Avoiding Jumpoffs (Final Update)

Originally Posted by GG0tti

Originally Posted by eiddyfouw

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

I call troll.

How many decent looking young chicks out there are computer literate enough to know how to crop photos and make screenshots?

Prob somebody's sister he convinced to help him raise his number of weekly quotes on NT.


Are you serious?
Most of these women have diploma's in photoshop now, after spending countless hours photoshopping countless images of themselves to post on twitter and facebook. 

Don't get it twisted homie...

Exactly. If its one thing they know how to do is edit picture.

dont know about that.

i JUST found out how to post pics of my screen.

and i;ve been cookin ROMS on cell phones since 08
Originally Posted by Benihana

She's pretty cute. OP's friend messed up. She made the effort of telling dude how she really feels, and he responds with some nonsense (although very hilarious). I think this is a solid case of a guy getting big headed, you can next a girl without having to be an a-hole about it.
Basically. I don't see how she is crazy. It takes a lot for a woman to pour their heart out like that.

I don't see why you guys are getting mad at the rat when OP was just as bad.

Anyway, to those who think girls aren't experts at PS, all you need to do is join Twitter.
just as some nter said before, lurkers are out there. im sure some NTers friended her but lurkers are a just as likely source. dont be so quick to turn on your nt bretheren so easy.
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

I call troll.

How many decent looking young chicks out there are computer literate enough to know how to crop photos and make screenshots?

Prob somebody's sister he convinced to help him raise his number of weekly quotes on NT.

I said this pg 4. it all dont add up. And the People getting mad are just as bad as the snitch. You all sound like ypu need to take a break from NT. It aint that serious bruhs

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Well i don't think it's the homie mr monday, don't seem like his mo. Can't really say it's the first cat neither. Prolly fat painted on gucci dude.  Just cuz those real names don't mean we don't know you $%!%*!.  Whoever it is just come clean, and we won't drop severe punishment, we'll let you serve the black and live out your days at the wall.

This dude
Originally Posted by welcometothetonezone

Co-worker sent me this text message pic. He wants to keep it how it is while she wants to advance to the next steps.

So I told him to hit her with a "didn't read lol" text and low-and-behold he did.

She didn't reply back, instead sent him a text talking about there's traffic on the freeway and acting like he didn't send that text

EDIT: Sorry ya'll. Out of my co-worker's request, I have to take the picture down....one of NT Detectives told her about this and now she mad.

EDIT#2: She says she's getting friended by creepers now 
Still awaiting for official response.

EDIT#3: So I decided not to call out the culprit responsible for linking this thread, however I will give the list of suspects.  Snitching is snitching, what good will it do me to put a name out there. Plus we won't know who it really was since they used his real name and not his NT screenname.



So this is my last update and I'll leave it at this. She knows about this thread and here's proof. I'm not even going to tell you what she wrote for me but you can figure out what she wrote Franco and NT.


it was fun while it lasted.

  at 2 of my facebook friends requesting her.

i hope they smash that 

she looks like she got some nice tight juicy box
OP just release the name before NT backfires on you. Yeh, I'm makin open threats, what of it?

-The Juice
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4I8vdH0HQIlikethematrix wrote:
Originally Posted by Eff Ecks

Originally Posted by eiddyfouw

Cause secretly behind their keyboards they think those brownie points will lead to some action.  When all that really happens is she thanks the snitch, gets mad...and gives it up to someone she knows from offline, and never talks to the snitch again.
This nonsense is ridiculous...you can tell a portion of this board is young. 

QFT!!! why would you snitch? What happens on NT stays on NT. Whoever snitched is CLEARLY YNS.......

Anyways, i dont even think his chick was a jumpoff. Honestly, i think the OP's friend was just on his own jock too hard, and now he bout to catch a boomerang L. Too bad, she was cute too.......

eff ecks if you the same dude who i think you are, you SNITCHED on me on HT. thats if you the same dude.
hell 99% of yall are snitches for no reason.

you shoulda learned from me and goldenarmz and misterp OP

What the hell is HT? You got me #%^&ed up bruh, do your research before you point your finger.

OP friend lost tho.
Originally Posted by Da R Entertainment

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

I requested her 

I'm also pretty sure i get more @##%% than most of y'all...carry on 

So that justifies you searching for someone on FB that you don't even know and requesting her to be your friend

got em!!
Recognize mnr's name and that's it

This is all very funny though.

Don't see how this can still be seen as fake or a troll now. Cropping and screenprinting pics aren't as hard or foreign to females as you may think.
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