
on a respect level, whom do you hold higher, thots or porn chicks?

i've seen mia khalifa do alllll types of unmentionable things for a buck and yet, I'd save her. Her personality off of the small screen is too legit. She's a cool *** chick. but birds like draya can get alllllll the way the **** outa here. something about attention ho's that I just can't build with. I was in that life, dated one of her best friends, saw it all up close. Got old REAL fast.

Somebody make the thread, who do you respect more, porno chicks or these ig thots

and cite me as a source. 8)
Damn shame
Most of the broads with the meanest arch game be looking like startled cats when you slide halfway in. :smh:

Squidward looks like she can handle it though!
Fam.... That photo.... Noooo..

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I just don't understand some of you guys.

The expectation is that straight guys get into all the guts they want.
The expectation is that girls remain virgins until marriage.
So the question is: if both of these ideas are true at the same time, what guts are these "straight" guys getting into?

It just seems like any sexual quality a woman has is demonized.
Then dudes wonder why females are so hesitant with the nudes, why girls aren't as open with the box.
The environment is not set up for that.
It's a lot of creeps and insecure people masquerading as men these days.

Furthermore, as a black man, my obligation is to the black woman.
Seeing her as an equal* and as my partner.
From a sociological and economic point of view equality is profitable.
So I'm not going to put down my fellow black woman as it is in my political, economic, and social interest is a man to see her as an equal*.

F it. As a man strongly identifying with my race I have the obligation to protect and nurture the black woman just because that is my counterpart.
No other reason necessary.
I think it's a shame that so many black men are so willing to defend other races and put down their own.
White people will defend each other in almost every situation. Even when they're wrong. That's solidarity.
More black men need to show more leadership and more solidarity.

EDIT: I just realized I never explained the asterisk.
Equal* meaning I'm a Feminist* meaning I believe in the political, economic, and social* equality of the sexes.

The social has an asterisk because of human nature. Most women do not want equality in all areas. Within the context of a relationship they still want men to lead. They still want you to show her you can run things and that she can lean on you. She wants a credible dude. So for that there will always be the asterisk because its agreeable to both parties but its not equality.

My man, what about this arch the back challenge is empowering these young black women? How are we as NTers shaming them and standing up for white women? If it was a bunch of white girls doing this stupid nonsense we would be saying the same thing. You really think this behavior helps the social standing of these women or black women in general?

I'll say it like this, I'm a black man and I would prefer our women not represent themselves to the public in this manner, but I also believe these idiots don't represent all black women.
The way I see it, this is a public service cause some of this chicks dont know the difference between arching and rounding their back.
Then when you put them in just the right position for pounding, they move 5 pumps in.
Dudes wanna rant and rave about da yambz all day long but wanna judge these goofy females for being goofy females?

Leave these girls alone and enjoy the mass pics
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