and we're done

In all honesty though, we don't know what else was said between those two on the court. KG could've said some other ish for all we know. But I can see where your coming from too.
Do you know the circumstances? Of course you don't. All these players are men before anything. You can't account for another man's pride. Notice I said standing up for THEMSELVES, not ourselves. Your a fan sitting comfortably behind your tv screen. So all the huffing and puffing you're doing is comical to me. Some of you must have forgotten about the Knicks of old. When teams not only respected us, but feared us. Paul Pierce can taunt our fans and KG can throw shots at our stars because there's no fear of the Knicks. We aren't going to finesse our way to a championship. I'm glad Melo took a stand. Bet you KG won't try to see him on the court again.
In all honesty though, we don't know what else was said between those two on the court. KG could've said some other ish for all we know. But I can see where your coming from too.

Came in to to the same thing. It might have been something personal that really triggered Melo to go at him like that.
Do you know the circumstances? Of course you don't. All these players are men before anything. You can't account for another man's pride. Notice I said standing up for THEMSELVES, not ourselves. Your a fan sitting comfortably behind your tv screen. So all the huffing and puffing you're doing is comical to me. Some of you must have forgotten about the Knicks of old. When teams not only respected us, but feared us. Paul Pierce can taunt our fans and KG can throw shots at our stars because there's no fear of the Knicks. We aren't going to finesse our way to a championship. I'm glad Melo took a stand. Bet you KG won't try to see him on the court again.
Sums up my feelings. If Melo felt the need to take it there, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he had a good reason to.

Sometimes it's not all basketball. These dudes are men.
Melo threw it back, but his shot was crooked all night. Can't even fault him, this wasn't a Melo loss, this was a team loss. Melo didn't make Amare a pylon, or give us no response for Avery's pressure. Did he stop rebounding or passing or defending?

Go ahead, tell em where you from. The cooler heads can talk all the **** they want in the morning. **** it. He in that game as much or more than we in the game.
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Standing up for ourselves? After the game? And I'm the idiot? Eff outta here wit' yo illogical self.
You stand up for yourself DURING the game. They BEAT US. Plain and simple.
I know it's a hard pill to swallow, but that's the fact.
The best thing to do is to learn from our in game mistakes.
Practice harder, watch film, bolster the defense, work on better shot selection, and wait for your chance to pay them back.
Going to their locker room to go fight them is the stupidest thing anyone on our team can do.
Yeah let's "stand up for ourselves" by provoking a fight, after the game, in their locker room?
Think genius.
You would have Melo, our best player, get fined and suspended for Gosh knows how long just because your pride is blinding you from sense?
Pride commeth before the downfall.
Some of y'all are ridiculous.

I understand what you are saying to an extent. But you are going to rustle some jimmies by calling our leader itch made.
KG is the real itch made dude. Dude does some low foul type stuff and always backs down then someone stands up
Its not logical but COMPLETELY understandable why anyone would do what melo did. Standing up for his squad to perhaps the biggest bully in the league. I'm not even mad.
With the way we played we deserved to lose.

What happened after the game ended? What did Melo do? I saw him walk to the Celts locker room after being stopped and still going so did anything happen? He see KG with the hands?
Melo probably still would've went after KG after the game if we won. Dude was really pissed the **** off we have no idea what KG said ive never seen Melo react like this when he has gotten into it with artest , iggy , dontay jones, etc. KG is a ***** *** dude and probably said some real low **** and dude wanted to see him on that
Melo probably still would've went after KG after the game if we won. Dude was really pissed the **** off we have no idea what KG said ive never seen Melo react like this when he has gotten into it with artest , iggy , dontay jones, etc. KG is a ***** *** dude and probably said some real low **** and dude wanted to see him on that
Word he usually just laughs it off.
This one hurt

The day pierce retires will be a good one
I'm praying to see them in the playoffs. I need to see my Knicks take it to them when it matters.

And I forgot Prigi got a tech lol. You know this game was heated.
Things get tough and this team wants to get things back/win a game in one possession.
Things going well..the ball moves, everyone is engaged. That needs to be the case playing a soft team, a physical team..up 10, down 10.
I'm not overly concerned but the mindset of this team on offense against some physicality needs to change.

This 100%

The season is a learning experience. I just hope the players see it that way.

Melo needs to be more composed but I need to know if KG said some ill personal **** because I haven't seen him that pissed
Melo threw it back, but his shot was crooked all night. Can't even fault him, this wasn't a Melo loss, this was a team loss. Melo didn't make Amare a pylon, or give us no response for Avery's pressure. Did he stop rebounding or passing or defending?
Go ahead, tell em where you from. The cooler heads can talk all the **** they want in the morning. **** it. He in that game as much or more than we in the game.

Gotta disagree. This was a melo loss. It happens. Not gonna crucify him. But he was building a brick house early. And was extremely rattled. Taking hero shots. Stopping movement.

Very unlike the melo we saw this year
Melo threw it back, but his shot was crooked all night. Can't even fault him, this wasn't a Melo loss, this was a team loss. Melo didn't make Amare a pylon, or give us no response for Avery's pressure. Did he stop rebounding or passing or defending?
Go ahead, tell em where you from. The cooler heads can talk all the **** they want in the morning. **** it. He in that game as much or more than we in the game.

Gotta disagree. This was a melo loss. It happens. Not gonna crucify him. But he was building a brick house early. And was extremely rattled. Taking hero shots. Stopping movement.

Very unlike the melo we saw this year

I just have a quiet hate growing for Amare, because I know he's why we'll never win. That's all. I can't help,but feel like this is close to as good as Amare is gonna be and that kinda ain't ****. :lol: :smh:
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Standing up for ourselves? After the game? And I'm the idiot? Eff outta here wit' yo illogical self.
You stand up for yourself DURING the game. They BEAT US. Plain and simple.
I know it's a hard pill to swallow, but that's the fact.
The best thing to do is to learn from our in game mistakes.
Practice harder, watch film, bolster the defense, work on better shot selection, and wait for your chance to pay them back.
Going to their locker room to go fight them is the stupidest thing anyone on our team can do.
Yeah let's "stand up for ourselves" by provoking a fight, after the game, in their locker room?
Think genius.
You would have Melo, our best player, get fined and suspended for Gosh knows how long just because your pride is blinding you from sense?
Pride commeth before the downfall.
Some of y'all are ridiculous.

I understand what you are saying to an extent. But you are going to rustle some jimmies by calling our leader itch made.
KG is the real itch made dude. Dude does some low foul type stuff and always backs down then someone stands up
Its not logical but COMPLETELY understandable why anyone would do what melo did. Standing up for his squad to perhaps the biggest bully in the league. I'm not even mad.

Then let them jimmies get rustled. I am not blinded by my fandom; so much so that I'd give Melo a pass on actions that may prove costly to THE ENTIRE TEAM.

He's our floor leader; our MVP. What kind of example is he setting by going over to the opposing team's locker room to start a fight? What kind of message does it send to our foes in the conference when our leader exposes his weakness; shows that he can't take mental jabs from Garnett's snake *****? Shows that he's mentally soft?

"New game plan guys--play Melo tough and spit massive amounts of trash in his ear. He will lose it, and help derail the entire team in the process. LULZ"

Nah, I aint wit' that. I'd rather hold our leader to higher standard and tell him to man-up, mentally. Garnett is ****--we all know that, we've known that for several years now--and we can't "change" him, because all that mouthing off is a fundamental part of his game whether you want to believe it or not. You wanna shut him up, then punch him right in his face. That'll shut him up, that's the only way to shut him up; but as you know there's a price to pay for actions like that. You want Melo to pay that price? You want our team to pay that price? I don't care for Garnett or the Celtics, so I don't care what they do. I do, however, care about this team, and as such I will hold our leader to a higher standard of professionalism and competition. Rather than lauding him for running over to their locker room to start a fight, I will rather bemoan him. I won't ask him to stand up for the team AFTER the outcome has been decided. NO. I'd much rather tell him to stand up for the team DURING the game by being mentally tough. That's all I can do as a fan; that's all that we can do as fans.

All that matters is what you DO ON THE COURT. On the field of competition and battle. Standing up to a bully after they've bested you in competition, embarrassed you in battle, is superflous. All that huffing and puffing, especially after the game, means nothing if you got the L and they got the W. It's really that simple.

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Do you know the circumstances? Of course you don't. All these players are men before anything. You can't account for another man's pride. Notice I said standing up for THEMSELVES, not ourselves. Your a fan sitting comfortably behind your tv screen. So all the huffing and puffing you're doing is comical to me. Some of you must have forgotten about the Knicks of old. When teams not only respected us, but feared us. Paul Pierce can taunt our fans and KG can throw shots at our stars because there's no fear of the Knicks. We aren't going to finesse our way to a championship. I'm glad Melo took a stand. Bet you KG won't try to see him on the court again.

Do YOU know the circumstances yourself? No you don't, so don't even come with that.

What we do know is that Melo's behavior after the game was very unprofessional, FACT. All this talk of "well Garnett might have said something personal" is speculative theory; conjecture; an opinion concocted and accepted by blind fans to justify the fact that Melo was acting highly unprofessional by going over to their locker room, after the game, to start something.

Sorry, but my fandom is not blind. Unlike some of you, I wont sit there and pretend like rabble rousing in defense of "themselves", team pride, is ok. You think they're doing "themselves" a favor if they initiate a brawl and get punished for it afterwards? You think this is what's good for "themselves", the team, in the long run? :smh:

I love this team, and I believe in this team, as such I will hold everyone on this team to the highest standard of professionalism and competition. Why? Because that's how we will win a championship. That's how you crush teams like Chicago, Memphis, and Boston; teams that have underhanded slick talking snakes like Noah, Randolph, and Garnett. You don't beat players and teams like that by playing THEIR GAME; by stooping down to their level. You beat them by focusing on yours and the collective team's game. Those games against Memph, Chi, and Boston, we lost because our best player allowed himself to get caught in a game of psychology. In every single one of these games, Melo loses his cool, starts complaining, and get's called for technical; at this point the team offense suffers. So you're not getting treated like an all-star and getting calls, OH WELL...just keep playing; **** all that yapping. Tonight we saw how bad it can get and undeniable proof that we're not a mentally tough team.

When your individual pride is damaging to the collective team, then you NEED to fall back. Tuck that tail between your alpha dog legs and chill. **** all the "man-up" bullishh. Aint no "standing up for themselves" if they allowing the Celts to win on the court and off the court (suspensions --> leads to losing games --> leads to Celts catching up to us in the standings --> which ultimately affects the fate of the team come playoff time, etc).

Like I stated previously, as an ATHLETES, the best way they can stand up for "themselves" is to get the W on the field of competition/battle. Anything else IS in itch-made.

Knicks of old, blah blah blah. Knicks of old is just that--the Knicks of old. It's a new generation, a new era with new players. Learn from the present and hope for better in the future. In other words, our team needs to learn from this defeat and get ready for next battle against the Celtics. Anything extracurricular is meaningless.

We aren't going to finesse our way to championship, sure I'll give you that, but what's more certain is that we damn sure aint making it anywhere in the playoff if we letting a team like Boston get under our skin, so much so that we trying to get it popping after the game has already been decided.

This game proved that BBall aint just a game of brawn. It's a mental sport as well. We're not a mentally tough team. We won't win any championships if we don't toughen up in the head, and it all starts with our leader, Melo, ON THE COURT, not off it.

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In the end the Celtics defensive adjustments in the 3rd quarter were perfect, and their ball movement was excellent.

Melo was off all night and the Knicks still had the game, we play em' 3-4 more times....won't win them all.
We have a composure problem. It's easy to see. This team don't like getting punched in the mouth

I'd be happier with melo punching Garnett on the court than going to find him after the game. But honestly I don't care. On the court, I didn't like what I saw from him tonight. And that's before he was going at Garnett.

It's one game. It's a learning experience. We gonna get our own Avery when shump is back

3 more games left with the celts. They own us. Mentally. Physically. That won't change until we beat them in the playoffs.

Some of y'all think this **** is gonna be easy lol. Dudes were so confident when rondo was out. I have no idea why

Nobody is gonna hand us ****. Team needs to learn from this one
And I still don't love amare finishing out games. But this wasn't on him tonight
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In all honesty though, we don't know what else was said between those two on the court. KG could've said some other ish for all we know. But I can see where your coming from too.


when have we seen Melo get this heated this year? KG takes cheap shots. all the damn time. wouldnt be surprised if he got personal with Melo.
that is why Melo started chucking in the 4th. wanted to get back at KG for whatever he said.
nothing was going in because hes been off the whole night. but in Melos mind, he needed to chuck up shots to get back at KG.

and when Bradley hit that 3 in the 4th. and did the '3 shots to the dome' thats when i really wanted this game. lol
Dont worry yall. This L feels like that loss in brooklyn. We will play better next time. Just dippig our toes in this rivalry, its gonna be fierce. Next time itl be on national TV, hopefully raymond is back. We really miss his penetration and just another floor general to direct flow when thngs get crazy. And its not our fault our celebrations are hot. You can tell dudes across the League take notice. Bradley with the three to the dome. Granger with the discount double check. Muffas is salty they aint come up with it. would have loved sheeds presence although i dont know how much jawing and intensity hed have done against his former team
Jokes on you if you think I'm reading all of that Antigen. I stopped at the point where you said something about not stooping down to their level and then namedropped teams that have all had success that surpasses ours. It would seem to me that we need to get on their level. If we gotta mix it up to do that then so be it. Composure comes through experience not through cowardice. It's one game. A couple shots go in our favor and we aren't even having this conversation, so how you sound indicting Melo as if he's a cancer that's bringing our team down?
Yeah, if dude said some next level ****, it's all bets off.  And if Melo was that hot, you gotta assume it wasn't just regular trash talk.

Anyway, on the bright side, Shump cleared for full contact practice 

More hyped for his return than anything else.  
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