Are dudes in general becoming more like females?

Originally Posted by jm2000

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

It is. You got dudes posting their picture every five minutes..making .gifs of themselves, pretending to be married..

ksteezy is becoming the new ninjahood

Is ksteezy black like ninjahood?
Originally Posted by SoVerSoTowel

Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

The younger generation is just soft.
Seeing groups of guys with skinny jeans and medium V-neck shirts is not cool, at all.

What is worse, is that some of these guys think they are tough. 

Instead of individuals, you have a bunch of Lil Wayne/Drake wannabees all over the place.

*$%# is sad..... 

Agree with all this.


all of that

these boys aint stickin to the g code
I don't wear skinny jeans, but I have seen Mexican cartel members in skin tight, rhinestone embedded jeans who wouldn't hesitate to decapitate you at the slightest provocation
  (Not saying that I'm associated with them, and I'm not trying to act hard). You can't always judge how tough someone is based on the clothes they wear.

And why do people always clown on medium t-shirts? What else are regular sized dudes between 5'8-5'11 supposed to wear?
Originally Posted by illphillip

Originally Posted by ksteezy

i was just about to ask for a definition of NT's standards, this dude right here should be the face of masculinity.

Now we're being a bit unrealistic. Much like that BS laundry list of "feminine" traits someone just posted. You can't pretend to be discussing this intelligently when you're going to extremes as much as the next man. 
A man, in a general way of looking at it, is one who handles his responsibilities. 
Who does so even in the face of adversity. And this may blow NT's minds, but that includes gay men as well. 

Even gay men....some are more masculine than others. Even lesbians, some are more feminine than others. 

So let's not pretend like we don't have some IDEAL of what masculinity vs. femininity is. 

If you guys can't see some sort of line that separates masculinity and femininity, with the possibility of a person leaning moreso one way or another, even though neither has a clear definition......then OP is right. 


Now kill this thread off already.
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by JayHood23

How ya'll bring music into this? Imo its irrelevant what you listen to that defines who you are or how you act

Crazy if you don't believe music influences our youth's actions and the way they dress and act. Entertainment, more so Music, dictates everything
This. Its all apart of a bigger plot to gain control. Some people just wont understand why or how this could be possible especially this generation of teens.
The IRONYYYYYYYYYY! A thread about being "soft" got turned into a thread about "masculinity" in which men are going at each other like "hens"............. stop trying to convince each other your perception is more real and valid than each others! No two realities are alike!
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by SoVerSoTowel

Originally Posted by JD214

Agree with all this.


all of that

these boys aint stickin to the g code
And why do people always clown on medium t-shirts? What else are regular sized dudes between 5'8-5'11 supposed to wear?
I meant the people that wear L/XL, trying to fit in to a medium. I see it all the time.

Just like I am still trying to figure out why Bloomingdales/Nordstrom is carrying a 28 waist in the men's section.

Clothes/Music are large reasons why the youth are the way they are, anyway you look at it.

What Kidplay said is also part of the problem.

Originally Posted by hugebird

I'm also starting to see a "cultural" divide on this subject.

aka code word race etc... lol. While there maybe a society template/standard for what is male/female traits. There is a biological aspect ppl are not touching on. It is fact that men are more logical/reasonable thinking ppl. It is also fact that men are protectors and the voices of reasoning. The type of clothes etc doesnt add nor take away this aspect in men. But the fact remains there are alot of mean whose lifestyle/mind-frame lean towards the feminine mindset. I can honestly say I see more and more relationships today where the woman are wearing the tank-tops and the men are wearing the tube-tops, both figuratively and literally. It has nothing to do with guys wearing thongs, and hip hugged jeans, dyeing hair, wearing makeup etc... its just that alot of the mean who arent so called exerting their masculinity happen to fall into the category of acting/dressing in such a manner.
Its hard to be the backbone, pillar, voice of reasoning if your overly emotional/sensitive. And biologically thats what men are suppose to be. Domineering physically, and rational/more reasonable emotionally. We are created and wired that way. I think society, lack of men/male figures amongst other things are why things are how they are. 
Originally Posted by illphillip

I majored in Sociology at a Top 20 College by the way.
congrats.  that and a dollar will get you a premium at krispy kreme.

must be why you're hustling shoes on the internet to highschoolers.  e-commerce.
Why don't we make a thread called:

Are dudes in general starting to argue more and more about dumb s***?
Originally Posted by kidplay

"we're a generation of men raised by women" 

this is becoming increasingly true. Probably explains why what used to be "feminine" is now socially acceptable
Originally Posted by illwill24

Why don't we make a thread called:

Are dudes in general starting to argue more and more about dumb s***?

There is nothing more than those that want to complain about arguments that pisses me off more.
Go start a Kris Humphries appreciation thread.

What does it matter to you that people actually want to talk about something worth a damn, EVEN IF I dont agree with most of you all. 

Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by illphillip

I majored in Sociology at a Top 20 College by the way.
congrats.  that and a dollar will get you a premium at krispy kreme.

must be why you're hustling shoes on the internet to highschoolers.  e-commerce.
Thank you. It's actually gotten me much more than that. Something tells me you completely missed the context of that statement. 
Brilliant of you to choose that of all things to comment on in here. 

I'm "hustling" shoes on the internet? Selling off pairs I don't plan on wearing is "hustling" shoes? 

Quite a contribution you've made here. Proud of it? 
I agree with OP, here's why...

The media is very influential. They more easily able to influence women than men because (I'm probably gonna get %%$@ for this) women tend to be weaker than men. But this influence on women allows women to influence men. What's the main goal of most males? Getting the P. This makes them conform to the needs/wants of females to get what they want. Women's roles have changed drastically especially here in America and in turn the roles of men have changed and become "soft".

Stop chasing these *$!%+!# and start chasing this money.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by hugebird

I'm also starting to see a "cultural" divide on this subject.

aka code word race etc... lol. While there maybe a society template/standard for what is male/female traits. There is a biological aspect ppl are not touching on. It is fact that men are more logical/reasonable thinking ppl. It is also fact that men are protectors and the voices of reasoning. The type of clothes etc doesnt add nor take away this aspect in men. But the fact remains there are alot of mean whose lifestyle/mind-frame lean towards the feminine mindset. I can honestly say I see more and more relationships today where the woman are wearing the tank-tops and the men are wearing the tube-tops, both figuratively and literally. It has nothing to do with guys wearing thongs, and hip hugged jeans, dyeing hair, wearing makeup etc... its just that alot of the mean who arent so called exerting their masculinity happen to fall into the category of acting/dressing in such a manner.
Its hard to be the backbone, pillar, voice of reasoning if your overly emotional/sensitive. And biologically thats what men are suppose to be. Domineering physically, and rational/more reasonable emotionally. We are created and wired that way. I think society, lack of men/male figures amongst other things are why things are how they are. 

Here is the thing... what youre describing is an archetype that has existed predominately up until the 1900s.

The industrial and technological revolution changed all of this. 

Then you're also overlooking the fact that different generations have different forms of dress. Look at history's most powerful men. Stockings and frilly shirts with ornate buttons and regalia. Were they not masculine? Look how we dressed in the 70s bell bottoms and blouses. Yet I bet those dudes were swimming in women. 

You can't standardize this argument. 

You're not going to get your "rough-necks" when most people are employed in offices with central heating and air doing "work." Not in the US anyways. 

You're trying to assign characteristics of what makes a man, and it is a paradox because you can't tell Justin Timberlake that hes less of a man than Tom the Construction Man. Wearing fitting clothes and having a certain career or appearance is what defines masculinity now?

Its the reluctance to look at what these terms actually mean and apply them to modern day is what is holding us back. 

What makes Kanye less masculine than 50 Cent? Aren't they both people who get paid to rap? Try explaining rap to someone who works hard manual labor. Aren't they both emotional? Is it the tats? Is it the voice? Is it who you more aspire to be like? I mean honestly. I've seen this argument so many times that people just end up forgetting that most of the time masculinity embodies who they want to be...not necessarily what is "masculine"

For example:

Are men stronger physically than women? Yes.

Women have a higher tolerance for pain though. 

Men have more muscle mass.

Women are more flexible.

Depends what you're looking at. 

Does the fact that men show less emotion mean they still dont think about those emotions? 

Feeling something and expressing it are two different things. 

I can feel like ripping your head off when youre being disrespectful as a customer or I can put a smile on my face and go about my job. Are those men not emotional still? 

Did you ever consider that men aren't more emotional than women because they've been trained NOT to be emotional from birth?

What happens when the little boy skins his knee? Suck it up son! Be a man! Be strong! Don't cry! 

So where does that leave you? 

You have to look at both sides. 
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by hugebird

I'm also starting to see a "cultural" divide on this subject.

aka code word race etc... lol. While there maybe a society template/standard for what is male/female traits. There is a biological aspect ppl are not touching on. It is fact that men are more logical/reasonable thinking ppl. It is also fact that men are protectors and the voices of reasoning. The type of clothes etc doesnt add nor take away this aspect in men. But the fact remains there are alot of mean whose lifestyle/mind-frame lean towards the feminine mindset. I can honestly say I see more and more relationships today where the woman are wearing the tank-tops and the men are wearing the tube-tops, both figuratively and literally. It has nothing to do with guys wearing thongs, and hip hugged jeans, dyeing hair, wearing makeup etc... its just that alot of the mean who arent so called exerting their masculinity happen to fall into the category of acting/dressing in such a manner.
Its hard to be the backbone, pillar, voice of reasoning if your overly emotional/sensitive. And biologically thats what men are suppose to be. Domineering physically, and rational/more reasonable emotionally. We are created and wired that way. I think society, lack of men/male figures amongst other things are why things are how they are. 



im sure none of these men's masculinity was questioned, although today you will refer to them as suspect, times change and we will change along with them...wearing a pair of baggy jeans and a champion hooey doesn't make you a gansta or a macho, neither does wearing skinny jeans and a tee shirt your size make you suspect, soft, feminine.
Originally Posted by hugebird

I'm also starting to see a "cultural" divide on this subject.

Starting? You mad late on this, race problems have been on NT.
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