another race thread: white privledge

I swear I hate when people switch topics and try to justify evil deeds.
That was flat out irrational, though I'm sure you want it to make sense. I wish cowards like you would just say what you really want to. Let's get on with it mother ******.
You want me to say I hate black people, right? Nah man I'm good. And that post made perfect sense. If you had trouble comprehending it that isn't my fault. I hate him because of his policies and the way he goes about being president. Plain stupid to assume I don't like him based on race.
You sound like you're regurgitating what someone told you about Obama, nothing you said about him even remotely makes sense or is based on facts.

He's a socialist......rly?
Did you read my post? No president has ever overstepped his authority even near the level he has. Obamacare is socialism. Do your own research before trying to lol me away.
You gotta understand though. To them socialism is just a bad word simply cuz it's not capitalism. Most of these fools do not even know what socialism is let alone a socialist policy or socialism in action. If it didn't already have a stigma attached to it they'd be calling him a communist too :lol:

In one breath want to say Obama is a socialist Muslim born in Africa and the next say he wants to be a king.

View media item 1224010

You sound like you're regurgitating what someone told you about Obama, nothing you said about him even remotely makes sense or is based on facts.

He's a socialist......rly? :rofl:
Did you read my post? No president has ever overstepped his authority even near the level he has. Obamacare is socialism. Do your own research before trying to lol me away.

FDR dude, maybe you should read about him.
You want me to say I hate black people, right? Nah man I'm good. And that post made perfect sense. If you had trouble comprehending it that isn't my fault. I hate him because of his policies and the way he goes about being president. Plain stupid to assume I don't like him based on race.
Another perk of White privilege is that only White people can make certain mistakes, those that people of color may never recover from.

Obama isn't perfect, and really nobody is. However, it is pretty easy to forget Bush's response to 9/11, and then Hurricane Katrina.

The country has recovered from the Bush White House years under President Obama, yet people still take issue with Obama's politics.

RIIIIIGGHHHHHT, that is exactly what it is, his politics

I bet you'd be happier if it happened under Vice President Palin, now wouldn't you . . . 
I think some of the disdain really comes from what Lionblood said on the prior page, we all had such high expectations for Obama that may have been unrealistic therefore we're not satisfied with the progress made.
Obama is the probably the worst President we've ever had. Even then he still isn't lambasted by the media like Bush was and still is. He has the entirety of Hollywood and the news on his side. Calling him a socialist is far from ridiculous. He was best buddies with Bill Ayers, was described by friends and professors as subscribing heavily to socialist ideals, he rammed Obamacare, a socialist program, down the throats of Americans who did not want it, and he consistently and brazenly overuses and threatens to overuse his executive power, all the while diverting and deflecting blame to Bush. Its a miracle he isn't king Obama yet. Dude is a clown and he deserves his criticism.
Brah I'm starting to believe you need professional help
Asians (specifically Chinese, Japanese and Koreans) make more money then whites in North America but most of them hit a glass ceiling and can never rise to the higher positions in a company
Asians and Blacks have affirmative action. They are the ones who are privileged. Whites tend to have more experience that's why they are more likely to get the job. 

You know nothing about Affirmative Action if you believe that.

Please got research how much white women have benefited from it.
How and why exactly has affirmative action benefited white women? I'm generally curious, so I'll definitely look into that. 

This is a huge tangent on the topic since affirmative action was brought up. I can only speak about admissions into school (undergrad and grad) since that's all I've gone through so far. I can't speak about affirmative action in hiring since I'm far from that stage in my life.

However, for getting admission into undergrad + grad I do think affirmative action is flawed. If anyone can explain the counterpoint, I definitely want to hear it and am open to reading about it. But I've seen first hand where an Asian kid with great grades, test scores, extracurriculars gets passed up by an institute, while a minority got into the institute with lesser grades, test scores, etc (but still very impressive scores). The statistics also point to it being easier for a minority individual to get into a medical school for example compared to an Asian person. I get schools want diversity etc, but the issue I have with this is there are times the minority individual has had an "easier" road meaning he was part of a more well off family than the asian kid. This is just from one personal experience, all these guys were my friends back in high school, Asian kid and black kid apply to same schools one gets in the other doesn't, even though the Asian kid had better stats and actually had a harder upbringing (wasn't in a wealthy environment). 

Any takes on this? Thanks

View media item 1224010

You sound like you're regurgitating what someone told you about Obama, nothing you said about him even remotely makes sense or is based on facts.

He's a socialist......rly? :rofl:
Did you read my post? No president has ever overstepped his authority even near the level he has. Obamacare is socialism. Do your own research before trying to lol me away.
Again I ask was Franklin Delano Roosevelt, our 32nd president who served for 3 terms also a socialist?

Maybe you conveniently missed this the last time I asked.

View media item 1224027



Seems to me you know nothing about the history of the country you're living in or about it's presidents to say Obama has overstepped his authority to unparalleled levels. You're just ignorant. Pick up a history book.

Don't think everybody aint wise to your game here. Deflect away from the white privilege to bash Obama. You transparent b.
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How and why exactly has affirmative action benefited white women? I'm generally curious, so I'll definitely look into that. 

This is a huge tangent on the topic since affirmative action was brought up. I can only speak about admissions into school (undergrad and grad) since that's all I've gone through so far. I can't speak about affirmative action in hiring since I'm far from that stage in my life.

However, for getting admission into undergrad + grad I do think affirmative action is flawed. If anyone can explain the counterpoint, I definitely want to hear it and am open to reading about it. But I've seen first hand where an Asian kid with great grades, test scores, extracurriculars gets passed up by an institute, while a minority got into the institute with lesser grades, test scores, etc (but still very impressive scores). The statistics also point to it being easier for a minority individual to get into a medical school for example compared to an Asian person. I get schools want diversity etc, but the issue I have with this is there are times the minority individual has had an "easier" road meaning he was part of a more well off family than the asian kid. This is just from one personal experience, all these guys were my friends back in high school, Asian kid and black kid apply to same schools one gets in the other doesn't, even though the Asian kid had better stats and actually had a harder upbringing (wasn't in a wealthy environment). 

Any takes on this? Thanks
Well, it's no longer the case in some areas. Some colleges can no longer accept people based on race. What's weird is that is resulted in lower acceptance rates for whites as well.
How and why exactly has affirmative action benefited white women? I'm generally curious, so I'll definitely look into that. 

This is a huge tangent on the topic since affirmative action was brought up. I can only speak about admissions into school (undergrad and grad) since that's all I've gone through so far. I can't speak about affirmative action in hiring since I'm far from that stage in my life.

However, for getting admission into undergrad + grad I do think affirmative action is flawed. If anyone can explain the counterpoint, I definitely want to hear it and am open to reading about it. But I've seen first hand where an Asian kid with great grades, test scores, extracurriculars gets passed up by an institute, while a minority got into the institute with lesser grades, test scores, etc (but still very impressive scores). The statistics also point to it being easier for a minority individual to get into a medical school for example compared to an Asian person. I get schools want diversity etc, but the issue I have with this is there are times the minority individual has had an "easier" road meaning he was part of a more well off family than the asian kid. This is just from one personal experience, all these guys were my friends back in high school, Asian kid and black kid apply to same schools one gets in the other doesn't, even though the Asian kid had better stats and actually had a harder upbringing (wasn't in a wealthy environment). 

Any takes on this? Thanks
I respect both sides of the argument about affirmative action but I love it when black people get brought into the mix. We're complaining about like 4% of the population of many institutions. So those 2 black people in your law school class took someone's spot? Seriously?  And yes there is some evidence that white women are actually the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action.
Na not trying to be argumentative. Trust me. I don't want it to come off that way. I just have seen it a lot of times first hand, that's just the reason I ask. I went to a diverse high school that is actually filled with really bright kids because you actually have to go through a process to get into the school. So, I was surrounded by kids that were smart from all races. It's just that a lot of the really smart asian kids didn't end up getting into institutes you'd expect them to, while a minority individual did even though they had lesser stats, activities, etc, yet they also were qualified (don't get me wrong). Also, ironically the asian students were the ones less off, while the black students or hispanic students lived in the nice parts of the city/had successful parents +upbringings.

And to add, since all these race threads are so bleak 
 there wasn't any resentment from most of the students who didn't get in. No oh that kid didn't deserve it he took my spot. Everyone typically was happy for one another. People can get along you guys 

Oh and back on topic my two cents about this white privilege thing. I'm not black, I'm not white either. There's no question there's a white privilege. It's easy for a white person to say there isn't. Tell a kid living in a poverty filled area, surrounded by people who only know poverty, with little motivation because of their upbringing to work hard and you'll get where you want to be. It's extremely tough and a lot is stacked against that kid. So I ask anyone who has an opinion about this black , white whatever, what exactly can the black community do to get themselves out of that cycle? There are plenty of people that are successful and make it out of the hood, but there are much more that are swallowed in the system. Is it establish a better familial unit? Better education system etc etc?  I do think a lot of it starts with your parents because at least for me if it weren't for my mom keeping me on the right path it would've been easy for me to stray off. 

What's OLD MONEY, and do any Black people have it?

If OLD MONEY actually exists, what impact does having that status have upon being in that society?

What's NEW MONEY, and how can OLD MONEY render NEW MONEY to a certain insignificance?

Who is truly the privileged class, the OLD or NEW?
:smh: lots of deflectors in this thread. Someone put these hit dogs on a leash
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Na not trying to be argumentative. Trust me. I don't want it to come off that way. I just have seen it a lot of times first hand, that's just the reason I ask. I went to a diverse high school that is actually filled with really bright kids because you actually have to go through a process to get into the school. So, I was surrounded by kids that were smart from all races. It's just that a lot of the really smart asian kids didn't end up getting into institutes you'd expect them to, while a minority individual did even though they had lesser stats, activities, etc, yet they also were qualified (don't get me wrong). Also, ironically the asian students were the ones less off, while the black students or hispanic students lived in the nice parts of the city/had successful parents +upbringings.

I don't think a lot of people realize the many different factors that go into considering any student for college admission. And although race sometimes plays a role I think a lot of people are forgetting about high achievement. I had the privelege of being in a college prep program with Princeton University and I was exposed to the inner workings of the college admissions process. First off let's say a student from California and a student New Jersey apply to a college. Their stats are not compared. It's a more localized thing. Colleges compare your scores and grades to those that your school and similar schools in your area typically get. What makes it harder for smart high achieving white people to get into college is the fact that they typically go to schools that are filled with equally smart high achieving white kids. If you go to a school where kids routinely get a 2400 on the SATs than the score holds less weight with a competitive institution because it doesn't set you apart. But let's say some kid gets a 2000 in a school system that typically scores around 1500 that speaks more about that the student. Also don't forget about course load. College admissions would rather see you challenge yourself and get a B in an honors/AP class than coast through a standard level class. Affirmative action seems to have this perception that it helps under qualified minorities get ahead of more qualified white people just for the sake of diversity. And that's just not true.
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2:51-3:11 GOLD

Lastly, Dave's friend chip.

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 Originally, women weren’t even included in legislation attempting to level the playing field in education and employment. The first affirmative-action measure in America was an executive order signed by President Kennedy in 1961 requiring that federal contractors “take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin.” In 1967, President Johnson amended this, and a subsequent measure included sex, recognizing that women also faced many discriminatory barriers and hurdles to equal opportunity. Meanwhile, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 only included sex in the list of prohibited forms of discrimination because conservative opponents of the legislation hoped that including it  would sway moderate members of Congress to withdraw their support for the bill. Still, in a nation where white women and black people were once considered property — not allowed to own property themselves and not allowed to vote — it was clear to all those who were seeking fairness and opportunity that both groups faced monumental obstacles.

While people of color, individually and as groups, have been helped by affirmative action in the subsequent years, data and studies suggest women — white women in particular — have benefited disproportionately. According to one study, in 1995, 6 million women, the majority of whom were white, had jobs they wouldn’t have otherwise held but for affirmative action.

Another study  shows that women made greater gains in employment at companies that do business with the federal government, which are therefore subject to federal affirmative-action requirements, than in other companies — with female employment rising 15.2% at federal contractors but only 2.2% elsewhere. And the women working for federal-contractor companies also held higher positions and were paid better.

Even in the private sector, the advancements of white women eclipse those of people of color. After IBM established  its own affirmative-action program, the numbers of women in management positions more than tripled in less than 10 years. Data from subsequent years show that the number of executives of color at IBM also grew, but not nearly  at the same rate.
This is for those who doubt that White women have benefited more from AA than anyone else.
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