batman/Bruce wayne vs Iron man/ tony stark

are we underestimating the power of technology here...yea i understand batman's strategist and everything but seriously batman's tech is like knife and bow when compare to the iron man suit which is a machine gun.
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For dudes still thinking Iron Man is just some regular dude in an armor:

Thanks to the Repulsor Tech node implanted in his chest, which is linked to his brain, Tony is able to interact with different types of energies and forces a normal human can't. The R.T. node acts like a new sense for its user.[76] The reactor's excesive generation of energy provides Stark with an increased amount of intelligence and gave him superhuman-level multitasking and learning capabilities.

Energy Emanation: The R.T. node not only provides repulsor energy to run devices such as the Iron Man Armor, its user can produce beams of energy at will, possibly weaker and less directed than the Uni-Beam.[77]
Magnetic Force-Field: The R.T. node creates a force-field which can be modified at will by its user by incrementing the power of the Reactor. It can be so powerful to destroy bullets or repel people. It can be so powerful to surpass an electromagnetic field generated by Electro.[78]
Electrical Fields Detection: As the R.T. node is connected to Tony, he can feel different electrical fields that the Reactor is picking up. This includes all kinds of invisible frequencies.[79
Levitation: The magnetic force-field generated by the Reactor can interfere the ones created by the planet and levitate. It's unknown if this interaction can be used to fly.[80]
Enhanced Senses: The reactor also increases the senses of its user, allowing Tony to "hear better" for example.[81]
Enhanced Strength: The R.T. node allows who possesses it to have a greater strength.[82]
Enhanced Healing and Durability: It has been shown that an user of an R.T. node not only recovers incredibly fast from different types of injuries[83] but also to resist more physical damage than an average human.
Psi-Shields: Due to S.H.I.E.L.D treatments, Stark's mind is shielded from even the strongest telepaths when he was the director of the organization.
Super-Genius class Intelligence: Quite apart from the powers granted him by the suit, Tony Stark is far more than a mechanical engineering prodigy who graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with honors at the age of 17[88].

With an intelligence classed as super-genius[89], he is one of the smartest people on Earth. Furthermore, this extends to his remarkable ingenuity dealing with difficult situations such as difficult foes and deathtraps where he is capable of using his available tools, like his suit, in unorthodox and effective ways, as an example: when he built the first Iron Man Armor in captivity[90]. He has also been able to hack even technology from the aliens Kree, a race centuries more advanced than humans.[91]

Tony has stated that the way his mind works he can intuit the future, even being able to foreshadow that a situation similar to the superhuman Civil War was going to happen, years before it did.[92]

More recently, Stark's intelligence grew to super-human levels with more energy being emanated to his brain thanks to the R.T. node in his chest, levels which even left Mr. Fantastic amazed.[93]
Expert Engineer: He is an excellent engineer and mechanic capable of fixing almost, if not all, any machinery.
Expert Businessman: Stark is extremely well-respected in the business world, able to command people's attentions when he speaks on economic matters by virtue of the fact that he is savvy enough to have, over the years, built up several multimillion dollar companies from virtually nothing. He is known for the loyalty he commands from and returns to those who work for him, as well as his impeccable business ethics. He also strives to be environmentally responsible in his businesses, and in one case, immediately fired an employee who made profitable (but illegal) sales to Doctor Doom. He states that if he wanted to, he could give away his entire fortune and build it up again within a week.
Expert Tactician: He is a brilliant tactician capable of quickly formulating battle strategies and new plans if the situation changes, like being able to elaborate different complex plans in order to defeat different enemies in difficult situations[94][95], and be victorious. Even going as far as to simultaneously put Reed Richards in check on five different boards playing chess, a game he didn't learn until later in his life, leaving Richards totally astonished.[94]
Skilled Combatant: Stark was trained in unarmed combat by Captain America and has become quite physically formidable on his own when the situation demands it. He once managed to defeat five trained Skrull soldiers in single-handed combat[96] and numerous Voldi gladiators[97]
Indomitable Will: As evidenced by his two serious bouts with alcoholism and subsequent recovery, Stark is possessed of tremendous strength of will, never giving up and often emerging from defeat even stronger. It is arguable that the true "Iron Man" is not the armor, but Stark himself."Tony"_Stark)

FTR, I'm not a fan of Iron Man in the comics (like movie version though) but it seems ppl are clearly being bias when they go in to detail to state Batman's skills and then just talk about what they think are Tony's weaknesses. So I might as well balance and at least make it clear Iron Man is not some regular human in a super powered suit. He's already an enhanced human at the very least. In a very basic level I don't think a lot of you understand that having some super powered energy reactor provide energy for your mind and body is an upgrade over your heart just pumping blood as best as it can.
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stark could send his suits to blow up the entire city of gotham while being in his LA home smashing bruce wayne's woman

I thought I already explained this.

Nobody has been able to replicate iron mans suit and have it at even 1/2 off his power.

Obidiah Stane/Iron Monger lost to a suit PROTOTYPE with his suit,

Norman Osbourne/Iron Patriot never stood a chance with his weaker repulsors

Rhodes/War Machine got his suit TAKEN by Tony after he tried to fight him

Every billionaire who has made, or every friend that has taken a suit from Tony has never won. What makes you think batman would be above them?
Yeah, Batman wouldn't be trying that.

He'd do what he does best, forming a comprehensive plan (with a back up or two) in which he's identified the target's specific weaknesses and executes it.
Yeah, Batman wouldn't be trying that.

He'd do what he does best, forming a comprehensive plan (with a back up or two) in which he's identified the target's specific weaknesses and executes it.

Weaknesses, weaknesses, hmmm can't think of any.
Yeah, Batman wouldn't be trying that.

He'd do what he does best, forming a comprehensive plan (with a back up or two) in which he's identified the target's specific weaknesses and executes it.

Weaknesses, weaknesses, hmmm can't think of any.
Couldn't batman just set off a EMP to shut down the thing in iron mans chest and then he dies????

I've said this 1000x :lol:

Iron mans suits, silver centiron and up, all have defense against EMP, energy attacks, explosives, physical attacks, and acids.

Extremis, turned his mind into a super computer, and made it so he could regenerate, breathe fire, shoot electricity out of his hands, blast the repulsors with or without the armor Engaged, and tune into satellites.

Tony is smarter, stronger, and faster than Bruce.
Yeah, Batman wouldn't be trying that.

He'd do what he does best, forming a comprehensive plan (with a back up or two) in which he's identified the target's specific weaknesses and executes it.

Weaknesses, weaknesses, hmmm can't think of any.
Couldn't batman just set off a EMP to shut down the thing in iron mans chest and then he dies????

I've said this 1000x :lol:

Iron mans suits, silver centiron and up, all have defense against EMP, energy attacks, explosives, physical attacks, and acids.

Extremis, turned his mind into a super computer, and made it so he could regenerate, breathe fire, shoot electricity out of his hands, blast the repulsors with or without the armor Engaged, and tune into satellites.

Tony is smarter, stronger, and faster than Bruce.
Idc either way Hulk could beat both of em
Everybody has them.

Even if you think Bats can't use them against him, he still has them.

Why doesn't Stark still use the bleeding edge armor?
Yeah, Batman wouldn't be trying that.

He'd do what he does best, forming a comprehensive plan (with a back up or two) in which he's identified the target's specific weaknesses and executes it.

Weaknesses, weaknesses, hmmm can't think of any.
Couldn't batman just set off a EMP to shut down the thing in iron mans chest and then he dies????

I've said this 1000x :lol:

Iron mans suits, silver centiron and up, all have defense against EMP, energy attacks, explosives, physical attacks, and acids.

Extremis, turned his mind into a super computer, and made it so he could regenerate, breathe fire, shoot electricity out of his hands, blast the repulsors with or without the armor Engaged, and tune into satellites.

Tony is smarter, stronger, and faster than Bruce.
Idc either way Hulk could beat both of em

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I've said this 1000x

Iron mans suits, silver centiron and up, all have defense against EMP, energy attacks, explosives, physical attacks, and acids.

Extremis, turned his mind into a super computer, and made it so he could regenerate, breathe fire, shoot electricity out of his hands, blast the repulsors with or without the armor Engaged, and tune into satellites.

Tony is smarter, stronger, and faster than Bruce.
In science and engineering yes.

In deducting Batman is and he's more adaptable in a given situation.

And plenty are stronger than Batman, that's a given.
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And then he throws the hulk knowing it wouldn't kill him into space and nearly gets the world destroyed because of it.
Tony's brain is adapted to think faster, and more effective after he got extremis ^

Everybody has them.

Even if you think Bats can't use them against him, he still has them.

Why doesn't Stark still use the bleeding edge armor?

Iron man retired. He had it removed from his body at that point.
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