Atlanta Puts The A in Gay: ATL Rated As The Gayest City In America


somebody needs to drop the whole city of atlanta in the ocean
More southern cities than I expected on the list. I was shocked to see Gainesville listed. Never really noticed a lot of gay people out there.
That dude is so gay his family probably cant stand him. This %#*% has to come to an end some kind of way. The amount of gay in this country is baffling
Why are some of you so butt hurt about this? Some of you need to learn how to be tolerant, let them live, if you don't bother them then they won't bother you.
It would make sense that the major cities in the South would have the highest percentage of gay citizens. In more socially liberal places like California, Massachusetts and the Tri-States, gays generally feel more comfortable living in the suburbs and even the exoburbs while they probably would feel less comfortable living in the suburbs and the country side in the South.
The women are still beautiful tho...

straight or gay, i hear more people talking about atlanta than anywhere else.
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