Beard Transplant Surgery Gaining Popularity in NYC

I'm good with my chinstrap goatee

I can't even get that :smh:  Genetics really screwed me over. All I got is a struggle mustache and some stray hairs on my chin and jaw.
Always wanted a beard but I can live without one. This beard transplant thing is ridiculous. Not as bad as Black Ice though :lol:

You're telling me :rolleyes

Pops has had that Rick Ross beard since I was born and I inherited alot from him except that. My moms fam is a bunch of baby faces so if my son ever grows up to have more facial hair than me, you best believe my household will be like basic training with mandatory face shaving every morning :lol:
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I'm good with my chinstrap goatee

I can't even get that
 Genetics really screwed me over. All I got is a struggle mustache and some stray hairs on my chin and jaw.
Always wanted a beard but I can live without one. This beard transplant thing is ridiculous. Not as bad as Black Ice though
You're telling me

Pops has had that Rick Ross beard since I was born and I inherited alot from him except that. My moms fam is a bunch of baby faces so if my son ever grows up to have more facial hair than me, you best believe my household will be like basic training with mandatory face shaving every morning
At least you had a chance. I was doomed from the beginning. Both sides of my fam don't grow beards
same reason females buy fake TnA

self esteem

i cant knock a guy who wants a nice beard or wants a head full of hair or nice hairline if he doesnt have one you dunno the feels that man deals with

fat ppl get stomachs chopped in half or get lipo

we live in a society where ppl want instant gratification
I can see Lipo but Fake TNA is just is only for the truly lacking but is a extreme measure like you cant just work on anything else. A fake beard just sounds so unmanly
Ive had a full beard since 14. I got one right now. matter of fact, Who do i get in contact with to sell mine? Its conditioned and shampoo'd bi-daily.
Smh I tried growng my hair and board out for 14 weeks once. Struggle beard it was smh, shot looked terrible but the fro was official.

I to create players on everygame with a full beard smh
I used to want a beard but I'm good with my side burns and 2Pac goatee.

14 weeks Will? Son was determined. :lol:
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I had a Beard when I was 11 full beard when I was 14. Full chest of hair when I was 14. I consider myself a very manly man. Fast cars, probably too much testosterone and adrenaline for the average man. I would NEVER think about a transplant even of my face was bald.
No thanks jeff. I keep it shaved nowadays anyways.

BRB, 64 year old looking like a 24 year old picking up 18 year old girls
Don't think I'ma be able to grow a beard, but I still got a couple years I think. I just rock the chin hairs and stache.
Can't grow a beard to save my life..but this is seriously pitiful.

Surgery to get a beard? Really? People really ain't happy with being who they are. That's sad.
i agree that having that surgery and spending up to 15k is outrageous. then again if that is what it takes for him to be happy then hey do you. Wish they would have showed the before and after. I was cursed with my father's baby faced looking family. I can grow a mean goatee, but no beard. My mom's side though, they are like wolves.

How do transgender woman to men get their beards? I always though it was the testosterone pills/injections they got made them grow the facial hair. WHy can't these dudes just do that instead of doing surgery. If they can make a woman grow a beard wouldn't that help them too?
So I just watched the video. I think it's the "surgery" aspect that are turning people off, me included. The positive though is that it is his own hair versus something like taking fake hair and implanting it into him. It's not like taking steroids to grow muscles. It's also not like dudes are going to be walking down the street with a sign that says "my beard was surgically implanted"
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