Asian Culture Discussion Thread

You kinda did come in here and indirectly made this about you though.

Saying "not trying to fight" knowing that you line stepping.

Kinda ironic that you're posting a ridiculous statement that blankets an entire race and wanting to discuss about it like its a proven fact.

Double standards on my man.

For the record.. ive personally never seen or heard of asian folks doggin blacks to get an approval from whites.
If that is how you feel, cool.
My sister is American born, only speaks English. She works as a PA at a hospital. She has a hard time pronouncing the long names of some medications. This white doctor who knows about this suggested that she study English more. Smh

how can someone have an M.D. but be so dumb? acting as if american names don't defy conventional English. yeah i'm talkin about you Geoffrey, Phoebe, and Siobhan. maybe white folk should change their name so it's easier for non-whites to pronounce because they'll fasho tell asians to do that

On Tuesday, State Rep. Betty Brown (R) caused a firestorm during House testimony on voter identification legislation when she said that Asian-Americans should change their names because they’re too hard to pronounce:

Rather than everyone here having to learn Chinese — I understand it’s a rather difficult language — do you think that it would behoove you and your citizens to adopt a name that we could deal with more readily here?” Brown said.
Brown later told [Organization of Chinese Americans representative Ramey] Ko: “Can’t you see that this is something that would make it a lot easier for you and the people who are poll workers if you could adopt a name just for identification purposes that’s easier for Americans to deal with?”
Yesterday, Brown continued to resist calls to apologize. Her spokesman said that Democrats “want this to just be about race.”
Hmm. My experience with black ppl is that what you see is what you get. I can appreciate that. With some white ppl sometimes I get an uneasy feeling that I don't know where I stand with them, and that they're not telling me what they're really thinking.

Don’t get too caught up in what one set may or may not think of you. Said before just treat everyone as an individual. If you get along, great. If you don’t get along, move along.

Never be Anti Black nor Pro White.
Pro Asian (whatever ethnic) to certain extent is good. Be Shared Values.

But always look out for yourself in professional setting. Always.

Asian American race issues/reasons/history is a different thing than back in the "motherlands" I would say.
Actually, I wouldn't say that as a fact, as I can really only speak to Kor-Am/Korean perspective - of course which is my own and not always typical of either cultures.

Just some things that have been relayed to me by my grandparents and parents.

The first time my grandparents directly laid eyes upon a person that was not Korean, Japanese, or Chinese was during the Korean War. Majority being white American GIs. My father was just a young child.

The first time he ever really interacted with either white or black or anyone not Korean, was in the 60s, was when they immigrated here.

They lived on Crenshaw Blvd close to South Central LA, which at the time, according to him, was a wonderful mix of different kinds of people. I suppose in his eyes, even meeting one non-Korean would've been a novelty.
1st Generation wave of Koreans were just arriving in and around this area. No surpirse K-town is where it is.

But his first real encounter was only a month later when he was robbed and carjacked by 2 guys.

So for my grandparents, their experience started with anyone non-Korean was during WW2 and the Korean War.

For my parents, their "Kor-Am" experience with anyone non-Korean started with what they experienced in the late early 70s.

As a child it didn't occur to me (nor did I wonder) that when he told me this story, he never specified the race of the jackers.

I only found out later from my uncle it was a black guy and a white guy.

I asked my father about this later on. To him at the time it was an odd characteristic to use to describe them, as the better descriptors would've been, well not Korean and a variety of Korean insults lol.

This sort of reminds me of a conversation I once had with a coworker in the south. Ex-military guy, stationed in Asia- Pacific, said he spent some time in Korea training. His perception was huts, villages, ancient Asian secret, temples and gongs going off - not really but, his words were something like "you know a village straight out of a Bruce Lee flick". Found out he never made it to Seoul or any large city for that matter. He was in some countryside mountain village Taegu apparently.

His first and only real interaction with Koreans or anyone non white/American was that, but the difference was he had preconceived notions based on movies, tv etc.

Obviously due to his preconceptions and first real interactions, his general view was wildly inaccurate.

To his credit, he understood why I was heated, and wanted to learn and endured my endless water cooler lectures on history and culture.

But it felt like there was this inherent underlying superiority, really this wasn't surprising considering his environment of literally not a single Asian ever in his entire life until the military.

But the ones that I feel distrust for really are the ones who "joke", and say "you're cool, you know what I mean, we're brothers". >D Oh Rly? I find it odd though, the ones that toe he line real closely (they know what they are doing, almost goading me?) aren't white.

Either way doesn't fly with me. I make it clear to them.
especially after she had multiple Chinese/Asian groups going after her, then called it a political ploy. Karen gonna Karen.
what's terrible is that because she's in a position of leadership it'll make it ok for other ppl to think like that too.
This thread been moving the past couple of days. Interesting to read on some of the posts.

PBS is having a 5 day series on The History of Asian Americans. Starting with Asian Americans during World War 2 last night.

edit: Dont think it's a 5 days series.
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What's crazy about this white worshipping is that these white people had our ancestors building railroads here. They had hk as a colony and treated Chinese people like ****. There's more but those two relate to me the most.

Black people didn't do that to us yet the older generation hates them
Don’t get too caught up in what one set may or may not think of you. Said before just treat everyone as an individual. If you get along, great. If you don’t get along, move along.

Never be Anti Black nor Pro White.
Pro Asian (whatever ethnic) to certain extent is good. Be Shared Values.

But always look out for yourself in professional setting. Always.
Honestly I just keep to myself unless I'm going out to hook up or blow some steam.

I'm not really anti white or anti black.

I've had positive and negative experiences with both, but my recent negative experiences have been with white ppl so maybe it's why my last post might've sounded anti white.
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Run far away if they do any of these things.


Hope you don’t like like one of the Kpop boyband guys.


I immediately thought of this post when I peeped the youtube video. She even did the heart gesture at the end 😂.

I think she be so cute when she does it though. I wanna take her home 😳
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I love my snow bunnies, but when a white girl is acting like a weeaboo with that cutsie stuff, it's a huge turn off.
I've watched a lot of kdramas over the last two years so I'm used to seeing Koreans and maybe blonde white ppl as extras if the scene calls for it.

I'm on episode 3 of Itaewon Class and I count maybe four black ppl already, and we haven't gotten to the black dude who's going to be playing a recurring role yet.

Add to it, one gay character (so far) and this is probably the most liberal kdrama I've ever seen.

I wonder if this show was made by a Korean American.
Nah. What's that about


I looked it up. Sounds like it's really popular, but I don't think this show is my cup of tea
i heard of it. its pretty big/popular from what im hearing
The first 6 episodes were really good. It got kinda weak in the middle but this last episode was :wow: final two episodes this weekend. This is actually my first ever K drama :lol:
I've watched a lot of kdramas over the last two years so I'm used to seeing Koreans and maybe blonde white ppl as extras if the scene calls for it.

I'm on episode 3 of Itaewon Class and I count maybe four black ppl already, and we haven't gotten to the black dude who's going to be playing a recurring role yet.

Add to it, one gay character (so far) and this is probably the most liberal kdrama I've ever seen.

I wonder if this show was made by a Korean American.

That chick isn't gay, but transitioning (and probably the best character on that show)
Itaewon class was good but seemed a bit too try hard in terms of the social justice warrior vibe.
also I HATED the ending.
Damn I have 3 episodes left. :frown:

Is it me or the Social Media savvy girl , how should I put it, not the most attractive actress for the role.
Damn that sounds harsh.
my thoughts exactly and her personality is annoying af.
Well the lead guy is like A+ SJW.
Other than him, every other character on the show pisses me off, everyone except for the waiting staff and PTSD stock trader.
That being said, it's still not a bad show.
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