Anybody drink on the job? Before work, lunch breaks, etc.

Not at work but I'm in law school and almost half the class would go and take shots at the local bar during the class break. People would come back visibly slizzard...profs never seemed to care either.
Not at work but I'm in law school and almost half the class would go and take shots at the local bar during the class break. People would come back visibly slizzard...profs never seemed to care either.
a few of us used to go for a Guiness and a burger every payday. now we work around a bunch of stuck up suits. i miss our old office
a few of us used to go for a Guiness and a burger every payday. now we work around a bunch of stuck up suits. i miss our old office
I've had Jonnie Walker visit me on the job... *kanye shrug*

Film/Commercial Producer.
I've had Jonnie Walker visit me on the job... *kanye shrug*

Film/Commercial Producer.
B4 work, first break, lunch, second break, on the way home....if we don't drink we don't work proper kinda like its work. I've tried to work without drinking to only conclude that its needed especially if ur boss is a punk
B4 work, first break, lunch, second break, on the way home....if we don't drink we don't work proper kinda like its work. I've tried to work without drinking to only conclude that its needed especially if ur boss is a punk
Originally Posted by chickencurry4eva

Yall dont have beer fridays ?? THe cooler at my job stays filled with beer, only on Fridays lol. Come 12pm we gettin it poppin
im an accountant btw lol
I work at an accounting firm and we def dont got those. smh. We did get it in from April 15-18. Patron Jello shots and morning mimosas.

Originally Posted by chickencurry4eva

Yall dont have beer fridays ?? THe cooler at my job stays filled with beer, only on Fridays lol. Come 12pm we gettin it poppin
im an accountant btw lol
I work at an accounting firm and we def dont got those. smh. We did get it in from April 15-18. Patron Jello shots and morning mimosas.

damn most of ya'll are talking office jobs...i got a bs part-time retail joint and im content on knocking a few back
damn most of ya'll are talking office jobs...i got a bs part-time retail joint and im content on knocking a few back
of course, i've worked in bars, clubs and fine dining since i was 17.  always gotta crush a class of wine pre shift when i worked inside.  we call it wine tasting.
of course, i've worked in bars, clubs and fine dining since i was 17.  always gotta crush a class of wine pre shift when i worked inside.  we call it wine tasting.
I wouldn't mind having a drink at lunch with some pals, but unfortunately in my field (dentistry) that's a straight no-no
I wouldn't mind having a drink at lunch with some pals, but unfortunately in my field (dentistry) that's a straight no-no
would NEVER consider doing it at one of my jobs, but have showed up prob still drunk from the night before

however, i work at a bar too, and used to get it POPPIN' before i got my license back
had some fun %+@ times at work
would NEVER consider doing it at one of my jobs, but have showed up prob still drunk from the night before

however, i work at a bar too, and used to get it POPPIN' before i got my license back
had some fun %+@ times at work
Happy hour Thursdays 6pm @ the law firm I work at. But just about any day after 6pm you are liable to see folks walking around with a bottle of wine or beer socializing with the other Associates or Partners.
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