anyone seen ' ONE MISSED CALL ' yet..? any good?

Dec 21, 2002
suppose to check it out in a few hours with a chic, is it any good?
Haven't seen it either, looks wack. If i were you i'd skip it and see Juno. I saw it with a female friend yesterday, its a quality flick imo. Wellworth the price of admission.
@ anyone watches this kinda of crap, and
x 2 for those who pay money to watch this kind of crap.
Saw it at work last night and it SUCKED!, like it had to be rated PG yet tried to be a horror, haha dudes get stabbed in the face impaled threw the chest andstuff and no blood what so ever. Then When you find out like whats behind the calls your gonna be like#++@, haha I woulda walked out but I seen everyothermovie. My advice is dont go to the movies at all this week, just wait for next week or Rambo and stuff to drop. Only movies worth seeing is GreatDebaters,National Treasure, and Juno, and Walk Hard if you feel like sneaking into a movie to waste time after you saw your 1st movie, oh yea and Sweeny Toddis decent. But my advice is save your money and just dont go to the movies at all.
I just want to know what role that insect-looking alien plays in the movie. Doesn't sound like anyone cares, so if someone wants to post spoilers, goahead.
Its gotten 0 positive reviews according to rottentomatoes

I suggest not checking it out. It'll probably end up a waste of money and time.
It was horrible, really corny. The best part was when a fight broke out in the last 10 min of the movie and everyone got free tickets.
Originally Posted by ThaHunGer4more

It was horrible, really corny. The best part was when a fight broke out in the last 10 min of the movie and everyone got free tickets.

the movie looks dumb, doesnt look as good as the original, them japanese know how to make scary movies
I was gunna, but there were no seats except for neck-breaking front row seats in the corner, so i just watched i am legend
Originally Posted by Zen Baller

I just want to know what role that insect-looking alien plays in the movie. Doesn't sound like anyone cares, so if someone wants to post spoilers, go ahead.

Im not positive if you're referring to the picture on the posters but if you are if you look really closely to that picture its just some dudesface with his eyes replaced with a persons mouth and nose you can even see the teeth
Originally Posted by hayedubry

Originally Posted by Zen Baller

I just want to know what role that insect-looking alien plays in the movie. Doesn't sound like anyone cares, so if someone wants to post spoilers, go ahead.

Im not positive if you're referring to the picture on the posters but if you are if you look really closely to that picture its just some dudes face with his eyes replaced with a persons mouth and nose you can even see the teeth


Holy crap I didn't even realize that! Wow, that makes the whole thing ten times funnier
ahah i got my money back too cuz the power went out twice due to the cali storm. it was funny as hell though. the movie was goddddddddddddd awful, it was sobad it was funny.
Word i thought it was an alien thing then took a closer look at it at some poster at the mall. Movie looks corny as hell. I learned from white noise and pulseto avoid these type of "horror" movies.
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