Another GF help thread

Originally Posted by Dhrealtalk

oh yo, no one asked for pics yet? what's going on with that?

She is playing with both of yall emotions right now...

1) You are 16, you have a lot in front of you. Young Love that actually works out is very rare maybe like 2%.

2) Whenever your chick is texting another guy endlessly when she can be talking to you that's not a good sign.

3) You need to start driving...You can get a permit and have your licence by the time you are 17. 30 miles is not a long distance relationship.

4) And most importantly stop locking in on one target (is your girl locked in on you?) its plenty of girls out here that can give you what you want and morein a relationship.

And you dint even post pics? NT is slacking

youngwill500 wrote:
"A man shouldnt get jealous thats a females trait"

but on a serious note, drop her... she is cheating on you i promise you this.


Its to many guys out here that display female traits now days. And they wonder why they have so many problems
cut her loose. you're too caught up and it will only get worse and you will get hurt. You're still young and trust you will meet other women
damn bro for reall if shes not cheating onyou yet she will be soon enough... she sounds like my ex way to nieve this dude is movin in on ur girl and she doesnteven realize. i promise you that this will not end well. i know its tough but u should prob dump her theres smarter girls out there
1. First of all bruh, your sixteen and have plenty of life to live, don't rush things.
2. She's talking about problems to another dude(potential bf) besides you or relatives(looking for attention and affection IMO)
3. You're in a long distance relationship, tried that before and it's very unhealthy, and your obviously to young to be planning on moving in togetherto close the gap(shouldn't be anyway).
4. You CAN find someone in your local area on your level.
5. She only tells you she talks to him to make you feel like she's honest and can trust her(do you honestly think she'll tell you she's cheating?)
6. She's seventeen and her hormones are sky high.
7. Your wasting time in the love zone(save yourself the time, stress and money). Females to male ratio is 10-12:1 if not more on the female end. Go find/meetone some.
Originally Posted by Soul of Soles

she straighout admitted that she's doing it for a pretty stupid reason that she says of "curiosity" to see how it would've been if she would've been with him, which I find plain stupid.


ABORT!!! it like this....tell her you have an issue with what she isdoing...and say that you think we should just let things go for a while....if she comes back, she comes back, if not - then you know its not worth theheartache....

Plus you're a young need to be getting all hung up on some girl man.....take this from a man that has beenthere and done that....I hated, HATED women for years mainly due to one girl...don't let that happen to you my man....just find a few females in the areaand be "friends" with this chic is going to college in a year? It would never work man....sorry to be blunt, but at 17 years old - achic needs someone with some control, and you obivously can't provide that in your situation....just let it go, find yourself a little 15 year old(no pedo)and proceed to cuff
Originally Posted by Soul of Soles

It's not worth the trouble. Just go with the flow for now, but if chick starts getting worse, you already know the deal.
Might give it a bit more time and see if she changes all this @$!%, if she doesn't well oh well.

Really appreciate all the mature responses guys.
I'm still pondering on why dude is 16 in a long distance relationship. Theres no girls in your high school?

Majority are really immature and if not really loud.

She's 17 dawg. She knows right from wrong. It's downright disrespectful yet she won't let it go? I'm more than positive that she realizes whatshe's doing is disrespect. A lot of girls are like that. They want this in one dude, and that in another. So she opts for both rather than one for the sakeof having it all. Leave her. Don't play yourself. She might like a certain qualtiy in you, thus why she's with you. But then appreciates anotherquality in him. For all you know, she already has an established relationship with him.�

[color= rgb(255, 255, 102)]***replace "he" with "she", andall other necessary changes.�[/color]
Imo, you should ask her straight up to stop talking to that guy. if she says no and you say goodbye. and if she says she wil stop but you find her stilltalking to other guys, well then you have to find a new chick. by the way this is the problem with long distance relationships.
Originally Posted by knightngale

Well as we were discussing the whole issue with him texting her nonstop and now even calling her, she straighout admitted that she's doing it for a pretty stupid reason that she says of "curiosity" to see how it would've been if she would've been with him,
and you still trust her?
she is disrespecting you by flirting with a dude and even telling you about it


you obviously have this girl up on a pedestal cause it sounds to me like she's a b

you need to drop her cause it is almost inevitable that she will get smashed by dude if she has not by now

@ you not having any self respect

Should I just stand there and basically give that dude the chance to steal her away or continue dating her knowing that she wont leave me
both those options are the same

dumpin her has not crossed your mind?

real talk ..drop her
yeah man. don't deal with these relationships.
you're 16, if she wants to talk to the guys and stuff. leave her. you're better than that. don't be a sucker. remember you are 16. i'm 16 and iwent through the same exact +%+@. she would talk to this guy that was like her "brother" and he can drive. i'm on the same boat as you, i waslazy to get my permit. guy with a car, game over. i should have broken up with her but i was too ignorant and stupid to do it. and she ended up breaking upwith me.
talk to her about it, tell her it's stupid that she's curious, and if doesn't work there just leave it.
and girls can act mature and all with their futures and stuff, but they don't mature as fast as guys mature within a relationship. even though she'sjust one year older than you, you are more mature when it comes to a relationship. she thinks it's okay talking/ flirting with other guys, cuz she justthinks a relationship at this age is only temporary, and you think the relationship is suppose to go on like without an ending until further notice. if thatmakes sense, like girls think relationships have expiration dates like they don't aim for "forever", and guys think, it can go on till wheneverwithout thinking of an ending. yeah that confused me too.

no matter how you feel, she probably doesn't care as much as you do, if you're out on NT talking about this, this is really annoying the *@# outta you.
just remember you're 16, you're young, you got other stuff you gottta deal with, it's not worth getting all twisted over one girl, and there'sgotta be at least some other chicks out there in your area.
update us.
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

Sucker for love?


Sucker for love...
Don't stand for that. She putting you on the back burner doggie. She's going to let other dudes eat her cake, and come back to you to feedyou the crumbs. Dead that homie.
And for real you are too young for all that serious relationship stuff man. Don't try to get grown too quick, there is always time for that later on inlife.
Originally Posted by kash55

Dhrealtalk wrote:
oh yo, no one asked for pics yet? what's going on with that?
My man, always on top of most necessary issues.

After seeing NT completely destroy that one dude's life, I don't blame anyone for not posting pics.
LOL she has you on the side(the rebound) while she experiments with the other dude(Who she initially wanted to get with)
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