***Best music of 2009??***





In that order.
Originally Posted by highlife32

Originally Posted by Jiggaman414

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by M16

Originally Posted by highlife32

best cd of 2009 hands down............

sooo. which one is Mitchy?

here go mitchy with dj skee talkin about the CA gang injunctions.............and LMAO @ 1:05 when he shows the source article about bloods, and it shows a pic of lil wayne............

umm... i don't know anything about this dude or about SD, but in the vid dude was basically talking about he had no record whatsoever beforehe received the gang injuction. so how does that make him hard?
Not much good music.

Everything Im still listing to came out late 08.
But the production game was crazy this year.

Hence Ross's album

Originally Posted by schudj25


These are some of the best, so far.... I have a feeling Justin Vernon's side project is going to be good (Volcano Choir), but it could be my Wisconsin bias.

Goods songs of 09 so far that are not on any of these albums
Thome Yorke- All For The Best
Dan Deacon-Build Voice
Dan Auerbach-Whispered Words
Passion Pit-Swimming in the Flood( The beat is straight
Spoon-Got Nuffin
Volcano Choir-Island, Is

Can I get the name of these please? I know a couple but it would be appreciated.
Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion
M. Ward - Hold Time
Various Artists - Dark Was The Night
Andrew Bird - Noble Beast
Bon Iver - Blood Bank
Wilco - Wilco (the Album)
Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca
Mos Def - The Ecstatic
Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest

I really liked this album, I thought it was a very strong debut.



Only by the Night is my favorite release of the year so far.
so right, i decided to check out some of the music posted above, i went to amazon.com and looked up Dirty Projectors

am i not "getting it" cuz their music sounds off beat and out of tune to me.

no hate, this is my introduction to their music and i noticed that most of their songs sound like they were made by lil kids, just bangin instruments atrandom.
Originally Posted by wohcttank


Only by the Night is my favorite release of the year so far.
Kings of Leon came out last year.

Dirty Projectors is on the experimental side. I guess "freak folk" and "experimental" would describe them.
Originally Posted by shoepacalypse

This far deep in the thread and i cant believe no one has even made a nod or a mention for maxwell as best album. 8 year hiatus and still got it. Single song "fancy" while the lyrics arent steller the melodies and the production alone took this medicore track to a whole nother level

just about to post this. I don't come into the music forum often but decided to check this thread out for some music I wouldn't come across. Maxwell isa musical savant.
Originally Posted by TeamJordanKidd532


Cant believe it took 5 pages for this to be listed. Even though it's just an EP, it was one of the best releases of the summer.
Originally Posted by Wasps and Asps

so right, i decided to check out some of the music posted above, i went to amazon.com and looked up Dirty Projectors

am i not "getting it" cuz their music sounds off beat and out of tune to me.

no hate, this is my introduction to their music and i noticed that most of their songs sound like they were made by lil kids, just bangin instruments at random.
I couldn't disagree more... their music is more on the experimental side yeah, but I feel that their songs are very well composed.
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