Being Homeless because I want and I can’t stay still.

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It’s been about a year and I don’t really want to stay any place I’ve been. I’m currently about to sleep on a dock by a lake.

The thing is I have money and lowkey that’s the problem. I can actually afford to be homeless plus I just SNAP. I’m lowkey living too fun to feel like **** for being homeless. I literally do whatever I want within reason.
Quick question: do you have health insurance?
Just found out (again) that I do have medicaid. I think I pay for things out of pocket more than I should.
Wanting to dedicate your life to travel and human experiences is one thing, running away from the notion of responsibilities is another.

Be safe.
I'm not doing that. I had direction and now I don't. It's cool as long as I have $ & pot.
If you’re not trolling, I actually agree with RustyShackleford RustyShackleford .

You should probably talk to a professional.

There’s a safety issue with walking around and sleeping in random outdoor areas.
I just saw a homeless dude on the corner screaming some nonsense and he had a cell phone. I immediately thought of this thread.
cant be homeless when you go back to moms house to do laundry and charge your phone

alexander supertramp rolling over in his grave

I met him in spirit. He's a cool dude.

You're Caribbean, so at the very least you're aware of witchcraft, but do u believe in it? If you don't, its real.

Yeah man, I'm on spiritual journey.

As I was saying...
Wait a minute…going back to moms for laundry? Or was that just a picture on top of a rando dryer?
When my mom died I had pretty much given up on life. I wasn't going to hurt myself but I didn't really care about anything. I spent the first few months after she died getting my affairs in order so that my wife would be fine if I died. My NT family encouraged me to get help and it was the best decision I made. I discovered that my grief was real and that many other people have dealt with the same thing and I am on the path.
Something just feels off about this situation

Giving off combo gd combo gd vibes

Yeah but hopefully this is part of the journey to figuring it out.

I appreciate the love y'all.

At least that is how I am taking your comments.

As for OP... you are just getting closer to the Garden of Eden. When you go into the Garden, you have to give up everything on the outside of the Earth first. Using marijuana activates your "core ah zone", corazon, or heart. That is what is giving you the heart to do more with less.

In order to get all the way into the Garden, you literally have to become the Garden. Your diet has to be all Earth based. If you eat food that continues to grow, so will you. The earth is the macrocosmic heart of God. There is a macrocosmic Garden of Eden, Core Ah Zone, or Heaven on Earth. Once you implement an Earth based diet and cleanse your body and mind of Earthly pursuits, earn enough cryptocurrency (crippled toe currency) by standing up to certain Earthly pursuits... I believe you will walk into the gates of the core ah zone here in Earth.
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