are there certain limits to the human brain?

If we were able to access both sides of our brains, we'd have supernatural powers. I bet it was some kind of punishment...he was bout to teach Adam aboutall the powers we are capable of, then Eve had to ^%# everything up
Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

Scientist say that humans can remember 100 trillion facts in a life time. SO I highly doubt that you can fill up your brain until it stops working.
doubt that, highly. I'm not saying we only use this little section over here, which is obviously not true. But our brains have more power than we can tap into
Trust me we use all of our brains and who ever says we use less is a ******. No actual scientist will ever make that claim because it isn't true. What you might mean is that we dont tap into our capacity to learn.

eh..more or less...when you think about things such as ESP, Out of Body Experiences, Deja Vu, Sleep Paralysis you start to realize theirs alot of energy in our brains we don't fully take advantage of anddont know how to...thats more what I'm trying to say.
I remember in psychology I was reading something that stated we really do not forget it is just the recall we have a problem with. I do not know how true thatis???
Imagine if there were some invention that could make humans start using 100% of our brains? think of what you could do?
I attended the Body Worlds 2 at the Tech Museum in San Jose and I came across the the answer. Basically the potential for the human brain to hold informationis unlimited because it is able to form new synapses to connect neurons when we learn new information. It's like a bridge between the neurons that formsand the more we process the information and learn it more, the easier it is to access the information via the synapse. Good to know though
I dont remember how much of the brain the avg person uses but I read somewhere that genius's like albert entstien only use about 10% of there brain. In thesame reading it said if a human was able to use more then 10% of there brain you would be able to lift %##% with your mind and do some off the wall Magnetotype %##%. Foreels.
Originally Posted by buggz05

they say we only use 2 percent of our brains capacity. Actually they say Einstein used 2 percent, we probably use alot less. Actually sometimes I feel like I've used 150 percent of my brain and need to clear some stuff. So who knows?

as a psyc major i can tell you thats just not true...
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