Anyone losing interest in Entourage?

I wouldn't say I'm losing interest overall, but I was pretty nonplussed by the last episode. Nothing really funny happened and no Sloan.
Originally Posted by Dylishis

How did you guys like Entourage at ANY point if you don't like it now?

It used to be hilarious. What funny moments have there been so far this season? I get what you guys are saying about "Who cares if there's substanceor not, it's Entourage, it's not supposed to be about that." But if it's not funny AND there's no substance, then what?
Well, the substance is subjective. I think that it actually has SOME for the first time. And as far as the funny, I've been laughing a whole lot this timearound. Like what did you used to find funny that doesn't occur anymore?
One of the few times I laughed this season was when Lloyd had to be more formal and he called Turtle "Mr.....Turtle."

But I don't know, Ari and his wife used to be hilarious together, the dialogue between the guys seems to me like it used to be funnier...I think theAri/Lloyd situation has been the only funny part of the new season so far (I laughed when Ari made him sleep on his front porch
). But most of the new season just seems kind of forced to me. Maybe I'mjust bummed out that the guys are starting to go their separate ways.

I think the show may have run its course, but I really hope not.
Season 4 was when the show started getting stale. No one wants to watch E and Vince banter for 12 episodes. Season 5 was a nice rebound but the entire seasonwas unrealistic. This season has been absolutely terrible.
Yeah, i think that collegehumor parody summed it up, i am getting a little tired of it. And im not feeling much character exploration/development outside ofAri. Ari is a multi-layered character, not just one liners, he's a leader/father/friend/mentor, and the only one i can really feel his passion, everyoneelse not so much.
I guess I'm the only person who never liked this show.
I love HBO shows (The Wire, The Sopranos, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Oz (the gay scenes are OD
), etc.) but I just never liked Entourage. But nbirn2103 summed it up pretty well. This show is straight entertainment. The women, cars, stars, etc. arecool but I just never could watch a full season of it.
I awaited the the start of this season, but has been disappointed so far with the slow start
Originally Posted by nbirn2103

I never watched this show for the plot.

There is nothing really intelligent about this show. Not to say it isn't well written.

I watch it for the cars, stars, and women. That's about it.

Not to think, but strictly to be entertained.

Exactly. My expectations are exactly the same. Bring on Season 7
I'm still a fan of the show, but like you, I dvr it and watch it later. Every Sunday night I end up doing something else.

My big problem is that its only 30 minutes.
Originally Posted by iceman3699

Entourage cracks me up every week

word. I'm enjoying the hell out of this season so far. There's always been threads like this since episode 2 on season 1
They jumped the shark when vince landed a Scorsese lead out of nowhere

I also have mixed feelings on Ari being Nice nowadays
Am I the only one who cant get enough of Dana Gordon.

Like I seriously get an erection everytime she is on. Sloan is cuter but for some reason the way Dana Gordon acts just gets me.
Originally Posted by King Beef

Am I the only one who cant get enough of Dana Gordon.

Like I seriously get an erection everytime she is on. Sloan is cuter but for some reason the way Dana Gordon acts just gets me.
i dont know about the getting an erection part
but dana gordon >>>>>>>>>>>> sloan easily
i just started watching this show 2 weeks ago and i'm already caught up

cant believe i was missing out on this. i spent a whole day just watching season after season and i still wanted more
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