Any Body Here Still Use Their Blackberry?

Rocking with the 9700 on 6.0
pimp.gif my crackberry....especially these BBM skeezers
...I'm feeling that Torch though...since I'm in Germany I was thinking about copping that off Amazon and just popping in my sim card and flipping my 9700
Rocking with the 9700 on 6.0
pimp.gif my crackberry....especially these BBM skeezers
...I'm feeling that Torch though...since I'm in Germany I was thinking about copping that off Amazon and just popping in my sim card and flipping my 9700
Still using BB tour....Good good phone...its hasnt let me down...but I want to switch to the darkside and get a android evo
Still using BB tour....Good good phone...its hasnt let me down...but I want to switch to the darkside and get a android evo
The Blackberry Storm has one of the worst designs I've ever used.

Android all the way
-built solid
-handles email well
-qwerty physical keyboard
-long battery life
-simple and easy to use

I don't think BBs are going anywhere for a while

(I don't and never have owned one though)
-built solid
-handles email well
-qwerty physical keyboard
-long battery life
-simple and easy to use

I don't think BBs are going anywhere for a while

(I don't and never have owned one though)
The Blackberry Storm has one of the worst designs I've ever used.

Android all the way
I see it all the time, especially with Android... People run and leave to go tout this new platform and apps to only come back and realize that they MAINLY use the phone for communication and all that other stuff is best served while sitting in waiting rooms of doctors offices. They come to realize that all the stuff they use to simply do has to be executed with more presses and menus than could be regularly done with their "outdated" phones. It just reinforces how sheepish people are. They like shiny new things. I can't blame them at all. I'm rocking a 9650 and I'm not too keen on leaving it either right now. Its fast and works for everything I need. If I ever have time for all those apps, i'm wasting time honestly. Real bosses in life don't have time for all those games and BS so they're using their phones to communicate quickly and effectively (waits for people to chime in with their own anti-stories). Frankly, I don't care. If I want apps and games, i'll cop a iPod Touch... I just really fail to see the necessity for all of that at the end of the day. Great keyboard. Incredible infrastructure. I am THIS close to jumping for an iPhone tomorrow, but I know chances are that I won't simply because at the end of the day, its function over form for me
I'm currently have the Torch, and I'm loving it. The Bold 9000 was my previous phone and I loved it until I got my torch. 
I'm currently have the Torch, and I'm loving it. The Bold 9000 was my previous phone and I loved it until I got my torch. 
I see it all the time, especially with Android... People run and leave to go tout this new platform and apps to only come back and realize that they MAINLY use the phone for communication and all that other stuff is best served while sitting in waiting rooms of doctors offices. They come to realize that all the stuff they use to simply do has to be executed with more presses and menus than could be regularly done with their "outdated" phones. It just reinforces how sheepish people are. They like shiny new things. I can't blame them at all. I'm rocking a 9650 and I'm not too keen on leaving it either right now. Its fast and works for everything I need. If I ever have time for all those apps, i'm wasting time honestly. Real bosses in life don't have time for all those games and BS so they're using their phones to communicate quickly and effectively (waits for people to chime in with their own anti-stories). Frankly, I don't care. If I want apps and games, i'll cop a iPod Touch... I just really fail to see the necessity for all of that at the end of the day. Great keyboard. Incredible infrastructure. I am THIS close to jumping for an iPhone tomorrow, but I know chances are that I won't simply because at the end of the day, its function over form for me
Any torch owners getting irritated at touchscreen sensitivity? I find myself cheek dialing while on handset and even hitting speakerphone. Also, my slider screen seems a bit flimsy after a mere 2 months. Just super saiyan'.
Eff Ecks wrote:
What are you talking about?!?! Millions of people still use Blackberries.


i was a blackberry and had the bold. i loved it! the only problem was the stinkin trackball getting stuck.
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