Arian Foster Let It Be Known That He Is A Non-Believer

What you talking about?
Where am I mincing your words?

Where am I slandering as you've said in a later post?

Do you realize where Communism came from?

Do you realize that the Cuban revolution came after Stalin's attempted removal of religion?

So Castro had a general idea of what he couldn't do in regards to religion?

You say Stalin wasn't the face of communism... as if there's one face to any form of government.

Stalin was the first leader able to practice the Communist philosophies on a large scale over a long period of time.

It probably safe to say other Communist leaders may learned some of his missteps.

The communism atheists tried remove religion from society but it did not work.

They realized it was stupid to try to get rid of religion.

By me saying that religion wouldn't be "this widespread" without conquest, it doesn't insinuate that I believe that religion is "only" spread through force or conquest.

That's how you're mincing my words.

Again stop misrepresenting my thoughts to prop up your nonsense. Your slander of atheists is transparent with your line of questioning, loaded and condescending from the get go.

I absolutely know where communism came from, and it didn't come from Joseph Stalin. It was Karl Marx who is the father of MODERN communism but even still, we see today that communism necessarily correlate with atheism. To lump them together is to paint with an awfully broad brush.

Even Marx conceded that primitive man, hunter-gather societies had communist ideals.

Plato ruminated on a classless society.

Look up the Mazdak movement in 5th century Persia.

Did you know that there is a RELIGIOUS communism?

The Diggers were a protestant communist movement, in 17th century England.

No not every communist nation gleaned ideas from Stalin, stop trying to force that angle into the discussion. It's simply not true. You can throw all the half-baked assertions you want together, but they will not give your argument any credence.

Communism =/= atheism, period.

Condescending line of questioning. Loaded questioning?

I think you may be in your feels. They are just questions.

There have been no slander towards atheists.

Good, you know where Communism comes from?

You realize Karl Marx was an atheist and was critical of religion. Lenin and other members of his party studied Marx. Some of the party members interpreted Marx writings as anti-religion and thought religious beliefs needed to renounce to be an effective party member. One of those [party members of Lenin's party was Stalin.

Stalin took over after Lenin's short rule.

Stalin was the first leader able to practice Communist party ideals. One of those ideals was atheism and Marxism was inseparable.
I see some discussion on Islam here. I was raised Muslim but denounced religion all together in my early 20s. @LIONBLOOD, you need to differentiate between the patriarchal customs/system of a culture and religion. I see you generalizing quite a bit.
saw this and it reminded me of how religious texts are reinterpreted to keep up with modern society values and scientific discoveries 

Religion and culture are very much intertwined. Send proof that the "prophet" tried to eradicate slavery, cause I've read the Koran and slavery is as common place as herding cows and sheep.

It's not Islam, it's culture....LULZ

No the Quran doesnt advocate slavery based on skin color. I already stated the slaves they had back then. You've read the Quran but it sounds like you don't understand.

No where in islam does it say a white man is better than a black man or a black man is better than a white man.

No where does it allow people to hurt one another, or if they were slaves to be mistreated. Now where.

I never said what the arabs did is right. I understand all types of people do wrong. I hope they get the same treatment as others who are involved in unjust slavery.

the human element is imperfect
Religion and culture are very much intertwined. Send proof that the "prophet" tried to eradicate slavery, cause I've read the Koran and slavery is as common place as herding cows and sheep.

It's not Islam, it's culture....LULZ

You need to take the creation of Islam for its context during the era it came out. It was more progressive the Torah and the Bible.

Yes, slavery was not eradicated but there more human rights laws considered for slaves and ways they can be freed.

But taking the Quran as a book of law in today's world, definitely not progressive and eternal as the followers would like to claim.

Also,I would not say it is the religion but more so the culture that has racist reviews on people of dark/black skin. Take away religion, it would be the same thing.
View media item 1679350

Homosexuals killed, let them do their thing huh? Not one Soul amongst your supposedly righteous and non-evil religion thinks this is wrong huh? You want to put up this front of neutrality in the face of evil. You're no different from the people who put the noose on.

Youre the propoganda that spews hate of an entire religion! There are over 1.57 billion Muslims on the planet. LOL focus on the few
Yea blame is on "human element" when it is convenient.  The bible doesn't justify slavery based on race either, but it does based on religion. Same with Islam, people who are not Muslim (at the time many of whom were Africans) were not considered human and that was justification enough for slavery. Allah throughout the Koran encouraged enslavement of kafirs and the infidels.

Another typical excuse I've heard from both MUSLIMS AND CHRISTIANS, is the treatment of said slaves?

Muslim: "Just because Americans treated their slaves bad, doesn't mean slavery is wrong. We kept our slaves clothed and well fed"

Listen to how you people sound.:lol:

We're not talking about "all types of people", Christians have already gotten their turn. Own up to the mistakes of YOUR people instead of being more defensive than a Hillbilly from Mississippi.

At the time muslims were getting butchered for their beliefs so they have the right to protect themselves. Do you know how many wars and battles the prophet (peace be upon him) went through for his ideology? He and his people were targets for merely believing in 1 god. So yes your right, they ahve the right to protect themselves from people who will do them harm. Funny how you didnt mention many people who went to battle with them later converted. Oh yea thats right you lack context and know very little history from back then.

Still no where does it say slavery of skin color or unjust cause is justifiable. keep spewing your hate LOL
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I see some discussion on Islam here. I was raised Muslim but denounced religion all together in my early 20s. lionblood lionblood , you need to differentiate between the patriarchal customs/system of a culture and religion. I see you generalizing quite a bit.

Thank you as a non believer being strong enough to call him out on this.

Homosexuals killed, let them do their thing huh? Not one Soul amongst your supposedly righteous and non-evil religion thinks this is wrong huh? You want to put up this front of neutrality in the face of evil. You're no different from the people who put the noose on.

Youre the propoganda that spews hate of an entire religion! There are over 1.57 billion Muslims on the planet. LOL focus on the few

Thats what he's been doing for awhile now. Some Believers of Christianity, Islam, Judaism do something negative, the whole belief system gets called on it.
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Why are you deflecting to slavery based on skin color, slavery is slavery whether its based on race or religion or ethnic group. The infidels and kafirs were different, so it was ok to treat them like property in God's eyes.

Not deflecting, instead of butchering those who wanted to butcher me and my family for my beliefs, I will take them as slaves.

The infidels and kafirs were polytheist who waged war with those who believed in 1 god. kicked them out of their own homes and killed many. So yes they had they right to defend themselves.

Do you remember the quraysh or did you skip that part too LOL

Im done with you, it takes people their whole lives to read and comprehend the quran. I wouldn't expect you to know that much. You have your faith I have mine.
Just try not to spew hate on topics you dont know that much about.
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When the negative things they do are results of their adherence to the belief system, then yes the belief system is at fault.
Condescending line of questioning. Loaded questioning?

I think you may be in your feels. They are just questions.

There have been no slander towards atheists.

Good, you know where Communism comes from?

You realize Karl Marx was an atheist and was critical of religion. Lenin and other members of his party studied Marx. Some of the party members interpreted Marx writings as anti-religion and thought religious beliefs needed to renounce to be an effective party member. One of those [party members of Lenin's party was Stalin.

Stalin took over after Lenin's short rule.

Stalin was the first leader able to practice Communist party ideals. One of those ideals was atheism and Marxism was inseparable.

They are definitely not just "questions".

Exhibit A.

Atheists when you're in pain( depressed or diesase) why not kill yourself?

It could end the pain, so you can get to eventually nothingness

Exhibit B.

Atheists why don't you try to be immoral as possible?

Exhibit C.

Who are you having morals for?

Your fellow man?

Exhibit D.

No seriously though?

Why be a good person?

I understand you need some relationships but past that..why?

I'm not saying commit crimes and all that but why not do anything you want up until that point?

And that's just a small sampling of your condescending, loaded line of questioning. I have no desire to go through all your drivel.

:lol: Atheism and marxism are not inseparable. No matter how badly you want them to be.

There is CHRISTIAN communism. FACT. Marx was the father of modern communism but not every communist agreed with marxist atheism.

Especially in Latin America, especially in Asia.

They all embrace his economic views, but to say that communism = atheism is ignorant and only a half-truth, whole lie.
all this just emphasizes the point that there is no correct way to practice a religion

its a never ending argument of "THEY are not real (insert religion here), MY way of understanding is the correct way" when all they are doing is using the text to justify their personal beliefs without being more knowledgeable in "what god wants" than the next man 
Let me start out by saying that I'm in no way trying to justify anything,just giving my 2 cents.

Most jihadist's imo are usually disenfranchised youth/men that end up being attracted to arguably the most radical sect of Sunni Islam, Wahabism and end up becoming fully radicalized because they feel a sense of purpose and "honor" in fighting in the name of their God.

100% of the Muslims I've met and befriended irl look down on the extremist sects of their religion the same way many Christians look down on the WBC
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I mean just answer yes or no. No need for elaboration or possible justification.

Is religion against homosexuality? Dose religion advocate violence against those who commit crimes against the religion?

Simple yes or no
Usually those runaround answers are just enough to reveal where the person stands as we've seen many times already itt :lol:
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Right? Just like i said before "let them believe what they want" sounds fine in theory, but in practice it leads to hate, violence, and killing. They only use that saying when it has nothing to do with them or they agree. "Let the KKK believe what they want", you never here that huh? What if your math teacher hit you with the "think what you want" logic? What about a serious murder trial? Lawyer gonna drop the "think what you want" to the judge? Cmon man
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Condescending line of questioning. Loaded questioning?

I think you may be in your feels. They are just questions.

There have been no slander towards atheists.

Good, you know where Communism comes from?

You realize Karl Marx was an atheist and was critical of religion. Lenin and other members of his party studied Marx. Some of the party members interpreted Marx writings as anti-religion and thought religious beliefs needed to renounce to be an effective party member. One of those [party members of Lenin's party was Stalin.

Stalin took over after Lenin's short rule.

Stalin was the first leader able to practice Communist party ideals. One of those ideals was atheism and Marxism was inseparable.

They are definitely not just "questions".

Exhibit A.

Atheists when you're in pain( depressed or diesase) why not kill yourself?

It could end the pain, so you can get to eventually nothingness

Exhibit B.

Atheists why don't you try to be immoral as possible?

Exhibit C.

Who are you having morals for?

Your fellow man?

Exhibit D.

No seriously though?

Why be a good person?

I understand you need some relationships but past that..why?

I'm not saying commit crimes and all that but why not do anything you want up until that point?

And that's just a small sampling of your condescending, loaded line of questioning. I have no desire to go through all your drivel.

:lol: Atheism and marxism are not inseparable. No matter how badly you want them to be.

There is CHRISTIAN communism. FACT. Marx was the father of modern communism but not every communist agreed with marxist atheism.

Especially in Latin America, especially in Asia.

They all embrace his economic views, but to say that communism = atheism is ignorant and only a half-truth, whole lie.

Those questions are not meant to be loaded or condescending by any stretch.

The exhibit A about atheists killing themselves was a fair question, if the person is in pain especially in a terminal case, why not end the suffering? I know reasons why a believer would want not commit suicide, because most religions are against it as far as I know. The atheist really only has himself to answer.

Exhibit B and C back into each other and they are fair questions. The atheist only has to answer to himself and the punishable laws of society. Morals are relative.relative. Theres no absolute morals. The question remains, who is the atheist having morals for? Society? Do they fear societies "wrath" of shame?

Exhibt D is fair question too. What is good or bad? Is there an absolute right or wrong? As atheist aren't you really only accountable to yourself?

"Atheism is a natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific Socialism."

Those are Lenin's own words. The father of Communism.

Of course not every Communist agrees with Marx, just as not every Believers agrees with the zealous sects of their religion.

But if some people want act like some=all. we can pull the card with other beliefs and ideologies too.
To be fair,every major denomination has unfortunately at one point in time, tried to assert their "superiority" over a minority. You see the same happening with other religions in Israel,Burma etc. Sucks that those minorities have been darker skinned/melanin rich most of the time :smh:
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Dudes love to connect the dots between the non-religious and tyrants,like thanks for repeatedly making it clear how you really feel :lol:
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Asking questions on why atheists are not out doing evil things is a reflection on what type of person you would be if you were to become an atheist
Those questions are not meant to be loaded or condescending by any stretch.

The exhibit A about atheists killing themselves was a fair question, if the person is in pain especially in a terminal case, why not end the suffering? I know reasons why a believer would want not commit suicide, because most religions are against it as far as I know. The atheist really only has himself to answer.

Exhibit B and C back into each other and they are fair questions. The atheist only has to answer to himself and the punishable laws of society. Morals are relative.relative. Theres no absolute morals. The question remains, who is the atheist having morals for? Society? Do they fear societies "wrath" of shame?

Exhibt D is fair question too. What is good or bad? Is there an absolute right or wrong? As atheist aren't you really only accountable to yourself?

"Atheism is a natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific Socialism."

Those are Lenin's own words. The father of Communism.

Of course not every Communist agrees with Marx, just as not every Believers agrees with the zealous sects of their religion.

But if some people want act like some=all. we can pull the card with other beliefs and ideologies too.

The father of modern communism was Karl Marx, not Lenin.

And point blank period, homophobia in Christianity is not a "zealous sect". It's the actual interpretation.

Funny thing about fundamentalists, they follow the fundamental teachings of their religion.

Atheism has nothing to do with communism, again there was never an evil communist empire.

Atheism was simply a part of Marxist ideology.

It's incomparable to muslim jihadist, jewish zionists and christian fundamentalists who saw the war in Iraq as "religious warfare or a crusade".

Alright? Stalin wanted power, he wanted to conquer, he wanted to establish and keep the Soviet Union as a antithesis to the west. He didn't wield atheism like some tool to justify his transgressions the way people use religion to justify their transgressions.

See the difference? See how that completely pokes holes through your argument?

You're trying to equate the two, but it's not going to work no matter how hard you try. You can't pull that card with atheism. It's not the same thing no matter how badly you wish it was.

And :lol: @ "Those questions are not meant to be condescending or loaded in any respect. Alright buddy.
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