Beard Transplant Surgery Gaining Popularity in NYC

How do transgender woman to men get their beards? I always though it was the testosterone pills/injections they got made them grow the facial hair. WHy can't these dudes just do that instead of doing surgery. If they can make a woman grow a beard wouldn't that help them too?

Im no doctor, but my guess would be that it would **** up a man's natural process of producing testosterone. They keep taking those pills their body will realize its getting an outside source of testosterone and quit producing, thus making them rely on the pills.

Im 21 with the struggle beard, dont even got a stache forreal :smh:
If they can do this they have to be able to restore hairlines a more quick/efficient way for young men. Now THAT is starting to be a problem for young men and its out of their hands....i could understand why men lose self esteem after they start receding :smh:
If they can do this they have to be able to restore hairlines a more quick/efficient way for young men. Now THAT is starting to be a problem for young men and its out of their hands....i could understand why men lose self esteem after they start receding
A receding hairline has always been a problem for men my dude.

I wish they were in advanced stages of stem-cell research because this route appears to be the real answer to curing balding.
Wait..........WHITE PEOPLE pay for this? I thought this was only an Asian struggle.

It's so obvious that we're officially out of problems.
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