Are exes allowed at weddings? Vol. How would you take it (or give it)

If my wife says it's cool then I don't see why not.

Plus yall said don't bring negative energy, ***** its my wedding you can **** with that **** ****.

And if she don't bring gifts I'm really swinging on her
If my wife says it's cool then I don't see why not.

Plus yall said don't bring negative energy, ***** its my wedding you can **** with that **** ****.

And if she don't bring gifts I'm really swinging on her

First, big ups to OP. Stays bringing the interesting relationship topics to NT.

Next, I wouldn't invite any of my exes to my wedding and I would insist upon that to my bride if she thought about it. IDC if they are best friends who tried it and went back to being best friends or were close for years yadda yadda yadda....nah..not at a ceremony I'm going out of pocket for. Not at a ceremony where you would cement yourself as villain status to all my female relatives (and even some male ones too). Thats a disaster waiting to happen.
First, big ups to OP. Stays bringing the interesting relationship topics to NT.

Next, I wouldn't invite any of my exes to my wedding and I would insist upon that to my bride if she thought about it. IDC if they are best friends who tried it and went back to being best friends or were close for years yadda yadda yadda....nah..not at a ceremony I'm going out of pocket for. Not at a ceremony where you would cement yourself as villain status to all my female relatives (and even some male ones too). Thats a disaster waiting to happen.
So you'd be cool with him hanging with your wife after the fact? You really just don't want him at the ceremony?
First, big ups to OP. Stays bringing the interesting relationship topics to NT.

Next, I wouldn't invite any of my exes to my wedding and I would insist upon that to my bride if she thought about it. IDC if they are best friends who tried it and went back to being best friends or were close for years yadda yadda yadda....nah..not at a ceremony I'm going out of pocket for. Not at a ceremony where you would cement yourself as villain status to all my female relatives (and even some male ones too). Thats a disaster waiting to happen.
So you'd be cool with him hanging with your wife after the fact? You really just don't want him at the ceremony?
I didn't think that far really. Just thought about that specific scenario.

Generally speaking I would not want to date someone who's best friend was their ex. Your long term bf/husband or longterm gf/wife should be your best friend of the opposite gender. I think anyone who claims their best friend is an ex hasn't in their heart fully exhausted the idea that their relationship could work out and thats not a mess I'd step into.
My take on it? Why do this to yourself? :lol:

Out of respect to your future spouse, it should be a no-brainer (for both sides).

Common sense, bruh.
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Sometimes relationships end on a mutual agreement and people stay in contact and remain close. So I wouldn't be surprised if some people have invited exes to their weddings. If the relationship ended on a bad level, then nah, don't even think about it.
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If I have a kid with the ex wife and she has a new man, they're both invited. If she's single? Nah

Only if it's a ex wife not a girlfriend
I'd say that's a no-no. Too much risk of drama, and why would you want to make your significant other feel uncomfortable?
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