Bear Gryllss Producer got Ethered by a Snake Damnnnnn is there no blood at all?? Did the snake actually rip that all off or did it fall off from venom?? What in the world..

that looks like Harvey Dent's foot.
roll.gif is there no blood at all?? Did the snake actually rip that all off or did it fall off from venom?? What in the world..
i think some venomous snakes toxins destroy tissue near where the bite happened.
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PFL when i decide to man up and look at the picture....but for thanks...kinda hungry don't want to vomit

edit: so i really wasn't as bad as i thought it would be...i stared at it for a bit just out of curiosity.
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"Some of the nurses were upset after seeing the injury, but refrained from crying in front of the producer since he was already running low on tissue"
"Some of the nurses were upset after seeing the injury, but refrained from crying in front of the producer since he was already running low on tissue"

What was done has been seen

:lol: I GET IT

but just fyi, for those that still don't get it, snake venom paralyzes and immobilizes the victim, but also starts to break down the flesh to make it easier for digestion. remember snakes don't chew.

the same goes for spiders, as they suck the post venom soup inside (since they can't chew).

so it goes without saying, do not **** with snakes that are venomous...cuz if you get bit, you'd better know how to
View media item 390558
to get to a hospital asap
Last edited: is there no blood at all?? Did the snake actually rip that all off or did it fall off from venom?? What in the world..
this was after the wound had been cleaned and disinfected and stuff at the hopsital, that's why there isn't any blood or venom..
:x :x :x traumatized i mean i think i can eat but shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid.....
That 2nd pic is just as bad :x
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Pic isn't that bad.

Damn snakes though. Every single one of them, poisonous or not. Damn them to hell, I say.
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