and "bad" cops gotta deal with animals %98 of the time.  who could blame them sometimes lol
But people don't bring that up or if they do they just charge it to "well the cop knows what he signed up for"

There was a story like 1-2 years ago where a guy in So Cal went on a high speed chase and basically told cops he wasn't going out like that and had the intent to shoot them if they didn't stop the police pursuit. Dude either crashes or pulls over on the freeway, runs out the car and points his phone as if he has a gun towards the officers. Sure enough, they shoot and kill him. The family had a lawsuit out vs the cops. What are cops supposed to do? Wait to see if it's a real weapon before they pull theirs out? Excuse me sir, is that a real gun? :lol:

I'm not saying some of these dudes deserve to die, but there are repercussions to certain actions. Some people are just asking for things to escalate by not listening
Repercussions to get choked to death if you question why you're getting harassed?

Got it
What did he do? Coulda sworn they didn't find any cigs on his dead body?
Even if they did, cigarettes aren't illegally anyway
Selling loosies is.
Should have just tased the dude, problem solved.

If I am an officer and someone is coming at me like that, best believe they are going to get dropped one way or another.
But people don't bring that up or if they do they just charge it to "well the cop knows what he signed up for"

There was a story like 1-2 years ago where a guy in So Cal went on a high speed chase and basically told cops he wasn't going out like that and had the intent to shoot them if they didn't stop the police pursuit. Dude either crashes or pulls over on the freeway, runs out the car and points his phone as if he has a gun towards the officers. Sure enough, they shoot and kill him. The family had a lawsuit out vs the cops. What are cops supposed to do? Wait to see if it's a real weapon before they pull theirs out? Excuse me sir, is that a real gun?

I'm not saying some of these dudes deserve to die, but there are repercussions to certain actions. Some people are just asking for things to escalate by not listening
True they're job is hard and they have to deal with some strange and wild people but that percentage up there is severely disproportionate. 98% bruh? C'mon man.  What about the people who, as Eric Gardner, have been harassed by cops over menial things or over nothing? There are cops out there who pick on guys everyday for entertainment and as soon as that guy gets tired of being harassed they have the right moment to get physical 

Compliance can reduce the number of fatalities but that doesn't address there is a problem in law enforcement that some of them have prejudice and preconceived feelings of hatred, fear, or are uncomfortable around certain ethnic groups or demographics and that is a horrible problem
I guess some people will never understand the concept of being responsible for the actions and choices you make in life. And with every choice you make there are consequnces and repercusions that will come from them.

Saying be proactive about the way you deal with police does NOT equal justifying the police killing people.

All it means is knowing the history of cops in this country be mindful of what you are doing when dealing with them cause if you don't you might end up dead. AND WHETHER ITS RIGHT OR WRONG JUSTIFIED OR MURDER DOESN'T MATTER, cause at the end of the day you are still dead.

If you are illiterate or a complete moron then you probably won't understand this VERY SIMPLE concept.
Know the history of racist cops and be mindful?

So basically bend over and be a ***** for white supremacy? I'll pass
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I guess some people will never understand the concept of being responsible for the actions and choices you make in life. And with every choice you make there are consequnces and repercusions that will come from them.

Saying be proactive about the way you deal with police does NOT equal justifying the police killing people.

All it means is knowing the history of cops in this country be mindful of what you are doing when dealing with them cause if you don't you might end up dead. AND WHETHER ITS RIGHT OR WRONG JUSTIFIED OR MURDER DOESN'T MATTER, cause at the end of the day you are still dead.

If you are illiterate or a complete moron then you probably won't understand this VERY SIMPLE concept.

Look, you can spin it anyway you like. If you're more worried about the fact that someone was ALLEGEDLY selling loosies instead of the fact that a cop decided to choke him to death - then it's obvious what you're really thinking. Selling cigarettes like that happens every single day. Jaywalking happens every single day. I literally can't think of two crimes that would bother me less if cops decided to stop worrying about it.

And yes - the fact that you keep bringing up this nonsense is proof that you're more worried about the actions of the victim than the actions of the murderers. Unless your goal here is to just deflect from the real issue: cops not being held accountable for their actions. Which one is it?

In a perfect world, every single black person would keep their head down, stay in their house as much as possible, smile when they're harassed, and never break the law. The world isn't perfect. A small percentage of people are like this. So bringing up the fact that they chose to break the law or chose to jaywalk and that's why they died - is just beyond stupid. People break laws every day. We should have higher standards for our cops.
The bigger problem is you making it a bigger problem and buying into the race war the media is building up to. When you look at all the interactions between police and citizens there's an extremely minute few that have violent interactions with police, and even far less that weren't provoked by resisting arrest, or violence. 
But people don't bring that up or if they do they just charge it to "well the cop knows what he signed up for"

There was a story like 1-2 years ago where a guy in So Cal went on a high speed chase and basically told cops he wasn't going out like that and had the intent to shoot them if they didn't stop the police pursuit. Dude either crashes or pulls over on the freeway, runs out the car and points his phone as if he has a gun towards the officers. Sure enough, they shoot and kill him. The family had a lawsuit out vs the cops. What are cops supposed to do? Wait to see if it's a real weapon before they pull theirs out? Excuse me sir, is that a real gun? :lol:

I'm not saying some of these dudes deserve to die, but there are repercussions to certain actions. Some people are just asking for things to escalate by not listening

Lol please link me to the article explaining this.

Did he have a megaphone? How did he communicate that he was going to shoot them if he kept chasing them? He was in a car, they were in cars - with sirens on I presume. They were in a busy freeway? Pointed a PHONE at a cop?

Sounds like you're mixing up this story with another story where the guy was actually a murderer and actually fired 10 shots from his car while being chased.
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